Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 19, 1984, Image 98
Cl4—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 19,1984 EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 4430 John Deere Tractor, Cab, Air, AM-FM 850 New Holland Round Baler, Autowrap Glenco 7 Tooth Chisel Plow 1010 John Deere Field Cultivator, 18 Ft Wide 3940 John Deere Forage Harvester, 3 heads Tobacco Lithe Two Double Steel tobacco Ladders These Are In Excellent Condition Call (717) 898-8691 FOR SALE JD 3010 w/wide front Same 70 w/4 WD NHL3S Skid loader JD 2440 w/146 loader MF 1135 w/duals, cab & air MF 1155 w/cab & air IH 3200 Skid Loader MF 550 combine w/1143 com head Ford Round Baler Bushhog 12’ Chisel plow 418 Automatic reset plow 4 irrigation pumps 8,000 feet 6 inch irrigation pipe 6 field cultivators from 10’-24’ L&M BURKHOLDER Ephrata, PA. 717-859-2960 717-859-2712 FARM TRACTORS New Ford Tractors Model 7710, 5600, 4610, 4600, 1900, 1510; Used Ford Tractors Model 2110, 4000, 5000, 8000, BN, Fordson Major Diesel, Farmall H, Super H, 340 w/loader, Cub, 154 Low Boy, A, Case, Allis Chalmers, Kubota 345DT, Gravely, IHC Cub Cadet, Bolens, Wheel Horse 14 h.p., Suzue, Yanmar 4 WD w/mower, Kubota 305 4 wheel, Long tractor. INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT Ford Forklift 600, 4000, AC Crawler HDS, Ford Compact Loader Model CL34O, CL4S, Bobcat Melrose Skid Loader, Ford 340 TL, Ford 445 TLB, Ford 4500 TLB, Summerset Sweeper, Ford 550 TL, Vermeer Trencher, Warner Swasey Forklift. MISCELLANEOUS General Trailer 12 ton, 9 ton, 6 ton, Honda motorcycle, Moped, Ford planter 6 row w/fert. insecticide box, seed box and monitor, Moore all till drill. j MOORE DRILL FOR RENT I in?.^?n F On j CALL US FOR INFORMATION j STRALEY FARM SUPPLY, INC. Farm - Industrial Equipment Ford, IHC, Kubota. Woods, Sale & Service Bush Hog, Danuser, Little Giant Dover, Pa. 17315 717-292-4443 Nothing like it on earth." GOOD USED TRACTORS • 4440 JD S.G. & Q.R. • 8600 Ford w/Cab • 8600 Ford w/Sun Shade • 1100 MF • JO 40 w/Cultivators • 4500 Ford Tractor Loader • 4500 Ford Tractor Loader, Backhoe • 3400 Ford Tractor Loader • IH 384 • IH 84 Hydro ‘T> l ' v>- /- NEW EQUIPMENT TRACTORS “ JD 215 Flex Platform JD643 Corn Head JD 6620 Combine JD 213 Flex Platform m or pc jd 444 c - Head ID 4450 ST ’ PS JD 4420 Combine MFWD ’ PLANTING EQUIP TILLAGE JD 7000 Cons. Pltrs. m^TiT T Jo™?™.™ JD 115 10‘ Disc ISC JD2IS 11’5” & 12’10” USED EQUIPMENT Disc Oliver 1800 Dsl. JD 1610 Chisel Plow Tractor JD 415 Rotary Hoe JD 1240 Planter w/Liquid Fert. HAY TOOLS Pittsburg 4 Bottom JD 1219 Mower Con P l ®* , ditioner Pittsburg 12’Disk NH 28 Blower rw„ NH 489 Haybine IH Soy bean Drill NH 38 Crop Chopper 21x7 NH 451 Mower IH 1440 Combine NH 256 & 258 Rakes w/13’ Platform & NH 782 Harvester 4RW Corn Head ototr JD 4020 Tractor EQUIPMENT JD 1065,1075 Wagons AC & Combine Century 500 Gal. JD 643 Com Head Sprayer JD 244 Corn Head DeLaval Manure Fox 3000 Fg. Harv. Pump Lely Roterra 13’6” FahrKHSOOAS JD 6 Row Max Tedder Emerge Planters Lamco 18’Bale Body -1 w/Liquid Fer- NH 355 Grinder- tilizer & 1 w/Dry Mixer Fertilizer DEKALB-PfIZER SEED CORN WAIVER OF INTEREST ON MANY ITEMS ■TJ I. G. SALES DeLAVAL Silverdale, PA 18962 Quonset JAMESWAY 215-257-5135 Buildings EDKUBOTIT • 516 NH • 795 NH, 2Yrs. Old PLOWS A DISCS • (2) 5 Bottom Oliver Cushion Trip • (2) 4 Bottom Ford Mounted • (1) 10 Ft. New Ford Disc • (1) 12 Ft. New Ford Disc • (1)8 Ft. Used Rhino • (1)9 Shank Rt 419 b iEP SPREADERS Liquidation of Farm Machinery John Deere #360 four-bottom plow Glenco 16 ft. field cultivator New Holland bale rack wagon Gehl #CB6OO forage harvester with two heads - two-row low profile corn head & hay pickup head International #56 silo blower Gehl #BUBS two-beater forage wagon Gehl #7lO three-beater forage wagon with 10 ton gear New Idea #324 corn picker with 12 roll husking bed John Deere #l5 flail chopper Century sprayer Hood for John Deere 4440 tractor Large round 12 hole hog feeder Four, Five and eight hole hog feeders For information on above items contact John J. Forry R. #5 Box 424, Hanover, Penna. 17331 Telephone (717) 632-4022 g-lndustrial Equip. Co. (Jjj| & boboat (NEW HOLLAIND ALLIS-CHALMERS mm TRACTORS AC 7060 PS (1) Ford9N AC 7040 JDB AC 7000 1H656H AC D-19 David Brown 1212 AC 190 Case 2390 AC WC KubotCgOSOE Case 930 KubotaßB2oo BALERS jDaasa ME 12 w/thrower Hesston 4600 NH 845 Round NH 276 w/thrower NH 278 w/58 Thrower NH 269 w/53A Thrower NH 846 Round MOWERS NH 462 Disc JDSideMt Bushhog Batwing JD2SA Flail Watson 5’ ffiOlower LOADERS AC 640 arlggQSed JD 2010 Crawler Dozer MiteyMacSC (2) ml 425 NH 445 w/Deutz Diesel NHL77S HERR & LEAMAN Used Farm Equipment Sales & Service 10 miles S. of Lancaster along Rt. 222 JO 4030 w/sound gard, cab & air, 18.4x38 rubber, fully equipped, nice JD 4000 Diesel, wide front, year round cab, fully equipped JD 4430 w/sound gard, cab & air, fully equipped JD 4430 sound gard, cab & air, very nice JD 2640 w/hi-lo heavy duty front axle JD 2030 Diesel, heavy duty front axle JD 630 w/power steering, nice little tractor JD 1530 Diesel JD 830 3 cylinder O w/JD loader JD 4320 w/factory cab, wide front, 3 pt. Quick attach loader for JD utility tractors Oliver 1950 T w/over & under (1) IH 1456 w/factory cab, dual PTO's and hydraulics, both nice tractors IH 1066 w/factory red cab & air, new TA & clutch, dual PTO & hydraulics IHBO6WF, 3pt.,newpaint IH 1206, WF, 3 pt., new TA, excellent IH 1066, no cab, fully equipped, one owner IH 19781086 cab & air, fully equipped IH 1066 w/cab and air, good solid tractor IH 806 D, wide front, 38" rubber IH 656 Diesel. WF,3pt. IH 300 gas utility MF 1080 w/multipower, dual remotes. 16.9x38 rubber MF 285 Diesel, fully equipped - weights MF 265 Diesel, fully equipped - weights, 770 hours AC Dl7 wide front Nl 703 Powerunit w/in line 6 cylinder gas Nt 717 combine Nl 729 A shelter Nl 705 Diesel power unit, very nice Nl 708 Diesel, hydro., cab & air Nl 737 busker Nl 730 4R wide cornhead Gehl 3000 skid steer loader Woods 3 pt. hitch rotary mower, 5' Cab to fit JD 3010 through 4020 Vermeer 4605 E round baler w/all options, real nice Factory cab for 701 and 702 Uni JD canopy with full enclosure for JD utility IH 400 cyclo plantssjfj} row dry fert., w/gandy boxes, real nice ° Dual wheels - 34’s and 38's Box 91 New Providence, PA 17560 Business Ph. 717-786-1606 Daytime and Most Evenings SPREADERS Badger 230 Tank liquid Badger 325 Tank w/pump NH 365 Tank flail NH 791 Box Lelyfertz MISCELLANEOUS Cunningham Hay Fluffer AC 5 Btm 18” Plow N 1324 Super Sheller Brillion STSIO Transp. Har- row NH 28 Blower NH 36 Chopper NH Straw Chopper Brillion 10 ft. Cultipacker Lely Rotara Badger Elevator Kubota 1102 Engine Kubota EA6OONB Engine BerVac 5450 Snowblower NH 354 Grinder Mixer NH 358 Grinder Mixer Moore Grain Drill No til NH 85 Bale Handler round Wisconsin TFD Engine MOWER CONDITIONERS NH469 (4) NH479 (2) NH1495 SP Case 955 Windrower Hesston 1014 Windrower Hydros. Hesston 620 Windrower S.P. COMBINES AC MKS2HY w/13 ft. Hd. & 430 Com Hd. RAKES AC CII w/2 Hds. NH26O AC F 330 Com Hd. PLANTERS AC G 440 Cora Hd. AC6OO4R NH 995 w/Gr. Hd. & Com Hd. AC 7R Bean NH TR7O w/13’ Flex Hd. & $™o iGARDEN NHCTG'-m AC B 208 Simplicity 728 Jacobsen GT-10 (3) NH #8 Crop IHIO7 Hesston 30A Stacker Hesston HlBO NH 1010 Bale Cub Loßoy NH2SB QUALITY TRACTORS AND EQUIPHENT/REASONABLY PRICED/SERYICED & BACKED WITH A WARRANTY,WIU DELIVER ANYWHERE FORAGE EQUIPMENT FQ 5D7655 w/4R Com & 4R snapper FQ 7600 w/R W.4RN&WPU Hesston FA-7 Hd NHB22CHd NH77OR2 NH9I9A4 NHB9OEN2 NHB9ON3 NHB9OA NH 880 WPU NHBBOR2 NHIB9S3RN&WPU NH7I7S WAGONS