Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 19, 1984, Image 160
Soybean studies continue in Delaware NEWARK, Del. - A team of 16 scientists from the University of Delaware will again study Delaware soybeans this summer in a search for ways to help farmers improve yields. The special task force includes Agricultural Ex periment Station researchers as well as Cooperative Extension Service specialists and county agents. Their work is being sup ported in part by a grant from the Delaware Soybean Board. The soybean, now the state’s leading field crop in terms of acreage, has a disappointing track record in Delaware from the standpoint of productivity. Yields over the past 10 to 15 years have averaged only around 24 to 26 bushels per acre. And wide fluc tuations occur from farm to farm, as well as on the same farm from year to year. According to task force coor dinator, extension farm management specialist Don Tilmon, the four-year project is designed to monitor some 70 dif ferent factors on plots located throughout the state. These factors include everything from soil type, seed weight and tillage practice to row width and the amount of plant biomass present at the start of bloom. Both conventional and full season no-till soybeans are in volved. 25 growers “We’re looking for yield-related PENN DIESEL SERVICE CO. Diesel Fuel Injection & Turbocharger Sales & Service ____ AGRICULTURAL AUTOMOTIVE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRIAL MARINE-TRUCK * Authorized sales & service for most manufacturers * Service on all makes 717-545-4207 Exit 27, Interstate 81 Harrisburg, PA 17112 FISHER'S PAINTING ■ ALL TYPES OF INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PAINTING ■ SANDBLASTING ■ ROOF COATING ■ RESTORATION & WATER PROOFING ON STONE & BRICK BUILDINGS We Specialize In Farm Buildings, Feed Mills, Water Tanks, Etc, With Aerial Equipment If you need good paint, roof coatings, or paint accessories at reasonable prices, stop at our new outlet store. We buy in large quantities STORE, SHOP AND OFFICE LOCATED IN OLD STONE BARN AT: 4056 A Newport Road Kinzers, PA 17535 (Across From Pequea Valley School) 717-768-3239 factors over which farmers have some control,” explains Tilmon. “Twenty-five growers are cooperating with us. We have four one-acre plots on each farm, with four replications in each plot. When we laid them out, we took great pains to make sure the soil within each plot was uniform. The best alnd on a farm wasn’t always chosen because we were after a wide range of soil types.” Participating farmers follow their usual cultural practices, treating soybeans in these plots as a regular part of their fields. The study was initiated last year and task force members collected information all summer. In the fall, they hand-harvested plots, thrashed and weighed the seed, and adjusted yields for moisture. By the end of the season, over 7,000 pieces erf information had been gathered and stored in a computer. Tilmon spent last winter analyzing this mountain of data and has now identified five preliminary factors which seemed to relate most directly to 1983 commercial soybean yields in plots around the state: * Amount of rainfall in weeks 11, 12 and 13 of the growing season (the period between bloom and pod set). * Final plant population. • Amount of biomass of vegetation in the field beginning of bloom. We support the ADS Technician Certification program * Pick up & delivery * UPS service * Wholesale & Retail * Competitively priced * Since 1952 * Parts & Equipment Dist Fiberglass is practically dent proof Stands up to long periods of hard use • Contents stay fresh because fiberglass ab sorbs little or no heat • Because there is very little condensation on the inside moisture cannot alter the contents of material being stored • Fiberglass is rust resistant Acids and salts can t hurt it * Seed weight in grams per 100 seed. * Distance between the ground and the first pod on the bean stalk. “The rain, of course, was un controllable,” Tilmon says, “but growers did have some control over the other factors. Our analysis showed that pod set was a function of row spacing and final plant population. Biomass was affected by rain as well as row width, early stand counts, variety and soil nutrients. Seed weight seemed to be determined by rain, row spacing, final stand count, variety, soil nutrients and tissue nutrients. Final plant populations depended on early stand count, rain, variety and tillage method. (About a fourth of the plots were no-till,a nd stands were likely to be higher under this system, he said.) Row spacing Distance from the ground to the first pod was probably the result of row spacing and final plant population. “Computer analysis showed that the higher the pod set, the greater the yield,” Tilmon says. “This makes sense when you figure that soybean plants grow taller when they’re crowded. Higher plant counts and narrower row spacing resulted in higher pod set and higher yield. So that fact has implications for narrow row spacing.” It’s impossible to generalize based on one year’s observations, urn* * 1 I i Flbardome Storage Bin Flberdome Forage Funnel Flberdome Feed Cart Flberdome Calfhutch MADE TO LAST WITH FIBERGLASS from FIBERDOME DEVRIEZE FARM EQUIPMENT Milanville, PA 717 729-7988 iriOMAS DUNLAP Rt. 220, Jersey Shore. PA 717-398-1391 $ % Poultry Buildings Barns - Disinfecting Fly Spraying Dairy Whitewashing 6 & 6 HIGH PRESSURE (AGRICULTURAL HIGH PRESSURE WASHING) Barry Garber 367-3649 Economical to Use • Simple to install • Easy to Operate • Eliminates Dirty Chutes • Directs Flow of Feed • Saves Wear on Silo Chutes • Adapts to Any Make Silo For more information contact your nearest dealer. FARM BUREAU Souderton, PA 215-723-4355 Mittlinburg, PA 717966-1047 JAMES L. GOOD Sales 8 Service Box 1398 Clarksburg, PA 412-459-8052 however, the specialist stresses. “We had row spacing all the way down to 7 inches, and one farmer with 36-inch rows had a very high yield.” The trick now will be to observe the same plots again this summer and the next two years, to see if the same factors remain significant. For example, tillage methods and plant populations were correlated with yields in 1983. Was this a direct effect of the cultural practice used, or because the soybeans got more moisture in the presence of a no-till mulch? “We can’t tell from one season’s results,” Tilmon says.' “After several more years, we may know the yield-determining factor.” In subsequent years other fac tors may prove significant, while some that seem important now may not really affect soybean yields critically. “It’s just too soon to know,” Tilmon explains. “We’ll need at least three years’ worth of data before we can draw con clusions from our results. Different varieties “We do have different varieties in our study, and some of the factors we’ve pinpointed, like biomass, may reflect varietal differences,” he adds. “Certainly an indeterminate variety will have reliable thorough largest equipment no road charge nberdome.c % t o The only all fiberglass feed cart • Buff exterior while gell coat interior • 14 bushel capacity (4 93 Hectoliter) • immune to silage acids does not rust • Easy to toad unload and sanitize PHILLIPS FEED SERVICE INC. Germansville, PA 215-767 3819 Bath, PA 215-837-6061 SOLLENBERGER SILO TROY AGWA Y CO-OP , INC. Chambersburg, PA Troy, PA 717-264-9588 717-297-2880 a different biomass than a determite one. And the seed weight will be different.” Task force members are looking closely at all aspects of crop management, including pest control and fertility. In general, says Tilmon, weeds and other pests were not a factor in plots last year - probably because they were controlled. Also, soil nutrient levels were generally not a limiting factor. He says there was a broad range of yields last year. To some extent, this was the result of test site selection. ~ The task force team includes the following: weed scientist William H. Ahrens, soil scientist Leo J. Cotnoir, agricultural economist Gerald L. Cole, extension ento tomologist Mark Graustein, en tomologist Charles N. Mason, soil fertility researcher Tom Sims, extension plant pathologist Bob Mulrooney, agronomist Merle Teel, county extension agents Dean Belt, Derby Walker and Dave Woodward, extension agricultural engineer Tom Williams, associate scientist Ed Wisk, extension crops specialist Frank Webb, and extension farm management specialist Tilmon. ...madttbPoAt P. O. Box 11 Lake Mills, Wl 53551 Insulation value provides warmth in winter while remaining cool in summer • Hutches may be nested for compact storage • Hutches are easily moved by use of firmly imbedded l-bolts • Studies show respiratory prob ‘ems disease and calf mortality are reduced when hutches are properly used TERRE HILL SILO CO., INC. Terre Hill, PA 215-445-6736 m m K V Fiberdome Cattle Waterer Get a cool, clean and constant water supply using no •n«rgy. With the MIRAFOUNT Waterer from Fiberdome you II have the finest operating lowest cost energy and money saving liv estock waterer on the market today The thermal engineering and special design of the seal corks enables MIRAFOUNT to work in all kinds of weather