Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 19, 1984, Image 19

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    Corn cyst nematode is Md. ag mystery
three years of study, plant
pathologists at the University of
Maryland in College Park admit
there are still many unanswered
questions about corn cyst
nematode, a worm-like
microscopic parasite known to
scientists as Heterodera zeae.
And they have little comparative
data from their peers
anywhere in the world on which to
test their assumptions. The reason
is that the com cyst nematode is
now known to exist in the Western
Hemisphere, except in four
Maryland counties surrounding
the upper reaches of the
Chesapeake Bay.
The com cyst nematode was first
identified in March, 1981 in soil
samples taken from a Kent county
farm on Maryland’s upper Eastern
Shore. Assisting with identification
was A. Morgan Golden, a
nematologist with the U.S.
Department of Agriculture’s
Agricultural Research Center at
nearby Beltsville, Md.
Elsewhere in the world, the soil
pest has been known to plant
pathologists during the past 14
years in places like India, Pakistan
and Egypt. But little scientific data
exists from these locations on
which to base solid conclusions
concerning control measures and
crop damage.
So far, the Maryland findings
have been limited to fairly heavy
soils on farms where good fertility
programs were used. And they
have shown no conclusive evidence
that the com cyst nematode has
reduced com yields even in
fields which were heavily infested.
This contrasts with findings
concerning a similar pest, the
soybean cyst nematode, which has
1 1
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crept into Maryland during the
past decade starting on the
lower Eastern Shore.
In sandy soils typical of the
lower Eastern Shore, the soybean
cyst nematode has been shown to
reduce soybean yields extensively
in some fields.
Plant breeders have now tested
three public varieties of soybeans
which show considerable
resistance to the soybean cyst
nematode. And there are
agrichemicals which can be ap
plied to limit the amount of
nematode damage to other
soybean varieties.
Most of these nematicides also
can be used to control root-knot,
lesion and other nematodes in
com. But they do not appear to be
effective against the com cyst
nematode. And it should be noted
that chemical control measures for
nematodes of any kind are fairly
Crop rotation is fairly effective
in controlling soybean nematodes
particularly the soybean cyst
nematode. But there is a question
about whether rotation has value
in reducing nematode populations
in com.
Further information along this
line is available in two newly
revised fact sheets, available free
from offices of the University of
Maryland’s Cooperative Extension
Service in every Maryland county.
One fact sheet is titled “Nematode
Control Recommendations for
Soybeans”; the other is titled
“Nematode Control Recom
mendations for Corn.” Both
mimeograph sheets are dated
April 1984.
Authors are James G. Kantzes,
Extension plant pathologist; Lorin
R. Krusberg, professor of botany,
and Sandra Sardanelli,
agricultural technician. William J.
Kenworthy, associate professor of
agronomy, also is a co-author for
the soybean fact sheet.
Ms. Sardanelli, manager of the
botany department’s nematode
assay laboratory at the University
of Maryland in College Park,
advises farmers not to panic about
nematodes. But they should keep
an eye out during the growing
season for possible signs of
Maryland farmers learned a little
more about the Corn Cyst
Nematode quarantine which was
levied by the USDA on portions of
Harford, Cecil, Kent and Queen
Anne counties on May 1.
A quarantine meeting was held
in Kent County on Wednesday and
the quarantine was described as a
positive step to assure Penn
sylvania and other surrounding
areas that officials are aware of
the problem and protective
measures are being taken until it
can be determined if the com cyst
nematode is a bonafide pest or not,
according to John E. Hall, Ex
tension agent.
USDA officials and Lorin R.
Krusberg, professor of botany at
the Universioty of Maryland, plan
to travel to India or Egypt to learn
more about the nematode. Prior to
its discovery on Maryland’s Upper
That’s why 1 sell NuPulse.”
Fisher & Thompson Assoc.
21 E Woods Dr
Lititz, PA 17543
Jake’s Milker Service
R D 2, Box 90A
Watsontown, PA 17777
Crider’s Dairy Equipment
RD 1
Shippensburg, PA 17257
Schmidt’s Equipment
R D 2. Box 122
Hawley, PA 18428
. J
nematode damage, such as
localized patches of stunted crop
growth in a field.
“When such telltale signs exist,
call your county Extension
agricultural agent. If nematode
damage looks like a possibility, the
agent can supply printed in
structions for taking nematode
assay soil samples. Your agent
also has a printed form which must
accompany the sample to the
nematode assay laboratory at
Eastern Shore in 1981, it had only
been known in these foreign
Various quarantine regulations
are being imposed by the USDA
and Maryland Dept, of
Agriculture. Anyone moving into
and outside the quarantine zone,
such as custom operators, must
complete documentation with the
MDA that they are taking stringent
precautions such as thorough
cleaning of machinery.
Items such as shrubbery with
earth balls must be subject to tests
at the sites of their plantings and
then be properly stamped to
permit movement of the items.
Bert Hawkins, administrator of
the USDA’s Animal and Plant
Health Inspection Service, said
that any new pest such as this must
be viewed with great concern.
He said the nematode can be
spread through the movement of
infested soil or equipment carrying
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Northampton Farm Bureau Stiner’s Refrigeration _ „ ,_ ..
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Lawmttr Farming, Saturday, May 19.1984-Al9
Ira Slater , _ _ .
RD i Box 34 Luc « s Bam Equipment
Stoneboro, PA 16153 RD 2 Box 339 D
412-253-2870 BeHefonte, PA 16823
College Pajrk.”
Sardanelli explained that the
nematode assay is a free service
provided by the University of
Maryland. But the procedure is
tedious, and it requires con
siderable time for each sample.
“Our laboratory is not in a
position to cope with an inundation
of nematode-assay samples,” she
commented. “We are not equipped
with sophisticated equipment for
large-volume capacity.”
the soil.
Regulated articles include
-Soil, compost, sand, gravel and
similar materials, except for soil
samples submitted for testing,
separately or clinging to equip
-Plants with soil on the roots -
except house plants grown in a
residence and not for sale.
-Grass sod.
-Used mechanized soil tillage or
harvesting equipment.
-Used mechanized soil-moving
--And, any other articles
determined to present a risk of
spreading the pest.
These articles may not be moved
out of the quarantine area unless
they are accompanied by a cer
ticicate issed by a state or federal
inspector stating that the article is
free of corn cyst nematode or
unlikely to cause spread.
Henry Jaquith
R D 1
Spring Creek, PA 16436
814-664 2397
Jim’s Equipment
R D 4, Box 233
Tunkhannock, PA 18657