D22—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 12,1984 March Report This reports all DHIA cows that have produced 750 lbs of butterfat or more m>3os days OWNER NAME OR NO. Gary Rockwell Brenda Y Run Dairy Farms Emma Mapoval Farms Inc R Matt Bruce Leslie Bresee Allyson Eugene & Brian Harris Winter Russell I Jones Larae 2 Lonne Nadine Roe Russel Jr 506 524 537 Thomas McCarty 381 Lynn & Bonnie Miller Madge Maid Majesty Pansy Robert S Thomson 101 Jett & Karen Hale Barbara len & Arlene Landis Sue Jen Stan & Steve Saxton Lillian Ben Jackson June David Berry G 5 G 18 FRANK A. FILLIPPO, INC. DISABLED & CRIPPLED COWS, BULLS & STEERS Competitive Prices Slaughtered under government inspection Call: Frank Filiippo - Residence - 215-666-0725 Elam Cinder - 717-367-3824 C.L. King - 717-786-7229 Bradford County DHIA Monthly Report AGE AT DAYS IN LR$. ■RD .CALVING MILK MILK 20 961 305 3 5 22 399 286 3 6 305 23 735 3 6 305 19014 3 6 305 16 430 4 5 305 299 305 22 493 20 152 26 812 3 10 3 4 3 3 305 305 305 21 440 20 534 19 293 305 17 032 305 305 305 305 18 403 21 113 26 485 21 876 305 17 049 22 114 305 18 639 22,531 305 305 20,288 304 23 247 305 22,776 21,737 305 272 WANTED Paid Ford Ridge Farm GIGI Robena Robt & Anna Mane Cole Sadie Donald E Flarkness Dumplin Day la Spnngcroft Farm Janet Tippy Panda Elmer Comstock Royalty Richard Ft Packard Beth East Knoll Farm Carolyn Robert Taylor Betty Aloha FI W Russell & Sons 1J Ray Keeney 953 Richard D Wheeler Rae Richard Jenkins Kitty Gail 781 869 Windham Valley Farm Gerry Mickie 805 William Eick Peggy 782 Carl McClelland Monica Beauty 798 928 908 940 Wayne H LaMont Wendy Bob & Tom Murray 29 825 818 762 R Allen Rightmire Bambi Tom & Diane Elliott Polly TC 762 Raymond Hoppaugh Denise Braund Valley Farms Jara 735 873 940 768 Bertha Eileen Inza 763 Joy 758 Allen S Andrews Lmdy Cindy Reioice 827 767 833 764 762 790 304 305 305 305 305 290 305 305 305 305 305 305 281 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 303 305 305 305 Dairy Farmers Looking for an alternative to: Costly memberships and binding long term contracts? Dividends promised and not paid? Numerous and costly inspections? We are a financially strong manufacturing company that will offer you a fair price for your milk on a year around basis. For more information Call in Maryland 301-790*2240 Pennsylvania 717-532-2476 Mrs Mark Schucker Jr Gail 884 822 20,256 17,533 Ray & Larry Rowe 59 Earl J Gamble Dusty H K Farms Barb 24 816 16 750 890 778 20,964 23,255 Donald Jennings Jr 57 754 760 907 21 180 23 162 22 039 W & R Vanblarcom 65 Elsbree Brothers 103 792 19 053 Peck Hill Farms 109 179 117 24 520 946 845 24,420 Gary& Donna Ayres 67 1076 960 27,691 24 748 AbrahamS Derstme Lassy 812 20 751 Sweetie Michael Olsyn & Son 39 769 18 536 Duane & Patty Cole Elly Gmny David Page Willow 804 21 207 818 790 19 434 18 950 Marshall M Watkins Jet st re Scott Moore 55 750 852 24,732 24 581 16 283 788 Roy Hutchinson & Sons Cindy 24 25 663 20,632 856 768 Lawrence A Swartley 12 22 953 25 503 Brian & Pat Watson Valerie 830 22 050 Barrett Brothers 81 812 20652 Pat & Pam Salerno Amy Margo 1002 835 26 440 22 398 Hopps Hill Farm Gem 42 Gary S Ferguson Kay 758 19 249 1119 846 933 780 761 26 826 23 050 25,028 17,994 19 822 Parks Knoll 180 Raymond A 45 767 853 753 23 061 21,605 23 208 Farms Scnvens □USSINGER’S QUALITY STOVES ■ Hearthstone SOAPSTONE STOVE Glaii •nclosur** 2533 Old Phili Pike. Rt 340 by a Smoketown, PA n. Schaefer tt 4 f 10-8 was 10-5 m A PP t 9S. (717)397-7939 Lancaster County's Only Authorized Hearthstone Dealer 305 22,909 824 305 19,466 905 305 16,839 787 305 22 103 853 305 22 115 790 305 18,744 758 305 20 262 1028 305 305 291 24,046 19 410 17,992 869 783 769 305 24,003 801 303 305 22,640 24,566 906 779 305 21 127 918 305 296 24 764 20 662 865 786 305 20 028 763 292 16 924 833 17 878 305 809 305 22,040 777 305 305 18 851 19 397 775 835 305 15 057 789 305 23 956 782 305 305 19 721 18 028 753 759 305 17 134 757 305 754 18 757 305 753 19 465 305 16 928 751 Wood A Cool Stoves A Intorts ■ _^IH 10