Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 26, 1984, Image 107
JD 44401978 w/Rops Canopy AC 70001978 w/Cab& Air Vernon E. Stop Co. 5859 Urbana Pike a Frederick, Md. 21701 301-663-3185 « Dismantling Combines for parts over 285 all makes and models. Call before you come, IH 64, 76. 80, 82, 125, 127, 141, 101, 151, 91, 93, 203, 303, 403, 503, 205 & 815. JD 12 A. 25. 30, 40, 45, 55, 95.105 AC 60. 66. Gleaner A, C, CM, E or L MF Clipper, 26, 27. 70. 80,90. 72, 82. 92, 35, 300, 410 & 510 Oliver 33. 35. 40. 430, 525 & 545 Ford SP & pull. 701 Nl Uni tractor, Ml Uni -705 D (ear corn unit), combine & shellers, Case 800 & 660.600. COMBINES lh 101,10’ gram. IH 82 pull type MF 300 12’ gram & 3 row 30' corn head iH 503 Diesel, cab and grain & corn head IH 203 gram head JD 7700 Diesel, hydro, rotary screen w/gram head E Gleaner, cab & 10' head C 2 Gleaner cab, grain & corn heads, motor overhauled, all new bearings on combine front to back end last fall IH 915 D, cab. gram & corn heads 1H403, cab& 13' head JD 4400, cab & head 02 Gleaner w/2 heads NH 985 cab with quick tach grain head MF 300. cab. 13’ gram head, 2 row corn head. $3500 JD 6600 cab & grain head IH 76 pull type PTO w/bin Massey 72 w/10' grain head TRACTORS FarmaS*? 3 400 Gas Tractor Farmall Super C, $1175 Farmall H w/cultivator JD 3010 gas, $2875 2-Massey 44, real nice, one w/power steering & live PTO IH fully equiSMo 2-Ford 6000 Diesels. 67 HP. $2500 each IH 1256 3 pt. wide front. $6500 2 Farmall H w/hyd $775 each BN Farmall w/mower, $BB5 MF 2745 cab duals, 1200 hrs , $15,500 White 2-105 roll guard, $9500 Case 1370, 165 HP, as is. $6950 IH C w/cultivator AC C w/side mounted mowers & cultivators w/hyd raulic Corn & grain heads, IH 12' off 815 combine IH 733 3 row, 30” off of 815 MF 3 row 30" for a 300 or 410 MF 13' grain for 300 AC 3 row 30” for E&K JD #8 mower IH 7’ mower JD #5 mower IH Loader, real nice, fits Farmall C, Super C 200, 230 & 240 DISMANTLING TRACTORS FOR PARTS Harvesters and Corn Heads for Parts JD 2010, 70D, 4010, IH 560 D, IH 660 D, IH F M, 1256, 340, F3O, F-20 A. B, C, H, M, 300, 350, 460, 460 Ut.. Supers C, H & M JD A, B, 50 & 60. 3010 D. AC WD, WC, Dl7. Oliver 70 & 77, 88. 60 Ford BN. Ford 6000 D. Case 300, SC & V A C , DC AC 180. AC 190, AC C, CA. MF 1155, Massey 44D, 333, 30, MF 85D, IH 400, MTA, 240, F2O, WD D 2 Cat crawler JD 70 G, Oliver crawler, 2 Oliver trawler loaders Dismantling 50 pickers for parts POSITIVELY NO OUT OF STATE PERSONAL CHECKS KEUER'S FARM MACHINERY R.O 111 Halifax, PA 17032 Rt. 225 20 mi. north of Hbg. Phone: 717-362-9574 TILLAGE 12’ culttmulcher 2 btm. 14' drag plows JD RWA 14' wheel disk, $775 .^ Ford 4 rov<sj!SSer JD 1240, 4 row planter, real nice Oliver 3 btm. 14" trip pull plow AC 2 & 3 btm. plows AC CA cultivator JD 1450 6 btm 16" plow, $ 1750^ 3-IH 10’ discs IH 6 row cyclo planter w/dry fert. Mow hawk trailer chisel plow, $1550 Ford 2 W«ftl2" 3 pt. plov!snSo IH 9 tooth trailer type chisel plow, $1350 JD 1240 plateless planter w/liquid fertilizer MISC. JD roll-a-bar rake Nl 9' haybine, nice IH Cub spreader. $3OO Nl9' haybine Oliver 4 btm. trailer plow 1 & 2 row corn pickers All steel farm dump trailer holds about 500 Du-of corn Nl 213 spreader w/new drag chain & sides, $1275 Hawk Bilt tank spreader, $575 IH H or M, NH 461 haybine $775 JD 480 haybine $750 Oliver 9' haybine $675 NH 469 haybine $1275 MF unloading 5000 Ford diesel NF 3010 John Deere diesel NF 4 Star Maline & loader 2031HC combine 268 NH baler w/thrower 605 A Vermeer round baler 455 IHC 4-row planter Miller disc B’, 9’, & 10’ transport discs PH: 717-432-4598 After 5 TRACTORS AC 7020 P S w/Cab & Air - Full w/Weights 1255 hrs Tag #UO47 USED HAY EQUIPMENT NH 320 Baler w/Bale Thrower (Tag #UO3B) NH 320 Baler w/Bale Thrower (Tag #UO39) NH 320 Baler w/Vi Turn Chute (Like New) NH 282 Baler w/Bale Thrower (Tag #UO4O) Int #37 Baler w/Bale Thrower (Tag #UO3S) NH Super 68 Baler w/Bale Thrower NH 489 Haybine (Tag #UO33) NH 49512' Haybine Int. 990 Haybine (Tag #UO3O) Int. 990 Haybine (Tag #UO3I) Int. 1190 Haybine, 9 ft. (1 yr. old) IH 445 Baler w/Thrower Hesston 1014 Hydro Swing USED UNI EQUIPMENT 702 D Uni Tractor w/Cab (Tag #U010) 702 G Uni Tractor w/Cab (Tag #U008) 702 G Uni Tractor w/No Cab (Tag #UOO9) 705 D Tractor w/Cab & Fully Weighted 767 Uni Harvester (Tag #UOI7) 760 Uni Harvester (Tag »U 021) 766 Pickup Head (Tag #UO2S) 766 Pickup Head w/Gauge Wheels (Tag #UO26) 766 Pickup Head w/Gauge Wheels (new) (Tag »U 027) 766 Pickup Head (Tag #UO2B) 762 2 Row Chopper Corn Head (Tag #UO22) 762 2 Row Chopper Corn Head (Tag #UO23) 774 4 Row (Narrow) Chopper Corn Head (Tag »U 018) 729 A Shelter (Tag «U 024) 717 Combine w/713 Gram (Tag #UOI4) 713513 ft. Flex Grain Head (Tag #UOIS) 724 3 Row Wide Stripper Head (Tag »U 020) 737 Husker (Used 3 Seasons) 843 N Cornhead (3 Row - Used 2 Seasons) 741 Feeder House USED COMBINES * CORN HEADS A CORN PICKER AC KKS Combine (1976) w/10 Ft Header MF 300 Combine w/Cab & 10 Ft. Header MH 82 Combine w/10 Ft Header MF QT 24 2 Row Corn Head (2 in stock) AC A 430 (4 row Narrow) Corn Head (Adpt to Fit F 2 & M 2) AC FL33O Cornhead (Nice N1324/327 2 Row Wide Cornpicker TILLAGE 12Vi Ft Miller Offset Disc (New Blades) (Tag #UO62) USED FORAGE NH 707 (3 pt) Harvester w/Corn & Pickup Heads Brady 722 Flail Chopper (6 ft) (Tag #UO72) NH Super 23 Forage Blower MANURE SPREADERS NI 218 Manure Spreader (Tag #11005) Hawk Built 187 Tank Spreader (w/New Lid) (Tag #11001) NH 518 Manure Spreader w/2 Beaters, As Is NI 214 Manure Spreader w/Flail Beater And Hyd. Endgate Starline 180 Bu Tank Spreader USED SKID STEER LOADERS Hydra-Mac 8C Loader w/Fork & Bucket (Tag #UO64) USED EQUIPMENT COMING 1N... 5400 White Corn Planter, 4 Row Wide 400 Int. Cyclo Corn Planter, 6 Row 600 AC No Till Corn Planter w/Plates, 4 Row A Z«k/C0 SPERSV+ NEW IDEA NEW HOLLAND' SHARTLESVILLE FARM SERVICE RO 1, Hamburg, PA 215-488-1025 H. Daniel Wenger, Prop. 1033 Dealer for ITCO Corp • Over 9,000 items At Discount Prices FARM EQUIPMENT HERR & LEAMAN Used Farm Equipment Sales & Service 10 miles S. of Lancaster along Rt. 222 QUALITY TRACTORS AND EQUIPMENT/REASONABLY PRICED/SERYICED & BACKED WITH A WARRANTY/WILL DELIVER ANYWHERE JD 4030 w/sound gard, cab & air, 18 4x38 rubber, fully equipped, nice JO 4000 Diesel, wide front, year round cab, fully equipped JO 4430 w/sound gard, cab & air. fully equipped JO 4430 sound gard, cab & air, very nice JO 2640 w/hi-lo heavy duty front axle JO 2030 Diesel, heavy duty front axle JO 730 Diesel, nice JO 630 w/power steering, nice little tractor JO 1530 Diesel JO 830 3 cylinder O w/JD loader JO 4320 w/factory cab, wide front, 3 pt. Quick attach loader for JO utility tractors Oliver 1950 T w/over & under IH 1456 w/factory cab, dual PTO's and hydraulics, sharp IH 1066 w/factory red cab & air, new TA & clutch, dual PTO & hydraulics IH 806 WF, 3 pt., new paint IH 1206, WF, 3 pt., newTA, excellent 1H1066, no cab, fully equipped, one owner IH 19781086 cab & air, fully equipped IH 1066 w/cab and air. good solid tractor IH 806 D, wide front, 38" rubber IH 656Djesel, WF, 3 pt. IH utility MF 1080 w/multipower, dual remotes, 16.9x38 rubber MF 285 Diesel, fully equipped - weights MF 26SHesel, fully equipped - weights, 770 hours AC front Nl 703 Powerunit w/in line 6 cylinder gas Ml 717 combine Nl 729 A shelter Nl 705 Diesel power unit, very nice Nl 708 Diesel, hydro., cab & air Nl 737 husker Nl 730 4R wide cornhead Gehl 300Qskid steer loader hitch rotary mower, 5' NH Super 23 Blower Cab to fit JD 3010 through 4020 Vermeer 1 605 E round baler w/all options, real nice Factory cab for 701 and 702 Uni JD canopy with full enclosure for JD utility Dual wheels - 34 s and 38's Box 91 New Providence. PA 17560 Business Ph. 717-786-1606 Daytime and Most Evenings Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 26,1984-C3l JD 4630 Tractor JD 4430 Tractor w/roll guard JD 4430 Tractor w/Row Crop Fenders JD 4240 Tractor w/Cab, PS JD 4020 Side Console, WF JD 2640 Tractor JD 650 Tractor MF 135 Tractor w/mower Oliver 1950 Tractor Farmall 656 Tractor JD 7000 6R Consv. Planter w/Liquid Fert. JD 7000 4R Consv Planter w/liq. fert. JD 1240 4R Plateless Corn Planter N 1325 2R Picker Sheller NI 323 1 Row Corn pic^ e r JD 3800 Chopper w/2R com head JD 110 Disc JD B Plane 15 Disc Grain Drill JD 83Q0 (23x7) Gram Drill JD Kilafor offset Disc Taylorway offset Disc JD FB Grain Drill John Blue 400 gal. Applicator John Blue 1000 gal. Nurse Tank JD 4400 Combine w/Platform & C.H. JD 7700 Combine JD 7700 Combine w/643 Com Head & Plat form Gleaner A Combine JD 244 Com Head N 1279 Cut/ditioner JD 10’ Pull Type Chisel Plow JD 1450 4B Plow JD F 145 5B Plow IH 5B Plow IHOBPIow JD 2840 Tractor w/ Cab JD 2 Bottom Plow NHRake Used Hay Wagon ENFIELD EQUIPMENT INC. Whlteford,MD 21160 Ph: 301-452-5252