top exhibitors & Ag Arena BY LAURA ENGLAND UNIVERSITY PARK For the second time m two weeks, the Penn mgh construction work is uncomplete, the Penn State Ag Arena was host to both state Ag Arena opened its doors to the Dairy Exposition held last weekend and the Little International Livestock Exposition a College of Agriculture student held April 21. Bravo 500. yield ♦3 ' hA •TiT Banners provide decorative scene p-.i M XT fSt m m fwg * y *3|| fA Q ■ m. *** - r. ' * i4l iM &J 3 e ▼ /L*‘ h «** ■V* ? *» w ■'v^ SiMm mV • W'j&t, m '/ / wdr®/ j j ""i l/ ' rj k Jim Hoge, center, Pittsburgh, is presented the Robert H. Rumler Award by Pa. Holstein Association executive secretary William Nichol, left, and Association president Sam Minor. tipi *4 SSdKp. f& p+fc"' * ( / r. v '-#i 3 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 5,1M4—A21 Receives Rumler award If ‘ f | I'*** fr ,