ROW 'IM RIO o ISO? nfSSS** ** . •** ■-^S— ■> * •2 Calf Starter is a ured sweet feed. It is a ibination of steam flaked i, steam crimped heavy », steam crimped barley, ets, and cane molasses. FEED 1 lb. Per Head Per Day - Plus Free Choice Forages + “No Charge” for roughage testing + Computer calculated “Least Cost” feeding program + Bulk feed delivered within 24 hours from receipt of order. PFrom Pa. From Md., NJ, DE 1-800-732-0467 1-800-233-0202 pennfield feeds with PENNFIELD’S Heifer Program #545 HEIFER GROWER CONCENTRATE From 8 Months To Fresh Winfield D With Rumensin ' Pm Quality - Performance - Service Pluses: + Corn merchandising program + Dairy terms: 2*/2% cash discount - due 15th of following month. + Well trained “Dairy Specialists” who can help solve problems when they occur. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 21,1984—AS / SSt* *>l ***l a% I #503 High-Fat Calf Starter is a pelleted product. The “high fat" insures extra energy for maximum growth: Faster growth from birth to 4 months of age, means a healthier, bigger heifer at 24 months when she comes into the milking string.