Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 28, 1984, Image 139
Seed quality check needed this year DeKALB, 11. Germination and vigor of some seed being offered to farmers this spring is below normal expectations. Here’s where you must rely on your suppliers’ name and reputation for seed quality. Such a supplier will probably be utilizing a number of different tests in order to be sure that only good seed is sold. This will include repeated standard germination tests plus thorough screening by some sort of a vigor evaluation, such as a cold soil germination test. All the testing in the world means little to the farmer unless suppliers are willing to set up strict internal standards and then stick with them. Seedsmen who do this are indicating a long-term com mitment to customer satisfaction. Seed produced under drought stress is perfectly satisfactory for planting if the seedsman kept the interests of his customers foremost in his thinking. Quality assurance is important to most, but not all, seed suppliers. Customers should consider this in making their final seed selections. As a result of drought production conditions, 1983 seed is generally not quite as large and may average slightly lower germinating than usual because of nutrient supply limitations to some kernels. For these reasons, the quality control exercised by your seed supplier is more than ever. Sizing of corn seed to attain uniform plantabihty is a mechanical operation. If strict sizing standards were adhered to, your supplier probably has a higher proportion of seed m the smaller sizes this year. There is no reson to avoid these smaller seeds - - in fact they are often good buys - but you should plan to be especially careful about planter repair, maintenance, and adjustment. Plant them right and they’ll perform right. Seed produced under stress growing conditions has the same genetic-based performance potential as seed grown in an ideal SCHLESSMAN'S C^HYBRIDroRN^> PREMIUM SINGLE CROSSES I SX-725 - New Improved Standability, 112 Days, Excellent Yield I SX-650 - High Yielding, Good Standability, 110 Day, Short Stalk - Imbred Used In This Cross Was Most Wanted Across U.S. By Most Seed Companies. H SX-810- High Yielding Good Standability, 118 Days ★ Resistant to Carbona Race 3 Disease GARDEN SEEDS Full Line ONION SETS of SEED POTATOES Garden Supplies Free Catalogs Available SEED OATS TWINES Caning.. A NEW Alfalfa - Boyd's 84VW • Verticilumn Wilt Resistant • Anthracnose Resistant • Phylophthora Root Rot Kay UmHsd Supfhf - Plies Year Otiet How PR,NCEP _ PROWL CALIBER 90 UWL ~ *2.80 ib *23.oo®eai WHOLESALE & RETAIL BOYDELL FARMS 302 lona Rd., Lebanon, PA 17042 Phone:7l7-272-8943 Many farmers found too many ears of corn last year like the one on the left due to drought stress. With a record area corn crop planned for this year, a bumper crop of ears like those on the right are being sought by dairy and livestock feeders. environment. The yield per formance potential of a plant growing from one of these seeds is as good as ever. That’s the con sensus of DeKalb-Pfizer Genetics research and seed operations people quizzed recently regarding what farmers should expect from seed they’ll be planting this spring. Heat and drought stress upsets the normal uptake and in-plant transport of nutrients, depriving plants of the amounts required for full vegetative growth and/or Du Pont names Molz WILMINGTON, Del. - Robert J. Molz has been named assistant director of research and development for the Du Pont Company’s Agricultural Chemicals Department. In this newly created position, Molz will have general responsibility for research administration and operations and will report to Klaus A. Saegebarth, research and development director. Molz joined Du Pont in 1969 as a research biochemist in the Photo Products Department. In 1972, he was named technical services kernel development. Depending on when the stress occurs, plants have some ability to respond by altering their growth pattern. They will abort kernels already forming, limiting the remaining number to be filled in an attempt to balance nutrient need with supply. Late in the season, com plants have been shown to withdraw sugars from the stalk to fill kernels - enabling them to complete development of most remaining kernels, but at the expense of stalk strength. supervisor, aca' division, and a year later was promoted to product manager for aca’ test packs In 1975, he became quality assurance manager in the Clinical Systems Division. Prior to his most recent move, he was manager of research and development for clinical and instrument systems in the Biomedical Products Department. Hear Merrill Lynch tel could lock in full-grown profits on your livestock right now At our next Merrill Lynch seminar, you’ll learn the ins and outs of hedg ing in hog futures We’ll show how you could assure yourself a known profit margin months before your hogs are fin ished. Why you could make money even when prices go down Five dif ferences between hedging and spe culating You’ll also learn. • How hedging could help you get bigger loans from your banker • How a “partial hedge” could offset errors in judgement. • 4 pitfalls to avoid in placing a hedge • How to get an alternative market to your regular buyer. • 3 dangers of not hedging. The seminar is free: But space is limited. So reserve your seats now. Date; Wednesday, May 2nd Time: 7:30 p.m. Place: The Treadway Resort Inn, 222 Eden Road, Exit 272 North, Route 30 Bypass, Lancaster For reservations, call Greg Strausbaugh toll free 1-800- 632-9020 in Pennsylvania or toll free 1-800-233-1927 out of state. Or just mail the coupon. UncasUr Farming, Saturday, April 28,1984—D1l Yule bull enters sampling SHAWANO, Wi. - A Holstein calf, acquired from Richard Yule, Millville, is now available for sampling from Midwest Breeders Cooperative. The newest offering from the full-service cattle breeding cooperative is 21H873 Yules-Pnde Tradition Art-ET. Art is a son of Sweet-Haven Tradition. Combined with his maternal grandsire, Pawnee Farm Arhnda Chief, Art has a Pedigree Index of +932 M, +26 F, +slo4 and a Genetic Index of +lO6B M, +3l F, +sl2l. Art’s dam is Yules-Pnde Arhnda Apple, VG-85. She has a current Cow Index of +482 M, +3O F, +sB2. AEC employes honored GETTYSBURG - Twenty Adams Electric Cooperative (AEC) employees were recognized for their safe working practices by the cooperative at AEC’s Annual Safety Awards Breakfast held at the Stonehenge Restaurant, Gettysburg, April 11. Adams Electric Cooperative provides a safety continuing education program for all em ployees. This program has received several awards in recognition of the cooperative’s accomplishments in accident prevention and its dedication to the training and welfare of its em ployees. The purpose of this program, according to Charles L. Overman, AEC’s general manager, is to instill a growing knowledge of and respect for safe working conditions and practices. Overman said, “Adams Electric provides these job training and education programs to enable employees to work safely and develop their _ Come hear Merrill Lynch tell how _ I to hedge in hog futures. ■ * Please reserve seat(s) for your seminar ■ I L 1 No, I cannot attend, but please send information | ■ on this subject ■ " Mail to Merrill Lynch, 48 East Market Street, ” | York, PA 17401 | Name -- _ ■ (Please print) ■ | Address - - - - - m ■ Cny_ __ Slate /ip I m Telephone— m ■ Merrill I ynch customers, please give name and office address of | ■ Account Executive ■ I | Merrill Lynch ! ® Memll Lynch Pterce Fenner & Smith Inc 1 < opvnght IQB4 Merrill L\ruh Pierce Fenner & Smith Iru McmhcrMPC As a two-year-old, she had a 365- day lactation of 18,960 pounds of milk, 654 pounds of butterfat and a 3.4 percent fat test. Art is now housed at the Midwest Breeders’ young sire housing facility in Stewartville, Mn. He is one of about 100 high genetic potential young sires sampled each year in the Shawano, Wi.-based cooperative’s program. The program offers incentive payments, including a bonus for producers on protein test, to qualified users of junior sire semen. The program allows Midwest to increase the number of young sires sampled and makes sampling more efficient. skills and abilities within the limits of individual potential while makmg a contribution to the cooperative and assuming positions of greater respon sibility.” Employees recognized for their safety records include: Five Years- Marcia L. Staub and Scott A. Wehler. Ten Years- Glen E. Blocher, Dawn L. Bodenberg, Donald L. Caudill, Fern A. Hess, William E. Myers, Rex A. Mcßoberts and Philip G. Tate. Fifteen Years- Thomas I Flynn and Chester H. Waltemyer. Twenty Years- Edward J. Althoff, Caroline E. Baral, Walter J. Chrismer and Autry T. Nunamaker. Twenty-Five Years- Leslie J. Pomeroy. Thirty Years- Fred J. Kane, J, Wayne Kump and Charles A, Rosensteel. Thirty-Five Years- Donald G Hubbard. how you