Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 26, 1984, Image 120
C44—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 26,1984 Purebred Yearling Suffolk Ram. Delaware Valley Agricultural College Stock. $lOO. Call evenings. 215-828-4372. Dairy Goat - Purebred, registered Saanen doe Good milker, $2OO. Alpine/Saanen doe kid. $50,215-358-2328. Registered Purebred Nu bians - Yearling doe, adult black and white spotted buck. $150.00 each; Two Buck Kids, $45.00, ex cellent bloodlines. 717- 444-7243. VIOO& Buying Wool, any quality fleeces need not be tied. West Earl Woolen Mill R#2 Ephrata, Pa. 17522 717-859-2241 ' . . », . . . . .a. __ . * “.“^***** l^iA **** M ** i ****** M a SWINE DUROC BOARS and gilts, production tested, cer tified meat type show winning stock. Bloodlines of the best in the U.S. Par- Kay Farm, Park F Thomas, Beavertown, Pa Phone 717-658-6544. For Sale - Du roc boars & gilts. Sweigard Durocs, R D. 3, Box 639, Halifax. Pa 717-896-3365. If you have swine to sell or buy - check our swine col umn. It is read weekly by thousands. 717-394-3047 or 717-626-1164. YORKSHIRE AND LAND RACE boars and gilts of all ages. Pseudorabies negative tested boars for sale at all times. Produc tion tested, certified meat tested, Show winners with mar* carcass champions. Daily drive-in and dnve out service. Reno H Thomas, Beavertown, PA 17813. 717-658-5821 For Sale - Yorkshire Service Boars. Ehwood E Houser, 2150 Quentin Rd., Lebanon. PA 17042. 717-272-5798 or 273- 2921 Duroc, Yorkshire, Spotted Boars, Open Gilts and Bred Gilts Calvin Lazarus and Sons, 4290 Bridge Street, Whitehall, PA 18052, 215-799-3375 or 3831 For Sale - Hampshire. Berkshire and Crossbred Boars. Terry Bennecofl, 215-285-6582. Call after 4 PM and delivey available Yorkshire and Hampshire Boars also Open Gilts Delivery available. John Strawbndge 301-996- 2022 Boars and Gilts breeding age and younger. Miller's Yorkshire Farm, R.O. #l, Box 1366, Spring Grove, PA 17362 717-225 1926 Purebred Hampshire Boars - service age PRV free tested. Stauffer Homestead Farm, East Earl. PA. 215-445-6209 or 717-354-7540 Facilities for 150-200 sows. Will produce feeder pigs and deliver to your farm on regular basis 717 653-5932 For Sale - Purebred Yorkshire boars, bred gilts and open gilts, carcass championship bloodlines, Willow Glen Farm, R 1 Box 221, Strasburg, PA 17579 717-786-2562 Yorkshire Service Boars. Brucellosis and Pseudorabies free herd. Will deliver Red Run Farm, RD #2. East Berlin, PA 17316, 717-292-4634 Hampshire ram and ewe lambs. Henry Showalter, Akron, Lane. Co 717-859- 1094. For Sale - 25 Suffolk and Dorset sheep. 2-5 years old, $50.00 each or $l,OOO for aN Schuylkill County. 717-386-4743. 2 year old white mixed breed Milking goat Freshened Janaury 30, $65. Elam L. Fisher, R.D 2, Honey Brook, PA 19344 TCP QUALITY FtE'DCft PIQS FOR SALE REFERENCES FURNISHED Call Collect Fred Patterson MIDDLE TENNESSEE LIVESTOCK CO. 615-364-7050 Duroc Boars Out of Champion bloodlines. Super fast growing and very aggressive We will deliver. PVR free #34 Validated herd #133. Rick Pfautz R.D. #l. Stevens, PA 17578 215-267-3739 ' ***" r -'S • umm Mj BOARS Vi Yorkshire Vi Landrace V* Landrace Tested Pseudorabies Free Healthy Productive Breeding Stock IVAN M. SENSENIG 215-445-4649 IiUK W , '*> THIS IS ONE OF THE PACKAGES OUR GILTS COME IN. BOARS AND GILTS SALES OR LEASE CALL TODAY 717-626-6566 EAST COAST HOG SERVICE , 35 N. Cedar St. Lititz, PA 17543 FOR SALE - Commercially tanned lambskins. $2O - Montgomery Co 215-584-4356. For Sale - 20 breeding Ewes, $35.00 each; Suf folk Ewe Lambs for tall breeding. Sunbeam clip- Boars, open gilts. All ages from healthy, quality, productive herd. Purebred Yorkshires Charles Hall, Box 263, Julian, PA 16844. Centre County. 814-355-1647 Delivery available For Sale - Service Age Boar Hogs 717-656- 7754. For Sale - 31 head of Feeder Pigs. Phone 717- 865-4083. For Sale - Service age boars Yorkshire and Yorkshire Landrace cross, tested pseudorabies free Warren Molt. 717-656- 9764 For Sale - Hampshire ser vice age boars Sound and aggressive. 717-292- 4634. Farrowing Houses For Sale. 12x54 farmstead. 10 crate house; 24x28 crate house, two Ag-Star nurseries Call 301-343-1375 or 301-343-1272 GILTS Vi York V* Duroc SWINE For sale - 40 Yorkshire cross bred gilts. $250 Wanted - Will pay each or buy all and get 2 premium lor double yoke male hogs free 717-865- eggs. Contact Esh Egg 3488 Farm. 717-768-8542. 5 bred gilts, 1 Yorkshire EGO 1215 G Kuhl egg boar 215-775-2568 or washer dryer; Candler 215-777-1918. and grader SR-2 “ ' eggomabc; 8 ton Brock buk bin with flex auger 215-799-3378 OUROC& SPOTTED BOARS Duroc. Spot, Crossbred Gilts BOURBON SPRINGS FARM R 2 Newville Pa 17241 Kenneth Ketterer Phone 717 423 6250 FEEDER PIGS Best of Quality BOYCE LIVESTOCK CO., INC. Shelbyville, Tenn 615-294-5121 808 BOYCE 615-294-5301 I SR 30 Eggomatic egg j grader w/candler & j automatic counters; 4 ' automatic packers-Model SR 30, conveyor belts, cross belts; carton closer, round table, coolers, com pressors & 12, 42” direct drive fans, never used 301-775-7475. DUROC YORKSHIRE Boars & Gilts Noland Freeze Guards Port-A-Hut LEMMON FARM RD 1. Newburg, Pa 17240 Bruce E. Lemmon or Bruce E. Lemmon Jr 717/423-6514 HOG EQUIPMENT ft SUPPLIES SPECIALIZING IN UP-TO-DATE DESIGN & QUALITY CONSTRUCTION OF HOG CONFINEMENT SYSTEMS. We also manufacture Confinement Equipment and handle a full line of products for today's swine industry, including automated ventilation, feed handling and rrfanure handling systems PHONE 717-274-3488 A IQUIPMfNT SWINE SYSTEMS FOR THE BEST AND THE MOST DIVERSIFIED HOG EQUIPMENT COMPANY LOOK TO SWINE & POULTRY SYSTEMS SPECIALISTS FARMER BOY AG. 41Q( LINIOLNM MYCHSTQWN PA I QC' BEST IN DESIGN. PRICE AND EXPERIENCE WE SPECIALIZE IN THE LA TEST AND MOST MODERN DESIGN IN BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT FOR HOG CONFINEMENT ★ GESTATION * FARROWING ★ NURSERY ★ GROWER ★ FINISHER ★ COMPLETE AUTOMATION FOR WATERING, FEEDING, VENTILATION For Sale - Used 11" wooden chicken coops Good Poultry Services, Inc 717-684-2228 or 2853628 WANTED - Roof slats for chicken house, not less than 10' long, give price and condition. Amos F Stoltzfus, RD 3. new Holland 17557, along Vognbille Rd. FOR SALE - Discontinued Egg Business. Items for sale include; 2, 8 - ton metal feed tanks, Choretime automatic feeding system; Hart-cup watering system for 16,000 birds; triple-deck cages; feed troughes. automatic egg gatherers, manure scraper; gutter cleaners; 2 motors & pumps for vacuum lift. 1 Kuhl egg washer, 1 Model 20 week old pullets for August. Available Local. Reply to Lancaster Farming, Box 366, 0-142, Lititz, PA 17543 HOG EQUIPMENT Cr SUPPLIES Gestation Stalls in good condition. 16 units available. Used 4 years. 717-872-5884. LEBANON PA. % PH 717 066 7 565 POULTRY t> SUPPLIES Farmer Automatic 4 deck cage systems, for pullets & layers. No pits needed in building. Reynolds & Ye Hot t, 12800 Gores Mill Rd., Reisterstown, MD 21136.301-833-1840 Cornish-Giant meat chicks, Hubbard Leghorns. Golden Comets, Barred Rock and other breeds Also turkeys, ducks, geese, guineas. Weekly delivery to your farm in quarantine zone CASE HATCHERY, Brodbecks. PA. 717-235- 2050. WANTED Condemned Poultry House-We will lease or joint venture for breeding rabbits. Call John 215-343-9020 Standard and fancy bred chicks plus ducks, geese, turkeys, and game birds for sale Write for free brochure HELMLINGERS CHICKS R D 1 Box 741 Hill Rd Allentown. NJ 08501 609-758-3892 Sen direct to us for cash. * Fowl * Pigeons * Bantams * Pullets * Capons * Rabbits * Guineas * Chuckers * Turkeys * Lambs * Goats JACK MINTZ POULTRY 215-267-4784 FEED ft SEED Ear corn good quality approx. 15 ton. $l3O a ton You pick up Berks Co. 215-488-7060. 80 ton of corn silage, $35 per ton; 45 acres of barley for barley silage Morgantown, PA 215- 286-9510 WANTED SHELLED CORN AND EAR CORN 340,000 Bushel Storage Fast Unloading Trucks Available SHOOP GRAIN CENTER RD 1 Milton, PA 17847 717-524-0325 z* YOU HAVE GRAIN | WE BUY | IF YOU NEED GRAIN ! WE SELL | Ear Corn - Shell Corr. | Soybeans | Custom Drying - Contracting NELSON L. ROHRER Lancaster, PA 717-569-7929 717-569-4383 FEED h SEED Hay clover and orchard grass by the ton or by the bale. 609-921-1777 or 921-1743. For Sale - Alfalfa hay Ist through 4th cuttings, so cents and up. 301-452- 5801. Ear corn for sale 717. 872-2867. For Sale - High Moistuie Corn, excellent quality, been tested, $ll5 per tori here on the farm 301- 348-5011. Wanted Mulch hay Current prices paid Hudson Farms, Inc Call 215-869-2408 or 869- 2409 : OR SALE CORN SILAGE 717-872-4058 Wanted - WHEAT STRAW 717-799-5306 Alfalfa, Ist, 2nd and 3rd cutting and mixed hay Can deliver Phone 215- 767-1408, evenings For Sale - Soybean Seeds 40 bags Stanford UR3393 variety, 50 bags Stanford Baron 111 variety, both are medium Group III; 100 bu certified Williams 82 soybeans Chester County Phone 215-286 6388 For Sale - 700 bu soybeans, Williams Pella + Asgrow 3127, cleaned, excellent germination, out of certified seed 10.50 bu 717-993-2206 after 9 p.m York County. For Sale - 13 acres Ist cutting Alfalfa Hay for Haylage Lititz area 717- 397-5154 between 7 and 5. Corn Silage For Sale Approx. 75 ton on a pile $3O per ton picked up Will load. 717-299-4592 For Sale - Hay, Straw, Corn, trailer load lots. We will deliver 7 1 7-494- 0550 Timothy Hay For Sale $75.00 a ton. Want to clean out mow Sch Co 717-345-3759. For Sale - Hay. Alfalfa, second and third cutting, top quality. 301-692- 5048. For Sale - Excellent quality corn silage. 215-458-8260 after 7:00 P.M. For Sale - Quality Hay and Straw by trailer load, new Hay available soon We buy too. 717-524-9223 For Sale - AHalfa-Pennlate Orchard, first cutting, priced at the field, $75 ■ $lOO per ton Hauling can be arranged. Preston Boop. 717-966-3565 or 717-966-1658. FOR SALE - 1200 bushel Astro oats Clinton Co, PA 717 745-3319