Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 26, 1984, Image 138
Dl4—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 26,1984 DE KALB, H. Sidedressing fertilizer refers to the application of fertilizer to row crops after the plants are established. The fertilizer is placed between the rows in a fashion that minimizes destruction of plant roots. Sidedress application can offer advantages to the grower, including delayed application, deeper placement, and increased efficiency. With modern application methods almost any of the common fertilizer materials can be used. The fertilizer materials applied by sidedressing have traditionally involved liquid manures, ammonia gas, and con centrated liquid fertilizers. Dry granules have been applied ex perimentally with a forced air carrier system. However, this practice has not yet reached common usage. The most typical element applied has been nitrogen. This is probably due to its high mobility in the soil, allowing it to move from the row centers to the plant roots. Sidedress is definitely passible for the other fertilizer elements also. The fertilizer material chosen for sidedressing determines depth of placement. Deeper placement requires more power and essentially becomes a tillage Iteration subject to soil type and moisture guidelines. Sidedressing fertilizer offers benefits For example, ammonia gas should be placed 5 to 10 inches deep. For best results, soils should be loose and dry enough to seal quickly trapping the gas after application. Heavy, poor structure soils may not only lose ammonia gas, but may also crack open and allow severe moisture loss. Inter-row tillage provided by sidedressing has also resulted in the fracturing of compacted soil layers, aiding in both water and root penetration for certain soils. liquid fertilizers can be dribbled onto the soil surface or knifed into the soil. Most common liquid nitrogen solutions and liquid manures contain both ammonia and urea. Leaving these materials cm soil surfaces, especially if soils are alkaline, can result in severe N loss due to volatilization. Some efficiency minded growers are applying liquid solutions with their row cultivators. Pumping liquid behind the outside cultivator shovels eliminates a special sidedress trip and results in placement 2 or 3 inches deep and 5 to 7 indies from the row. This is ideal placement of the less mobile mineral elements such as phosphorus. Placement of fertilizer to a depth greater than 3 inches can be a real advantage should the surface soil become dry, since fertilizer uptake requires soil moisture. Fanners using minimum tillage methods may find deeper placement valuable as a way of avoiding surface ac cumulation of nutrients. Sidedressing delays part of the fertilizer application. This allows a grower to delay expenditures and save on operating interest as well as balance his fertilizer application with actual plant stand and moisture EPHRATA Penn Ag Industries Association, Ephrata, will be holding its annual grain meeting at the Sheraton-Conestoga in Lancaster on June 25. Featured speaker will be Merrill Phillips, Manager of Ingredient Purchasing for the Central Soya Company, Inc. Fort Wayne, Ind. He will discuss “Assessing Your Buying Abilities.” Phillips holds a B.S. degree from the University of South Florida. He is responsible for the purchase of all major and micro feed ingredients for over 30 manufacturing facilities nationwide; and handles risk management of cash feed ingredient Poultry Producers: Talk TUrkey and Chicken with K&L Feeds! Call us Today about our New Grower Contr • FEATURING • • high quality feed for top conversion rates • top poultry service and management assistance • prompt payment RD#l Sehnsgrove, Pa 17870 *A QUALITY FEED FOR A QUALITY PRODUCT” conditions. In wet springs the elimination of a pre-plant fertilizer trip can result in earlier planting when the weather dears. Delayed application also avoids driving cm wet soils which may cause wheel track compaction and uneven seed emergence. Delaying fertilizer application is unwise, however, if early plant growth suffers. Thus sidedressing works well for managers using starter fertilizer or applying part of their fertilizer in *he fall 'The later Grain meeting on June 25 positions, commodity futures, and The banquet will begin at 6:30 p.m. market-related activities for the P® r P 61 " 800 18 $15.00. Anyone domestic feed division interested should contact Penn Ag at (717)-733-2238. UNIVERSITY PARK - On June 5-6, there will be a Commercial Hydroponics Conference at Penn State’s Keller Conference Center at University Park. The con ference is sponsored by The Department of Horticulture and the Cooperative Extension Ser vice. Topics to be covered at this meeting include; Insects, Diseases and Nutrition of Hydroponic -i Call Toll Free; (800) 332-6717 Or: (717) 374-0501 /K&L\ Contact: John Appel, Nutritionist li!l£S£J Jim Skinner, General Manager Hydroponics conference set application increases uptake ef ficiency. Material has less time to “tie-up” before actual plant uptake occurs. Farmers can also eliminate extra nutrient application to com pensate for losses from leaching and denitrification. The advantages of sidedressing, m most cases, outweigh the disad vantages. Soil and moisture con ditions, actual nutrient needs, and application flexibility will determine how it will fit individual situations. Vegetables, Types of Hydroponic Systems, Market Development, and Crop Production. The registration fee is $35.00, before May 31. After May 31 the fee is $40.00 per participant. If you are interested in receiving a registration form for the Con ference, contact the Penn State Extension Service in York County. Phone-757-9657. MID-SOUTH TRACTOR PARTS, INC. Rt 2 Box 316 SiKeston MO 63801 Save 50% Mid-West's Largest and Moat Comptata Inventory CALLTOLL FREE Out of State 1-800-325-7070 Missouri Res 1-800-392-0929 We Ship Anywhere