C42—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, iuna 2,1984 “Wisconsin and Canadian Dairy Cows For Sale - Ist, 2nd, and 3rd caH. Fresh and close springers. Cash, or credit with down pay ment. Specieize in selec ting cows for customers. Free delivery. Reuben Greenberg, Inc., Colum bus, New Jersey 06022. Phone 609-298-1021." Buyers ' & Sellers of Livestock - Be sure to check the advertisements lor cattle in the Lancaster Farming. You'll get results! 717-394-3047 or 717-626-1164. LEASE QUALITY DAIRY CATTLE Various plans available. Cal or Write: Dairy Farm Leasing 1700 Dupont Ave. South Minneapolis, Minn. 55403 612-377-1489 Western & Canadian dairy cows for sale. As a ser vice, we will select and deliver. Mary years ex perience. Terms available. Also lease program available. I. Greenberg and Son, Box 249, Mt. Hol ly, NJ 08060. Telephone 609-267-1101 REG. HOLSTEIN SERVICE AGE BULLS All are sired by the top A.I. bulls of the breed. Mam from high record dams, all bulls are home raised w/a large selection to choose from. Call John Barley, Star Rock Farms 717-872- 4058 W anted - Herd of dairy cows or heifers, 301-358-0412. For Sale - Guernsey cows and heifers, some fresh and some due soon, 215- 696-1387. For Sale - Chianina-Angus cross heifers and bulls, 717-872-5655. DAIRY CATTLE LEASING ■ Our #1 -priority real-top quality cows to make money lor you, the farmer, and for us! Call for details. 607-776-3478. D.H Rumsey, Bath, N.Y. Purebred registered Simmental Bull. Sired by Signal, born 2-27-83. Excellent disposition and performance record. Oldfield Cattle Co., Galena. MO. 301-648- 5105. 'A Chianina Bull registered, born 4-5-83, solid black, polled, tall and smooth, performance tested. Oldfield Cattle Co., Galena. MO. 301- 648-5105. 20 registered holstein cows. Rolling herd, 49 cows, 17,585 - 4.0 - 702. Calfhood vaccinated. Enjoyment Farm. 814- 926-3669 Ai ngus Cattle For Sale. Cows, Bulls, Heifers, Pairs, Club Calf Prospects, Myerstown, PA. 7X7-933-8274. FOR SALE - 25 feeders. Hereford, Hereford cross, steers and heifers Tunkhannock, PA. 717- 836-1836 after 4 PM For Sale ■ 8 springing Holstein heifers, due end of May and June, vac cinated, homeraised and blood tested. Leb. Co. 717-273-3679. For Sale - 5 Grade Holstein Heifers. Berks. Call 717-933-5831 after 7 PM. For Sale - 5 large holstein heifers ready to calve 215-593-5665. Wanted - Registered Or Grade Herd Of Jersey Cows. Also For Sale - one herd of Grade Hoi steins. Summer and Fall Cows. Due June, July and August. 717-393-0930. Registered Holstein BuHs • 1 yr. of age. Out of dams with records up to 30,000 milk, 1,000 fat. Turnpike View Farms, RD 1, Stevens. PA. 17578. Lane Co. 215-267-7208. REGISTERED POLLED HEREFORD PROVEN HERD SIRE - PS. per formance tested, 7 + frame, 2,200 plus lbs., excellent disposition, easy calver, pedigree loaded with mitt and type. Bom 3-30-79.814-237-0286. REGISTERED POLLED HEREFORD YEARLING BULL - Certified and tatooed, 1984 New York Performance Test. 2nd. highest index 119, 1128 yearling wt, 658 lb. 205 day weight. 3.77 A.D.G., Grade 14, 49.75 inch tall. Banner and RWJ Perfect 849-326 breeding. 814- 237-0286. FOR SALE - 16 black Angus cows with calves - calves sired by registered Angus bull and registered polled Hereford bull, $475/pair. Frarttln Co. 717-375-4551. Polled Herefords - with or without papers - Yearling and two year old heifers, cow and cad. one - two year old bull. No reasonable offer refused. W. Paul Halsey, Pytesville, MD. 301-452-8621 after 6.301-452-8610. WANTED Registered or Grade Holstein heifer calves, 5 to 10 days old, must be A.I. sired. Dams w/records of at least 16,000 milk and 3.7 test. Call 703-465-3508 Line Limousin Carlisle, PA Located Exit 12 of 1-81 Bulls - 2 yr. olds & yearlings $7OO to $1,200 Bred & open heifers ■ purebred. Also black % cows & calves $7OO Phone 717-243-1281 ' ANGUS CATTLE t FOR SALE I r JT* Established Quality? breeding Stock Cows,? (Pairs, Heifers, Club? (Calves, Feeders,? (Proven Bulls. fj | 1726 FARM f k Lebanon, N.J. 08833 ▼’ 201-832-5324 201-832-7944 ♦ SIMMENTAL CATTLE By Top A.I. Sires Performance Tested and Registered State Certified Herd ACHILLES CATTLE CO. SEMEN DISTRIBUTOR Edward Pierce R.D.2 Neshanic Station, NJ 201-369-4039 cross breds. Steers, heifers, cows and cow calf pairs. Call before 8 AM or after 9 PM. 301-898-7695. WANTED Holstein heifers, breeding age. Must be vaccinated. Call 717-394-5573 after 5 PM Monday, June 4, 1 PM Good local herd of dairy cattle Approximately 50 head All stages of lactation, health charts & pregnancy checked. For more information Call: Sherman Click 717-248-0960 Fred mcCartney 717-349-2393 Wayne Frederick 814-793-3370 FOR SALE 50 good, young, grade Hoisteins, 30 years Al breeding ABS and NEBA. Owners health reason for sale. Bradford County 717-673-5650 FOR SALE 60 cow herd. Take 60 out of 80. Averaging 3.9-4% with peak production in August, September and October. All first and second calf with a few starting to freshen with third calf. Milking 90-100 lbs. 717-354-4376 Polled Hereford Bulls Top quality, growthy bulls are available from one of the leading breeders in the east. Reasonably priced - $750 - $l,OOO Huckleberry Hall Farm Rt. 2, Box 434 Smithsburg, MD 21783 Call Sam Hunter, Mgr. 3Ol-824-4771 100 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS Open - Vaccinated - Breeding Age Can Be Grade-ldentified-Registered 717-687-7475 Stonehurst Farm, Inc. Strasburg, PA 17579 ATTENTION DAIRYMEN - ALWAYS AVAILABLE Large selection of high producing registered and grade Holstein firs{ calf heifers and cows Terms Cash or short term credit Also, our very popular lease plan All health precautions taken If you need a new herd additions or replacements call or write M. BARMANN & SONS, INC. P O Box 437 New Hampton, N V 10958 (914) 343-6875 Days ■ (914) 343-8381 Nights ENTIRE DAIRIES BOUGHT & SOLD Please Inquire About Our New Dairy Listing Service Eberly Angus Purebred angus cattle for sale. Bred cows, pairs, bred heifers, yearling heifers & yearling bulls Top Al sires represented 717-367-2174 or 814-326-4660 FOR LEASE Will lease to good farmers" Ist calf heifers w/optionj Jo buy Write: Sunrise Farms i Box 145 Codorus, PA 17311 Registered Holstein Herd For Sale 22 cows. B.A.A. 105. averaging 65 lb. of milk per day. Also heifers and calves for sale. York County. 717-792-2886 Service age registered Holstein Bulls by Pete, Star, Astronaut, Glendale, Chief and others. Dams classified Very Good with records over 29,000 lbs. milk and 1195 lbs. milk fat. STUMPLAND FARM 215-488-1965 FOR PUREBRED OR CROSS BREEDING A bigframed Logan Spring Angus bull will watch and serve your cows 24 hours a day just for his keep. And get easy-come fast growing calves. Reasonable prices. WATTS LOGAN SPRING FARM Bellwood, Pa. 16617 814-742-8097 FOR SALE 12 PUREBRED BLACK ANGUS COWS WITH CALVES AT SIDE. Cows sired by; Dynamo, Byergos Black Revolution 36, Mr. Angus, Power Play, Franchise & H.F. Career. Calves sired by: P.S. High Pockets, P.S. Power Play & Mr. Angus Prices start at $7OO. Some show prospects. Eden Croft Farm Mike Rugh R.D. 1 Box 95 Tyrone, PA 16686 Nite Phone: 814-684-1204 HORSES a MULES |j For Sale • Hackney Welsh Pony. Drives single and double; Hunter porw, 12.3 bred to Morgan, due fal 'B4. Set of double pony work harnesses; pony runabout, restored. Berks Co, 215-689-4124. WANTED - Ponies & small horses, good homes Guaranteed. 717-284- 340. For Sale - Registered 3 year old Thoroughbred filly. Also 1 - 3 year old and 1 - 2 year old thorough bred filly, both without papers. All sound and halter broke. 717-896- 8497. Fine selection of Arabian and Vi Arabian riding horses. YearKngs through 12 years of age. Pleasant V Stables. 717-369-5228. For Sale - Gentle driving pony. Sound and weD mannered, $275. Include harness and sulky. No dealers please. 717-933- 8763. APHC 1983 Filly. Bay starting to roan and mottle. Good 1985 show prog>ect. Call 215-926- Morgan Stud Service Trophy X Lipitt Bloodline; Joseph Esh, 2151 Forry Rd., Lancaster, PA. 17601. FOR SALE - 14 year old Bay quarter horse guilding, rides English or Western, excellent trail horse, needs aggressive rider. 717-437-2566. For Sale - 2 Standard Bred Horses, 3-4 years old, good broke. These horses are well mannered with . snap and good size. Also (1) 5 yr. old mule, a nod worker. Aaron K. Esh, R.O. #3, Box 86, Furnace Rd., Quarryville, PA. 17566. 16 Hand Morgan Stud Standing At Stud. Elmer Click, R.D. »1, Box 276, Gap, PA. 17527 along 897 first farm south of White Horse. Moorman Mfg. Co. Gro- Strong horse minerals. For Service. 717- 597-3031. For Sale - All purpose Mare, 16 hands, works nod single or double with Morgan filly, 2 weeks old. Phone 717-866-6086. FHkr, 3 years old, 15.2 H., QH type, quiet, green broke, flashy sorrel. 609- 358-6124. Registered Palomino quarter horse, 15.3 hands with tack. Western or English. 717-566-6180. Dauphin County. HORSES Ef MULES Tennessee waiters top pleasure horses, $5OO to $1800.33 head in stables, indoor riding, we aim to please! Also standing at stud, 16.2 black stallion with 8 world champions in his pedigree. 717-359- 9237. FOR SALE - 2 horses, 1 gray, 1 sorrel, ready for work. Samuel E. Stoltzfus Rte. 7 Coatesville, 19320 Chester Co. Pony Puling Contest - (1300 lbs. maximum), East Freehold Park Showgrounds, Freehold, NJ. Saturday, July 28, 1984, 3:00 p.m. For in formation call; Day (201) 946-3758/946-7270, Ev enings (201) 439-3645. Western Show Saddle, Forward seat Saddle, Registered Saddlebred Mare, Arabian Western Pleasure riding lessons on your horse. 717-687- 8837. Strasburg. PA. Arabian Horse Auction - June 16. Farmshow building. Harrisburg, PA. Call 301-756-2676 or 215-932-9752. AQHA Stud Service, $l5O Live foal guaranteed. Leb Co. 717-949-3246. MULES FOR SALE Omar F. Stoltzfus 2442 Creek Hill Rd. Lancaster, PA 17601 J.B. Franklin, Purcieville, VA will sell 3 registered Belgian mares at the New Holland Sales barn, New Holland, PA, Monday, June 4 JEN-AIR ACRES Breeder of Show Quality Quarter Horses At Stud- Bueno Call & Bar Steeley Bar Stop by & pick out your winner! R.D. 2. Box 179 Berks Co. I Bernville, Pa. 19506 215-488-6914 or 488-7131 Registered Purebred Nu bians - Yearling doe, adult black and white spotted buck, $150.00 each; Two Buck Kids, $45.00, ex cellent bloodlines. 717- 444-7243. Ram lambs born 2/84 cross bred (or the hand spinner. 1 all white ram, $B5; 1 all black ram, $100; 1 marble black & white ram, $lOO. Amazing Acres, RD 1. Womeisdorf, PA. 19567. Berks Co. 215-589-4023. For Sale - Black 3 /« Romney Ram Lamb Both parents black with beautiful fleeces. Also three mature ewes. Will trade for Corriedale ewe. 215-987-6902 Berks. For Sale • 15 Suffolk Ewes. 215-485-3903. 1 Registered Hampshire yearling ram. 2 Registered Hampshire ewe lambs sired by champion Hampshire ram at 1983 Farm Show. 717- 565-5960. Moorman Mfg. Co. Special sheep minerals. For Service 717-597-3031.
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