Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 19, 1984, Image 136

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    D4—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 19,1984
American National Cowßelles hold meeting
Commission of Agriculture Joseph
Gerace called upon beef cat
tlewomen from New York, Ohio,
Indiana, and Michigan to be
“missionaries for agriculture.”
Speaking at the Region I meeting
of the American National
Cowßelles May 3 at Syracuse
Gerace warned, “there is a time
bomb ticking in rural America.”
Quoting from the March Kiplinger
newsletter, he continued, "if
commercial farmers nationwide
are forced out of business there
could be a devastating effect on the
Butler County hosts
Staff Correspondent
SAXONBURG - More than 100
4-H and FFA members from
Washington, Lawrence, Venango,
Clarion and Butler Counties, at
tended the Butler County
Livestock Field Day on April 28.
Sponsored by the Butler County 4-
H and FFA Livestock Club, the
event was held at Knoch High
School, in Saxonburg.
Morning activities included a
livestock judging contest, with
retired Mercer County vocational
agriculture instructor, Lee
Mooney, serving as judge.
Electronic Monitor Measures
Working Acres And Ground Speed
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• Operates with any field implement re
quiring acre measurement - pulled,
mounted, or self-propelled sprayers,
combines, etc.
Rotec and Raven Tough
Polyethylene Tanks
25 GAL. TO 2,000 GAL.
Custom Built
Heavy Duty Sprayers
• 200 & 300 Gallon Trailer Models
• 110,150,200 & 300 Gal. 3 Pt. Hitch Models
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Self-Pruning Centrifugal Pumps
For Agriculture
Box 128, R D 4, Wood Comer Rd , iJtitz, PA 17541
1 Mile West of Ephrata
(717) 738-1121
rural economy. He noted the
"ripple effect” of the farm
economy, saying “economists tell
us each agricultural dollar is rolled
over three times.”
He told of the effects of the $1 per
hundredweight dairy assessment
which amounts to $6,000 to $12,000
per dairy farmer. “In Franklin
County, dairy farmers are sending
$2 1 2 million to Washington that
could have been spent in Franklin
County,” he said.
“What will happen to our nation
if the farmers of this country give
up'’” Ccracc ~
High individual senior members
were Jeff Gardner, Washington
County, beef; Joel Mariacher,
Lawrence County, swine; and
Denny Hall, Lawrence County,
sheep. Jeff Gardner was also
named overall senior division
Junior overall winner was
Ashley Shook, who also took first
place in the swine division. Other
junior winners were Roy Longdon,
Butler County, sheep; and Frank
Cranbury, Butler County, beef.
* The high scoring team in the
senior division was entered by
8000 ODD (iFOOu 1)00
•te Headquarters For Si
"S” Series
i ravers & Parti
We Also Stock A Complete Line
Pumps And Accessories
• Sprayer Hose
• Ball Valves
• Nylon Fittings
• Poly Tanks
3 HP
5 HP
He called on the women to talk to
non-farm groups and to tell of the
need to support agriculture “If we
don’t work together we could have
a vast wasteland in this country,”
the Commissioner warned. He
added, “if we don’t get a decent
1985 Farm Bill these fears could
become a reality ” He said com
promise will be needed among
farm groups as well as support of
the non-farm population.
He said “agriculture is the
number one industry in New York
State with one out of every six
persons eit* ,m ' nr in-
Washington County. Members
include Becky Black, Eric
Buckingham, Mike Rohaley and
Joe Cole.
Bridget and Kelly Wingard,
Darcy Best and Jerry Cotton were
members of the winning junior
team from Clarion County.
Various youth educational
programs were scheduled
throughout the day, with a meat
cutting demonstration by Thoma’s
Market of Saxonburg, highlighting
the afternoon’s events.
FLEX-AUGER cow feeding
ig prefit leaks
Put Chore-Time FLEX-AUGER® Cow
Feeding System to work boosting your income
Feeding supplement by hand wastes money two ways:
(I.) Some cows get too much, others not enough wasting feed
and hurting production. (2.) It’s time and labor spent you’d be
money ahead to put into management. Mechanize your feeding
with an inexpensive, energy-efficient Chore-Time Cow Feeding
System. Feed each cow the right amount, as many times a day
(to boost production) as you want by automatic timeclock, or by
pulling a lever.
Find out about the Chore-Time system our 10-year warranty
on auger plus the line of feed bins that outsell all others in
America because of their built-in quality and long life.
2754 CREEK HILL RD., LEOLA, PA 17540
PHONE: 717-656-4151
directly dependent on agriculture
for his paycheck,”
As he emphasized the variety
and scope of New York agriculture
he said New York farmers sent
cheese to Wisonsin, wine to
California, horses to Kentucky and
maple syrup to Vermont. He said
beef cattle is a growing enterprise
in the state with the number of beef
replacements up 12 percent and
emphasized the potential for
greater growth.
Frances Owen of Lubbock, Tex.,
president-elect of the American
Field Day
Identification of a variety of
feeds and livestock equipment was
also scheduled.
The local livestock club held its
business meeting, with guests, Mr
and Mrs. Dale Fleming outlining
the new awards program for
exhibitors at the Butler County
Fair. Serving as the Fair’s
secretary, Mr. Fleming explained
that this year’s awards theme will
be “Pride in Pennsylvania”.
Ivan Longdon served as Field
Day chairman.
Authorized Chore-Time Distributor
National Cowßelles called for an
increase in membership and m
member involvement. She said the
Cowßelles’ “Beef for Father’s
Day” promotion began when one
woman in Idaho took a beef roast
to the governor for a Father’s Day
gift. The promotion will be 30 years
old in 1985. She also reported on the
Beef Cook-Off which receives
national media attention and
suggested the time might be right
to add another promotional
Peter Comerford, livestock
specialist with the State Depart
ment Agriculture and Markets
discussed beef cattle production in
the state, noting the home freezer
trade was a major marketing
alternative. He called for
production of quality lean red meat
that grades choice but warned,
“you can’t satisfy all the con
sumers’ demands.” He cited the
need to get quality bulls into good
commercial herds.
Commerford called on the beef
cattle women to “blow your own
trumpet, educate the consumers
about your product, and take pride
in what you do."
Terry Dockerty of Cornell
University gave a demonstration
on “Know Your Cuts of Beef.”
Mon.-Fri. 7:30 to 4:30.
Sat. 7:30 to 11:30
(Parts Only)