ANNAPOLIS, Md. - Wayne A. Cawley, Jr., Secretary of the Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA) has announced the promotion of Ernest C. Shea to Assistant Secretary, Office of Agricultural Development and Resource Conservation. This is a new position created by the upgrading and renaming of the Department’s former Division of Agricultural. Development and Marketing. Shea, who is a graduate of Gettysburg College, served as Executive Secretary of the Maryland State Fair Board from 1977 until the Fall of 1979. At that time he assumed the position of Executive Secretary of the Maryland Agricultural Com mission and served in that capacity until 1981 when Secretary Cawley appointed him Director of MDA’s Division of Agricultural Development and Marketing. Most activities previously carried on by the old Division will remain the same after the change is effective. All programs are of a non-regulatory nature and include marketing, land preservation, water quality cost share, state fairs, etc. However, a major change will take place in the Soil Conservation Program area. Previously the • 12 Tractor Spreaders • 4 Spreader Trucks • 2 Bulk Nurse Trucks • 2 Crop Spraying Trucks WE PONT SELL SERVICE... IT COMES FREE WITH THE SALE CHEMGRO FERTILIZER CO. Box 218 East Petersburg, PA17520 Phone: (717) sso-3286 f SANDBLASTING REPOINTING WATERPROOFING From repairing drafty, leaking walls to complete stucco removal and repointing, exterior restoration or farmhouses is our specialty 1 REASONABLE RATES JAMES H. DOSTER 507 South Spruce Street Lititz, Pennsylvania 17543 For information or a free estimate, return coupon below. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■l Name Address ________ City State Zip Phone: Area Directions to your home: . Ag Dept, to direct soil conservation State’s Soil Conservation Com mittee was responsible for all state soil conservation policy matters as well as for the administration of state funds and employee super vision. Under the reorganization the Department will direct and administer state soil conservation programs. The Committee will function primarily as a policy advisory board to the Secretary ot Agriculture. It will also continue to be responsible for coordinating state, federal and district programs and for appointing supervisors to district boards. Cawley stated “This reorganization was implemented out of the need to more effectively administer the resources which the CHORE-TIME SPECIALIZES IN COMPLETE VENTILATION SYSTEMS Featuring The Corrosion-Resistant RIX Fans CATALOG NUMER MODEL 7020 6600 6291 14RLX 18RLX 24RLX (1) Typical RPM as observed under “normal” operating conditions. (2) Air deliveries are for unit with all fixtures in place, Chore-Time’s 14” RLX Fan for the sidewall or the pit... Chore-Time’s 14-meh RLX Fan is ideal for use m smaller confinement areas such as farrowing and nursery chambers for hogs, and smaller veal calf bams To provide the delicate air control required by these smaller areas, the variable speed fan offers a cfm range of from 190 to IMO, both measured at 05 inches static pressure The 14RLX also saves energy by holding its operating efficiency as its cfm is reduced And, the fan offers all the corrosion resistance, strength, and durability of Chore-Time’s famous RLX fan family Die-cast Aluminum Blade gives long use with proven efficiency. Blowout Hood does not restrict air movement like louvers do; also have longer life, lower maintenance. Stainless Steel Motor Mounts give additional insurance against corrosion. These features combine for an efficient, long-life unit. COMPLETE SYSTEMS, EQUIPMENT, SALES, INSTALLATION, SERVICE FOR CATTLE, HOG, POULTRY AND GRAIN AGRI- 2754 CREEK HILL RD., LEOLA, PA 17540 RPM (1) SIZE 14” 18” 24” 3 YEAR WARRANTY ON All RIX MODUS Authorized Chore-Time Distributor PHONE: 717-656-4151 State of Maryland is providing toward agriculture, soil and water conservation programs.” Should the administration’s Chesapeake Bay Package be enacted by the Department’s soil conservation activities will be expanded considerably. Forty-two new positions will be added in 1985 and 37 more by 1988. VOLTS 230 220 220 V* % % 1750 1710 1625 Chore-Time’s 18” & 24” RLX Fans For the sidewall or the pit... Chore-Time’s 15-and 24-mch RLX Fans establish new standards in corrosion resistance The strong, dense RLX housing is made of the same durable material used for truck body parts and canoes It simply will not corrode And it won’t splinter like „n~ X ' ’ fiberglass, even in cold weather The streamlined, vacuum-formed housing * & 3 completely eliminates comers which might collect dirt and produce eddy currents, both restricting air flow The smooth surface cleans MORE FEATURES; EQUIPMENT, INC. The reorganization does not affect the districts structure as independent political subdivisions and, accordingly, they will con tinue to be responsible for im plementing conservation programs at the local level. The reorganization will improve the manner in which state support is provided to districts. .O”SP 1750 2975 5450 .75 1.30 1.90 HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 7:30 to 4:30 Sat. 7:30 to 11:30 (Parts Only) ,10” SP .05” SP 1590 2600 4750 1660 2780 5100