Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 28, 1984, Image 55

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    American Agri-Women review activities, legislation
BY JOYCE BUPP meeting, with a review of affiliate
Staff Correspondent chapter activities and pending ag-
WASHINGTON, D.C. related national legislation.
American Agri-Women met in York Agri-Women Gail Mc-
Washington April 9 and 10 for the Pherson, New Park, and Joyce
annual mid-year planning Bupp, Seven Valleys, represented
Patti Zee, New Jersey fruitgrower, distributes Resource
Guides to AAW members.
, 24” - */« H.P. FAN
/j w/Hanger, Cord,
Motor, Grill &
jMjk;! Switch
$129.00 *99“
Galv. 36" FAN V 4 H.P. w/Energy
Efficient Motor
Reg Price $330 00
SALE ‘269” ZjX
Alum. 36" Shutters (
Reg $90.00 W TOv i
SALE $ 69’ 5
American Cool Air
Member of AMCA
Heavy Duty
60" Agricultural
• 5Yr Warranty • Aluminum
• UL Approved Construction
• 5 Speed Control
Agstar Stainless Steel
Rotary &
Fenceline hd A, "v ’if
Feeders M V S
Plastic Pan Wastes
Drainage System for
Farrowing Crates
above without woven
wire flooring
Two frames ere show
with plastic pans ,
lomed together The *1 _
frame in beck has a t.ii mH
farrowing crate in Side view of pen
position atop the showing collars that
woven wire flooring loin adjacent pans
Flex-Auger Systems, PVC Tubing, 2”, 3", 4" Diameter Systems
yyC Suspension /Feed utei
// Hooks J Drop
Curved II
Auger I|
Tub *
Bin Boot
Z li I
Pennsylvania at the sessions, neid
at the Capital Holiday Inn.
Following business sessions,
AAW hosted a congressional
reception at the Rayburn Building
and members made individual
visits to their district House and
Senate representatives.
An update on the AAW Resource
Center included the distribution of
a revised Agriculture Education
Resource Guide, compiled and
edited by New Jersey orchardist
Patricia Zee.
The Guide is a 35-page, paper
back compilation of printed
materials and audio-visual aids
available for teaching about the
nation’s agriculture industry. It is
geared especially toward use by
educators, consumers and
spokespersons for agriculture.
Sources of the hundreds of ag
related educational aids range
from private ag-business cor
porations to government agencies,
and from agriculture commodity
groups to lending firms. Most of
the printed literature listed in the
resource guide is available either
free of charge or at relatively low
AAW’s Resource Guide can be
used as an information tool for
teaching Ag in the Classroom, a
USDA top priority educational
program for teaching students an
appreciation of American
Polyethylene Bottom Reg *
• S'/iFt. Bunk „ Sale *129 OO
Reg. $93.00 SALE *76*» ba ’ e UV,W
Metering \fDirect Drive
Drop or Belt Drive
Box Power Unit
Feed Level
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 28,1984-815
Thirty-eight states are now in
volved in integrating Ag in the
Classroom into their educational
curnculums, according to Mildred
Schultz, Michigan, an AAW vice
president and chairman of the
education committee.
Clarion Venango County starts
search for Dairy Princess
Clarion Venango County Milk
Promotion Committee has begun
its search for a Dairy Princess.
To qualify for competition,
participants must :
• be the daughter of a dairy
• be 17 to 22 years of age
• have completed her junior year
of high school by June 1984
•be a Clarion or Venango
County resident.
Any girl interested and qualified
should contact Linda McHenry at
275-2342, Janice Henry at 275-3740,
or Polly Keefer at 473-3529 before
April 28,1984.
This year, instead of askmg non
farm businesses to sponsor this
program, the Milk Promotion
Committee is asking dairy farmers
to financially support it. The Dairy
For Trucks &
Gravity Wagons^^
Ideal For Fertilizer Spreading
6"xl4' Gravity Box Auger $624.00 *559.95
B"xl4’ Gravity Box Auger . $868.00 *779.95
1 6"xl4'Truck Auger . . . .$823.00 *739.95,
Above Models Come With Tube & Auger Hyd.
Motor, Hopper, Variable Delivery Speed & Spout,
Heavy Duty or HD (IT Available on Special Order)
Agriculture Education Resource
Guides are available, at $2.00 per
copy, from Patricia Zee, AAW
Resource Center, Route 1, Box 398,
Glassboro, New Jersey 08028, or by
contacting Gail McPherson,
Penn’s Agri-Women, Rl, New
Park, 17352.
Princess travels to schools,
grocery stores, and farm and non
farm meetings to promote dairy
products. She also does many radio
In addition to the Dairy Princess
pageant, the Milk Promotion
Committee will be active at the
Clarion Mall Promotion on June 1
and 2. It will also sponsor an ice
cream social in the mall parking
lot from 5 to 9 p.m. on June, 2
proceeding a square dance.
To support these activities write
a check payable to “Milk
Promotion Committee” and send it
to Polly Keefer, R 2 Rimersburg,
PA 16248.
10,000 CFM - 20 Ft. Power Cord
sale ?' wir •
Reg. $468.50
[I eL
lL_ JH
Single & Double
w/plastic waste
drainage pans
s’x7' &
•~n -
From GSI
(The #1 Bin
Company in U.S.A.)
2V 3 "
Featuring The
New Flex Auger