Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 28, 1984, Image 121
For Sale ■ 40 head Registered Texas Longhorn. Cows, calves and service age bulls. Can 717-273-3025 after 9 PM LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT b Supplies For Sale - 7 -8 ft. sections j type fence line feed bunks, used 4 months. Western York County 717-225-1959. 12 Calf Hutches, good condition, $40.00 a piece, can deliver. 814-542- 8175 * Baled Wood Shavings Kiln dried, in easy to handle 4 cu. bales. Discount for large orders. We deliver or you pick up William Beam Morgantown, PA 215-286-9579 The Pigman's Handbook Practical Pig Nutrition The Sow: Improving Her Efficiency Pig Farmer’s Veterinary Pig Diseases .... Practical Pig Production. TV Vet Pig Book Funnyway t’mekalivm'... My Life on Your Farm (October 1983) Any Fool Can Be A Pig Farmer . .. Any Fool Can Be A Dairy Farmer .. Green Lane Farm Breeding Dairy Cattle (November 1983) Cattle Feeding (November 1983) . . The New Herdsman's Book (December 1983) Dairy Farm Business Management (November 1983) Grass Farming (November 1983) Profitable Beef Production Dairy Farmer's Veterinary Book Tackling Farm Waste .... The Principles of Dairy Farming Forage Conservation and Feeding □ SPRING SPECIAL! 10% discount on 2 - or more BOOKS Plus FREE COPY FARM ANIMALS IN THE MAKING OF AMERICA 128 pages Valued *6.95 An excellent book and has a lot of practical information that is universal in scope. Could be a useful addition to any student’s or producer’s library. Mr. Marvin W. Heeney, Extension Professor at Colorado State University. REVIEW: The TV VET books are excellent resources, which every cattleman should own. We were just elated with the illustrations especially the CALVING THE COW. We are fullblood Simmental cattle breeders, and accordingly, PREVENTION, DIAGNOSIS, and TREATMENTS are top priority in the management of an efficient cattle enterprise. The TV VET books are our number one reference books in our library. CONNELL CREEK FARMS, Box 458, CARROT RIVER, Saskatchewan. SOE OLO. CANADA TO MY BOOKSELLER: Please supply me with the books I ticked above. I enclose remittance to the value of: Name . . .. Address: □ FREE COLORED FOLDER DESCRIBING ALL ABOVE BOOKS - DIAMOND FARM BOOK PUBLISHERS, DEPT. LF, BOX 537, ALEXANDRIA BAY, NY 13607 PHONE (613) 475-1771 DAIRY CATTLE LEASING - Our HI priority real-top quality cows to make money for you, the farmer, and for us! Call for details. 607-776-3478. D.H Rumsey, Bath. N.Y. Grade Heifers, also square tubing, barnyard gates, made to order. Phone 717-442-8338. No Sunday Calls Purebred registered Simmental Bull. Sired by Signal, born 2-27-83. Excellent disposition and performance record. Oldfield Cattle Co., Galena, MD. 301-648- 5105. 18 month old registered red Holstein Bull, $750. Franklin County. 717-264- 9388. '/: Chianina Bull registered, born 4-5-83, solid black, polled, tall and smooth, performance tested. Oldfield Cattle Co., Galena, MO. 301- 648-5105. Five purebred Charolais Bulls. 1 year old, excellent bloodlines, $B5O. Also, 7 purebred open heifers. 13 months old. 717- 458-6526,458-5880. LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT h SUPPLIES Review: Pi average weight 700 lbs., open, $325 each. 301- 838-5883 Registered Angus Cattle, cow with bull calf, bred cow (June calving), cow and yearling heifer. 215- 935-2169. For Sale - 2 year old Tony daughter due in October to Dynamo from 3 generations over 20,000 milk, dam and grand da mi both VG. Perfector bred heifer from 2 generations, VG. Dam 4.7 test over 800 fat. Due in May to Marc. Price $1,500 a piece. Ounwood Farm. 717-529- 2950. Registered Simmental cow and calves for sale mostly polled from popular Al sires one full blood bull. York Co. after 6 or Saturday. 717-225- 4586. For Sale - 5 Registered Holstein bred heifers and 3 Registered Holstein Cows. If you are putting a new herd together or adding some cows here you can buy direct from a top Registered Holstein herd. Call 215-593-6577. LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT h SUPPLIES TV Vet Stock 1 TV Vet Stock 2 TV Vet Sheep Book Profitable Sheep Farming Intensive Sheep Management The Goalkeeper's Veterinary Book All About Goats TV Vet Horse Book . TV Vet Dog 800 k.... Cats; Their Health and Care Junior Book of Pet Care Good Dog! Straw for Fuel, Feed and Fertilizer Soil Management . . . Mechanising Vegetable Production Drying and Storing Combmable Crops Cereal Pests and Diseases Direct Drilling & Reduced Cultivations Potato Mechanisation and Storage The Farm Office Farm Crops Farm Livestock Farm Machinery Farm Workshop Farmer’s Dog $16.95 ( $16.95 ( $22.95 ( $18.95 ( $l7 95 ( $19.95 ( $16.95 ( $ 6.95 ( $18.95 ( $16.95 ( $16.95 ( $14.95 ( $16.95 ( $18.95 ( $lB 95 ( $l9 95 ( $19.95 ( $16.95 ( $18.95 ( $18.95 ( $22.95 ( $17.95 ( Fa rmer's Veterinar ( ) Please ship C.O.D lock Letters Please 9 purebred angus cows, 2 herfers, most reg., 2- 18 anms/Herford cross cows, mo., sired by top A.I bulls calving now; 15/16 Top Brass, Shade. Fasc., Simmental bull. Harford Soldier Boy, Milk n Honey MD Call atter April General, etc. Dams to 23rd. 301-838-7651. over 15,000. Many over For Sale - 3 cows classified 12,000, BF to 5.8. Two VG, 1 good plus and 5 reg 15 mo. Jersey bulls heifers just fresh. Call out of XL cows and top A. I. 717-632-0572. Adams bulls. Sell as a group or as County springers. Columbia Co 717-784-9458 pi year old registered hols tem bull. Sire Chairman. Dam very good Jet Stream daughter. Records for dam, 1 year II mon ths, 357 days, 20,398 milk, 770 fat. 2nd record, 3 years, 365 days, 25,966 milk, 990 fat. 3rd record, 4 years 5 months, 324 days, 30,056 milk, 1,064 lbs fat. $BOO 717-386-5124. For Sale - registered Charolais bull, two 2 year olds polled, sired by VCC Champion Sam 78; 3 yearlings polled, sired by RCC Mr. Expenctation, 3447 South Mountain Farm, Rya and Mary Grimes, Box 38, McKnightstown, PA 17343 717-334-1022 5 nice holstem heifers, 1 year old. Call 215-384- 7453. LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT h SUPPLIES Book Holstein Bull For Sale. Born 6-1-83, Sired by Very. Dam's record, 25,320 M. 988 F. Next two Dams have records over 29,000 M, 1,100 F Phone 717-768-3811. For Sale - Chardais/Her ford Bull, approx. 800 lb., service age for heifers polled, gentle. 717-432-4231. For Sale - Angus ■ Chianina bulls and heifers 717-872-2436. For Sale - 15 holstein steers, home raised. Weighing around 500 lb Also bred holstein heifer to freshen from May through August. York Co. 717-229-2055. For Sale - 15 Jersey bred heifers, due starting Aug., Dams avg. 12,121 M, 5% B.F. (Sires: S. Boy, Poet, Samson, Midnite, Br. Soldier). $BOO each 412-376-2884. LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT h SUPPLIES *f\' / -Mi i $16.95 ( ) $16.95 ( ) $l6 95 ( ) $18.95 ( ) $18.95 ( ) $18.95 ( ) $18.95 ( ) $l6 95 ( ) $l6 95 ( ) $13.95 ( ) $ 13.95 ( ) $11.95 ( ) $16.95 ( ) $22 95 ( ) $l6 95( ) $22.95 ( ) $19.95 ( ) $22.95 ( ) $22 95 ( ) $16.95 ( ) $l3 95 ( ) $l3 95 ( ) $15.95 ( ) $l5 95 ( ) $ll 95 ( ) Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 28,1984—C41 For Sale - Good quality spnngmg heifers Vac cinated and health charts Beimuel M. Fisher, R D. 2, Peters Rd , 3 miles south of New Holland, PA J 7557. Bull, black Angus, Registered 3 years old March 1984 Proven breeder Wye stock Gentle. Harford, Co. 301- 452-8300. LIMOUSIN HEIFERS Polled, purebred and registered Ideal for club projects or herd replacements. Certified and accredited herd. Richard McDonald, Shippensburg, 717-532- 4298. For Sale - Two cows one palled black Angus bred, $400; one polled Herford Angus Cross heifer at si(fe, $600; 215-754- 6090. For Sale - Herd of 34 Registered cows and 7 bred Registered Heifers. For Sale Sires - Jemini, Jet Stream, Elevation, Valiant, Willow and other good sires, young and food producers, certified, usq. Co. 717-465-3428. Registered Angus Cow/Calf pairs, $6OO, Excellent Bulls. Heifers and Heavy Feeders available 215-857-3949, 215-857-2168 Black Angus Cows - most with calves at side now from Registered Angus and Registered Hereford Bulls Phone 717-375- 4551 after 6 p.m. 2 holstem heifers due May and June, $5OO each. Jacob S. King, Prospect Rd., Box 24, Strasburg, PA. 17579. Dairy Herd first, second and third calf, Al certified health chart. 28 Holstein, 4 Guernsey, 1 fresh registered Jersey, 1 grade Blue Roan spring heifer, also calves Nor thumberland County 717- 797-3751. Polled Hereford Cows w/calves, $550. Call between 7 & 9 p.m 814- 669-9509. 11 Milk Cows certified and accredited, all stages lactation, Sires include Elevation Job Mag-Chief Red. 717-658-7662. For Sale - Elevation Bull born 6-18-83 out of Kingpin best record 25.000 milk. 1,090 fab Columbus Bull born 9-24- 83 out of Milu Betty Chief. Columbus Bull born 11-7- 83 first dam was Elevation, second dam Astronaut, best record 20.000 milk and 700 fat 717-488-6777. For Sale - 40 Milk Cows, young herd, strep-ag free 6 years. Owner selling due to health, $40,000 518-872-0127 For Sale - Registered holsteins m all stages of lactation. Records to 20,000 lbs of milk Chester Co. 215-932- 9762. For Sale - Exceptionally nice Holstein heifers from 6 months to springers, 100 to choose from Honesdale. Wayne County, PA. 717-253- 3049. Registered Jersey Herd ■ 50 young cows and 12 handling bred heifers, top Al sires, $BOO average or best offer by end of May 315-672-5674 For Sale • 21 heifers, 11 bred 10 open near breeding age some good sires and records represented Will sell one or all Lane Co 717-529- 6273. 5 Choice Polled Hereford Feeder Bulls - 600 to 800 lb average. 60 cents a lb, home raised, good frames 717-334-5966 20 steers and heifers lor sale - also one DC Case tractor, 1 disk, 1 Nl hayrake, 1 NH haybaler, 1 IH mowing machine 717- 945-5685 For Sale - 3 Chiamna angus breeding bulls, age 11 months Phone 717- 292-4441 Registered Holstein buls, 1 year old and younger. Out of dams with records to records up to 28,000 milk and up to 1100 fat Stump Acres 717-792- 3216 York County. “Wisconsin and Canadian Dairy Cows For Sale - Ist, 2nd, and 3rd calf. Fresh and close springers. Cash, or credit with down pay ment. Specialize in selec- Stagcows for customers. Fter delivery. Reuben Greenberg. Inc., Colum bus, New Jersey 08022. Phone 609-298-1021." Buyers & Sellers of Livestock - Be sure to check the advertisements for cattle in the Lancaster Farming. You'll get resuks! 717-394-3047 or 717-626-1164. LEASE QUALITY DAIRY CATTLE Variousplans available. Cal or Write: Dairy Farm Leasing 1700 Dupont Ave. South Minneapolis, Minn. 55403 612-377-1489 Western & Canadian dairy cows for sale. As a ser vice, we will select and deliver. Many years ex perience. Terms available. Also lease program available. I. Greenberg and Son, Box 249, Mt Hol ly, NJ 08060 Telephone 609-267-1101 REG. HOLSTEIN SERVICE AGE BULLS All are sired by the top A. I buls of the breed. Many from high record dams, all bulls are home raised w/a large selection to choose from. Call John Barley. Star Rock Farms 717-872- 4058. Wanted - Herd of dairy cows or heifers. 301-358-0412. For Sale - Guernsey cows and heifers, some fresh and some due soon, 215- 696-1387 For Sale - Chianina-Angus cross heifers and bulls, 717-872-5655 Registered polled herefords, bred cows, open and bred heifers, service age buls, A-one breeding. Reasonable prices. W. Paul Halsey, Pylesville, MD., 301-452- 8621 after 6. 301-452- 8610. One Beefalo bull, seven Beefalo cows, some with calves, two polled Hereford cows, three Beefalo heifers 201-852-3044, Morris Co., NJ. 7 white and black face cows with calves, 7 bred white face heifers, 3 white face heifers Adams Co 717-334-0136 Registered polled hereford bull, correct, beautifully marked and dispositioned. proven breeder. 4 years old 5/84, dam is former farm show and KILE grand champion. Call 717-225-3124 evenings Where's the beet - That’s lean, delicious, more protein, vitamin A and VERY LOW cholesterol, fat. calories? Beefalo's the beef Chenango beefalo now selling registered percentage and purebred bulls, cows, heifers - genetic efficiency for your production advantage 607-656-8416 f “FOR LEASE Will lease to good farmers Ist calf heifers w/option ( to buy Write Sunrise Farms Box 145 Codorus. PA 1731 WILL BOARD CATTLE WE FEED & CARE Feed lot or Pasture, per day or per pound weight gained Pa New York State Line 607-525-6214