SHEEP it GOATS ** SS.- ?V? TX'"." ■'s's^VA' WOOL Buying Wool, any quality fleeces need not be tied. West Earl Woolen Mill R#2 Ephrata, Pa. 17522 717-859-2241 For Sale - 20 breetfng Ewes, $35.00 each; Suf fok Ewe Lambs for fall breeding; Sunbeam clip per with electric motor, $75.00.717-648-3618. Registered Polled Dorset Rams. Show quality stock. Performance tested. Call 703-937-4671. Culpeper. VA. For Sale - 10 top quality registered Hampshire brood ewes, 1-7 years. Also February and March born ewe lambs. Chester County. 302-454-1641 after 7:00 PM. Purebred Yearling Suffolk Ram. Delaware Valley Agricultural College Stock, $lOO. Call evenings. 215-828-4372. Dairy Goat - Purebred, registered Saanen doe. Good milker, $2OO. Alpine/Saanen doe kid, $50.215-358-2328. SHEEP h GOATS For Sale - QUALITY CROSSBRED SUF FOLK /DOR SET/RAM BOUILET EWE & RAM LAMBS. Priced to sell. Lauden Acres. 717- 758-6284. For Sale - Quality Purebred Yearling Rams, V 4 brothers to these Rams placed Ist and 3rd at 1983 Pa. Yearling Ram Test. Affordable prices. Lauden Acres. 717-758- 6284. For Sale - Yorkshire Service Boars. Elwood E. Houser, 2150 Quentin Rd., Lebanon, PA 17042. 717-272-5798 or 273- 2921 Duroc, Yorkshire, Spotted Boars, Open Gilts and Bred Gilts. Calvin Lazarus and Sons, 4290 Bridge , Street, Whitehall, PA r 18052, 215-799-3375 or 3831. For Sale - Du roc boars & gilts. Sweigard Durocs, R.D. 3, Box 639, Halifax, Pa 717-896-3365. If you have swine to sell or buy - check our swine col umn. It is read weekly by thousands. 717-394-3047 or 717-626-1164. YORKSHIRE AND LAND RACE boars and gilts of al ages. Pseudorabies negative tested boars for saw at all times. Produc tion tested, certified meat tested. Show winners with many carcass champions. Daily drive-in and drive out service. Reno H. Thomas, Beavertown, PA 17813.717-658-5821. Farrowing Houses For Sale. 12x54 farmstead. 10 crate house; 24x28 crate house, two Ag-Star nurseries. Call 301-343-1375 or 301-343-1272. 5 bred gilts, 1 Yorkshire boar. 215-775-2568 or 215-777-1918. 35 Yorkshire & Hampshire bred guilts. Service age boars, open guilts ready to breed. John Strawbridge. 301-996-2022. Yorkshire Bred Gilts: Three due June 14, 18, 25; six due July 15, 26, 28, 29; few are bred to Hamp Boar. Red Run Farm RD2, Box 172 East Berlin. PA 17316 Phone 717-292-4634. For Sale - His pregnancy tester. Includes tester rod and rechargable battery, $250 firm. Cal 301-438- 3853. TOP QUALITY FEEDER PI6S FOR SALE REFERENCES FURNISHED Call Collect Fred Patterson MIDDLE TENNESSEE LIVESTOCK CO. j 615-364-7050 Duroc Boars Out of Champion bloodlines. Super fast growing and very aggressive We will deliver. PVR free #34 Validated herd #133. Rick Pfautz R.D. #l, Stevens. PA 17578 . 1 I Best of Quality j' 1 BOYCE | , LIVESTOCK CO., INC. I Shelbyville, Term I 615-294-5121 I 808 BOYCE I 301 I For Sale - Hampshire, Berkshire and Crossbred Boars. Terry Bennecoff, 215-285-6582. Call after 4 PM and dehvey available. Yorkshire and Hampshire Boars also Open Gilts. Delivery available. John Stnwbridie. 301-996-2022. Boars and Gilts breeding age and younger. Miller’s Yorkshire Farm, R.D. #l, Box 1366, Spring Grove, PA. 17362. 717-225- 1926. Boars, open gilts. All ages from healthy, quality, productive nerd. Purebred Yorkshires. Charles Hall, Box 263, Julian, PA. 16844. Centre County. 814-355-1647. Delivery available. DU ROC & SPOTTED BOARS Duroc. Spot. Crossbred Gilts BOURBON SPRINGS FARM R 2 Newville Pa 17241 Kenneth Ketterer Phone 717 423 6250 FEEDER PIGS 615-294-5: I DUROC YORKSHIRE Boars & Gilts Noland Freeze Guards Port-A-Hut LEMMON FARM RD 1, Newburg, Pa 17240 Bruce E. Lemmon or Bruce E. Lemmon Jr 717/423-6514 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 2,1984—C43 BOARS GILTS V 4 Yorkshire Vi York V* Duroc Vi Landrace */« Landrace Tested Pseudorabies Free Healthy Productive Breeding Stock IVAN M. SENSENIG 215-445-4649 FERTILITY. PRODUCTIVITY, DURABILITY I AND 11 PROFITABILITY - MAKES UP OUR HYBRID BREEDING STOCK SALES OR LEASE EAST COAST HOG SERVICE l[ 35 N. CEDAR ST. LITITZ, PA 17543 > > CALL OR WRITE ' 717-626-6566 GET THE BEST WITH E.C.H.S. DUROC BOARS and gilts, production tested, cer tified meat type show winning stock. Bloodlines of the best in the US. Par- Kay Farm, Park F. Thomas, Boa vert own, Pa. Phone 717-658-6544. HOG EQUIPMENT h SUPPLIES SPECIALIZING IN UP-TO-DATE DESIGN & QUALITY CONSTRUCTION OF HOG CONFINEMENT SYSTEMS. We also manufacture Confinement Equipment and handle a full line of products for today's swine industry, including automated ventilation, feed handling and nfenure handling systems. mtmmw PHONE XX LEBANON 717-274-3488 / <W' PA. ( EQUIPMENT 3 SWINE SYSTEMS FOR UK BEST AND THE MOST DIVERSIFIED HOC EQUIPMENT COMPANY LOOK TO & POULTRY SYSTEMS SPECIALISTS [FARMER BOYAG.] _M*BF>STCWN PA I, Ob / PH 'l7 866 7 56* | BEST IN DESIGN PRICE AND EXPERIENCE I^IvESPEC^ MODERN DESIGN IN BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT FOR HOG CONFINEMENT ★ GESTATION * FARROWING ★ NURSERY * GROWER ★ FINISHER ★ COMPLETE AUTOMATION FOR WA TERING. FEEDING, VENTILA TION HOG EQUIPMENT ft SUPPLIES Gestation Stalls in good condition. 16 units available. Used 4 years. 717-872-5884. Moorman Mfg. Co. Hog & Beef Products for the best return on your mineral investment. For Service 717-597-3031. I A
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