Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 19, 1984, Image 74
>34—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 19,1984 Turn off the tube for family fun As six-year-old Judy and her little brother Greg fought all af ternoon, their mother began to question the wisdom of restricting their TV viewing to half an hour a day. Too much television isn’t good for children, she and her husband agreed. But the past few days she’d yearned for the peace and quiet she used to have while the children watched their afternoon cartoons. According to Joan Lamberson, Extension Home Economist, Judy and Greg’s parents are not alone in their dilemma. Like many parents who decide to control TV viewing, they just don’t know how to channel their children’s activities when the TV is off. "The average American wat ches televsion somewhere be tween 20 and 30 hours each week,” says James E. Van Horn, Ex tension family sociologist at Penn State. "Watch is the word, because little thought and no physical Get The Products You Need From The K.C. DAIRY SERVICE ROUTE TRUCK New Serving the counties of Northampton, Monroe & Lehigh in Pa. Also Sussex, Warren & Hunterdon Counties in NJ 1 Surge TeatKote" lodine Teat Dip ■ A 10,000 PPM (1%) iodine formulation with controlled pH Provides rapid kill of bacteria, yet is mild on teat tissue A time-tested performer 2 Surge TD-34 Cosmetic Based Teat Dip ■ Exclusively formulated with "Bronopol" for broad-spectrum anti-microbial action Fortified with lanolin for tissue toning 3 Surge Tegragon After-Milking Teat Dip ■ A combination quartemary ammonium formulation fortified with lanolin and glycenn. Controls external mastitis-causing bacteria, while providing tissue toning qualities. 4 Your Surge Route Man ■ He knows how teat-dipp helps the cow guard against new mastitis infections. And he can hi you incorporate a teat-dipping program into your daily routine, a help pick the best teat dip for your needs. Call today Miif surge) K.C. DAIRY SERVICE RD 2, Box 2332 • 3 Servicemen • 3 Service Trucks • 24 Hr. Service activity is involved, unless you count eating. Communication between family members wat ching TV is negligible. Close to 80 percent say they don’t talk to each other while they are watching television.” “Many parents, because they want to spend more of their leisure time doing things with their children, have tried to restrict TV viewing to a limited number of hours each day. This attempt too often fails because no one knows what to do when the TV isn’t running,” says Van What does he suggest 9 “First, you might talk to each other and share the events of the day, plans for tomorrow or the future,” he says. You may find that your children know little about their family history and are anxious to learn. "Writing letters or stories, writing in a diary, reading aloud or silently, listening to music, or finding out what kinds of music •« — Mt. Bethel, PA 18343 (717) 897-5141 other family members like, are all possibilities. ‘Don’t forget games,” Van Horn notes. “Board games, puzzles, card games, charades can be played by family members of all ages.” In good weather families can take field trips right in their own neighborhoods, go jogging, bicycling or hiking together. “Doing things together in the family is good investment of time, especially in the critical years when children are forming values, interests, and attitudes,” says Van Horn. 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