Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 19, 1984, Image 79
1976 DlOO Pick-up 6 automatic, 46,000 original miles. 1983 Dodge 400 2 door, front wheel drive, 19,000 miles, one owner, with air, 5 speed. 1977 Volari 2 door, 6 cyl. w/air, SPECIAL $1995. 1980 Dodge club cab, 4WD w/cap & insert, one owner, 318 automatic, very clean. 1979 B-100 Sportsman, one owner, 6 cylinder, green. (2) 1983 Aries 4 door w/air. low miles. Platforms whatever your hauling requirements, Omaha Standard has the platform to handle the job, a full 96" wide... O STANDARD hoavy duty platforms The platform that sets the standard for the industry For bodies 9 6 and longer a full 96 wide Designed for gram and livestock bodies contractor bodies and heavy duty stake bodies Wood smooth steel treadptate steel or steel over wood flooring O METRO medium duty platforms A rugged yet eco nomical platform Maximum legal width of 96 tor bodies 9 6 and longer (deal for city delivery operations nurseries electricians and other trades Floor options include wood smooth steel or treadptate steel COMPWnATFOMI with it«i mcm. ran ■OXMDSTIMUMPa Put an Omaha Standard Hoist to work for yoi Omaha Standard Platform Choose from 12 scissors or Olympic telescopic, to handle u[ You'll have the performance-proven packagi standard ot the industry OUR SHOP IS EQUIPPED TO DO YOUR TOTAL JOB JUST TRADED: USED 18 FT. GRAIN BODY w/HOIST FARMERSVILLE E OMAHA 1 STANDARD^ RD4, East Farmersville Road, Ephrata, PA 17522 Located in the Village of Farmersville, Lancaster County 717-354-4271 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.; Sat. 7:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M AEAIESTATE West Chester County - town of Yorktown Heights. 6 acres vacant w/400 ft. frontage on busy Rt. 6. Property zone garden center or farm use. Between two major shopping malls, 1 hour from New York City. Owner asking $150,000. Terms Available Call 914- 528-7767. For Sale By Owner - 181.19 acre Dairy Farm. Creek thru farm, approx. 90 tillable, 42 stanchion barn, drop cleaner, silo with unloader, milkhouse with bulk tank, feed bin, 9 RM, VA bath house Possible financing, $148,000. Bradford County. 717-297-3923. Omaha Standard O SUPER DUTY platforms The extra tough platform Structural steel construct ton throughout Heavy banding rail De signed for lumberyards contractors utilities railroads oil field operations fork lift applications and others Available with wood smooth steel treadplate steel or steel over wood flooring All lengths are 96 wide O COMPAK platforms For economy size pickups Ford Ranger Chevy SlO GMC S-15 Toyota Datsun Available tn platform lengths of 7 or 7 6 and widths of 72 or 78 Wood or smooth steel floors Call For More Details INC. REAL ESTATE For Sale - Beef Farm, 56 acres, barn and house w/stream, 5 1 /? miles west of New Columbia, PA., Union County, White Deer Twp. 717-966-0140. Mr. & Mrs. Osborne Clouser, 11 S. Lime St., Mifflinburg, PA. 17844. 10 acres south of West Chester in Thornbury Township w/3 bedroom, 1700's stone house, bankbarn suitable for horses, cattle or sheep, pond, fenced pasture. All in very fine condition, in excellent area. $295,000. Call Barbara McClure, AD & P REALTORS. 215- 459-5500 For Rent - Crop Land. Berks County. 215-856 7619. TRUCKS fa TRAILERS SIMBMD NEAVY MITT PUTHMM ala*ty fan tAc “Pnidc EQUIPMENT REAL ESTATE FOR SALE - “47 Acre Farm South of Lebanon, PA." Lebanon County, $240,000. Historic 1832 Limestone Farmhouse, has 4 bedrooms, I'A baths, 5 fireplaces, living room, formal dining room, kitchen, very original home, woodwork, hard ware and door latches, random width flooring, 36x59 bank barn, rich limestone soil, trees and stream, 71 Spangler Road, Lebanon, West Cor nwall Twp. Call Lee Red dinger. 717-949-2243. Suburban Realty - 717-273-9358 30 West Main Street Annville, PA. 17003 Write or Call for descriptive Brochure TRUCKS fa TRAILERS METRO PLATFORM WITH STAKE RACKS. TOOL BOX AND STEP BUMPER JPER DUTY •UTFORM ' lULKHEAD products E OMAHA 1 STANDARD Uncwter farming, Saturday. May 19,1984-839 UNION COUNTY - Your own private world! 189.17 acres of woodland in Lewis & Limestone Twps. Is sub divided into 6 lots. Land lays between Penns Creek & Bald Eagle State Forests. $79,900. LANCASTER COUNTY - 81.7 acre farm currently engaged in general opera tions. Absolutely gorgeous 2-story stone home w/4 bedrooms, modern kit chen 8 bath. Barn, tobac co shed & other out buildings all in excellent condition. $475,000. LANCASTER COUNTY - 29 acre farm. General, beef, produce 8 horse operations. Very nice 2- story stone home with 3 bedrooms. Barn 8 shop now used for a business. Several other buildings also included. $175,000. GEO. WOLF 8 ASSOCIATES. INC. 859-2001 or 299-0357 Farm For Rent - Im mediate occupancy, can be set up for dairy or sheep. 814-698-2400. R.D. 1. Box 180, Shingle house, PA. 16748. New York - Syracuse area, dairy farm, 160 tree stalls, 1000 gal. bulk tank, 340 acres, 217 tillable, top alfalfa farm, Palmyra, Phelps dominate soils with high PH. More land to rent. Large colonial residence, side road near town. Excellent setting. Price $360,000. Contact Willard Pengelly, Manag ing Broker, Harris Wilcox Inc., Broker. 716-494-1880. Southern Huntingdon County dairy farm. 175 acres with 150 acres tillable, large barn with 44 stanchions, 2 nice homes, stream and good spring on property. Many other ex tras, $315,000; Southern Huntingdon County dairy farm. 11l acres, extra good home with 7 rooms and 2 baths. Good barn with 27 stanchions, milk house and wagon shed, $125,000. Colonial Real Estate Agency. 814-447-5511. USA Buildings agricultural-commercial, full factory warranty, all steel-clear span, smallest building 30x40x10, largest 70x135x16. 30, 40, 50, 60 ft. widths in various lengths. Call 24 hours, 1-800-521-0334 Extension 540. Must sell cheap immediately. F. 0.8. Will deliver to building site. For Sale - 100 acre Farm, Juniata County. 65 A clear, two streams, frame house, large shed in Amish/Mennonite area. 717-589-3724 after 3. 84 ACRE HOG FARM FOR SALE. MONTOUR CO. Bank and pole barns for gestation & fattening, cleaners. Farrowing bldg: feeders; heaters, can fatten 1100 hogs. PRICE REDUCED TO $210,000. 3 bedrm. house. Negotiable: grain bin & dryer, farm machinery. 350x40 Favorite cage layer house (30,000 birds). Century 21 Sprecher Agency, Milton. 717-742-8748. Kate Wieand. For Sale - Perry County 55 acre (arm, 2 1 /? story house, large bank barn, outbuildings. 30 acres tillable, 25 acres woodland, pasture, stream. School bus goes by door. Good hunting, $72,000. Partial financing to qualified buyer. 717- 582-4824 or 717-653- 8210. FARM FOR SALE BY OWNER - 106 acres with buildings located Bloomsburg, Pa $1500.00 per acre. For more information contact G.L. Peery, 1060 N.W. 4th St.. Boca Raton. Fla 33432 Tel. 305- 368-8475. 23 acres of woodland near Petersburg, Huntingdon Co. Nice cabin site. Good hunting and fishing area, $785 per acre. 717-653- 1728. MAI ESTATE Madison Virginia Properties - 21 acre Vegetable Farm Greenhouse shops. Cape Cod Home. Farms, Homes, Commercial properties, Beef 8 Dairy's. Recreation land. Ralph Fowler Real Estate, Madison, VA. 22727. 703- 948-4143. 102 a. Oxford 100 acre farmland and pasture, 2 a. woods, framehouse, large barn and silo, asking only $2350 per acre. Mosemann Realtor. 717- 859-1004 or 717-529- 2678. 128 Neat Wagontown - 80 a. tilled, balance pasture and woodland very good large stone house, large barn, 2 silos along Brandywine Creek. Mosemann Realtor. 717- 859-1004 or 717-529- 2678. Farm For Sale • with 2 houses. 84 acres, Snyder County, boardering Mktdtecreek. Stream runs through properties. Springs, .wells, stalk fish, ponds and outbuildings. Landscaping with flowers and shrubs. Asking '/i down. Owner financing, $187,000. For more in formation call 717-374- 1716. Money Maker - Retire's sup. your income, 5,000 cash flow, after debt, ser vice, 8 RM guest home, w/2 apU. All furnished, 2 stone fireplaces, 5 baths, ex. Ig. 2-car garage, new roof, poss. terms. $69,900. Call 814-367-2305 eve. Small Farm - Located in scenic Hegins Valley. Large barn and three bedroom farm house. Ideal for a retired farmer or those wishing for a bit more room. 717-682- 9391. FOR SALE BY OWNER-2- bedroom house com pletely remodeled recently, fenced-in 3V> acres w/hog barn, 2 springs & a new well located near the Norman Wood Bridge area of York Co., $48300. 717-862- 3279. Adams Co. Layer Farm - 22,400 capacity, manure pit under, dairy barn, gut ter cleaner, large Fickes Silo with unloader, bunk feeder, pond, aux. generators, large 6 bedroom brick home, 3 baths, great country set ting, on 91 acres F-3162-1. Owner wants to retire. Adams Co. - 91 acre dairy farm 64 freestall barn, pipeline milkers manure pit, bunk feeder, large 3 Bedroom home includes large family room with fireplace. This is a working farm, cattle and machinery. Negotiable F-4393-6, $245,000. KEY REAL ESTATE 108 York St. Hanover, PA. 17331 717-632-6400 FARM - Cambria County. 70 acres. All buildings 6 years old or less- 3 bedroom, 2 bath house. 40x50 barn, 4 & 5 bay sheds, cribs. Free in formation sheet. Kimball Real Estate, Ebensburg, PA. (814)472-7700. For Sale - 200 acre dairy farm and machinery Located in Finger Lakes, New York State. Priced reduced Owner Financing. 607-292-3495. FOR SALE-67 Acre Farm. Near Reading, PA. 60 acres tillable, 4-bedroom house, barn, sheds, silo, Vi acre pond. Spring Fed. Will help finance, private. 215-693-5624. For Sale - Camp or year round home in Tioga County, 4 acres, house and barn. $19,000 814- 367-2627. FREE CATALOG! Describing numerous Pennsylvania farms, camps, acreage tracts, cottages, homes and businesses. Write Dept LF, WEST REAL ESTATE AGENCY, INC., 5528 William Flynn Highway, Gibspma, PA. 15044.