Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 07, 1984, Image 52
Bl2—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 7,1984 Project winners at the annual Delaware-County 4-H Spring Fair held at the Granite Run Mall, Media, have been announced by Elmore R. Hunter, Urban 4-H compared with the sun’s 8 billion to 10 billion years, says Stencel. The fact that its’ relatively short lived could mean that its com panion has not yet formed, he notes, or that it somehow is preventing its companion from forming. At least 55 professional and amateur astronomers in about a dozen countries have telescopes pointed toward Epsilon Aurieae to try to detect its secret companion. Besides groundbased instruments taking photometric, spectroscopic, polarimetric, and infrared measurements, satellites also are making ultraviolet and infrared observations. “It has to be protoplanetary system. I don’t know how it could be anything else,” says astronomer James C. Kemp of the University of Oregon, who bases his statement on preliminary results of his -■ monitoring of the polarized light. Kemp and his assistants have been watching Epsilon Aurigae since late July 1982, through telescopes at the Pine Mountain Observatory, perched 6,300 feet up in the mountains of Oregon’s central desert region. His research is supported in part by the National Geographic Society. “The pattern of polarized light indicates that the eclipsing body is a highly organized dense disk strongly condensed and probably rapidly spinning. Presumably there is a star buried in the middle that holds it together. Given what we know of the formation of planets, this disk seems to have the right properties,” Kemp says. “It may be in the process of con densing, shrinking, and cooling into cooler gaseous blobs that may further condense into planets at w/mmmwm i r Com i TERRA-TRONICS 1 Electronic Monitor Measures Working Acres And Ground Speed • Easy-to-see digital readout 70 • Easy-to-operate touch sensitive keys • Easy-to-mstall • Operates with any field implement re quiring acre measurement - pulled, mounted, or self-propelled sprayers, combines, etc. JVinwo CmmfrUugml Pump * %?. »► QK/Coupler <#■ PAUL B. ZIMMERMAN, INC. Bo* 128, EDI. Wood Comer Rd . Utitz, PA 17543 1 Mile West of Ephrata (717) 738-1121 • HARDWARE • FARM SUPPLIES • CUSTOM MANUFACTURING • CRANE SERVICE 4-H Agent with the Penn State Cooperative Extension Service. Over 200 4-H members exhibited for judging the projects they had worked on during the winter Star disappears (Continued from Page BIO) the same time becoming flatter and flatter.” At this point, his studies indicate that the disk is about 100 million miles thick, with a billion-mile diameter. However, preliminary infrared measurements by Dana E. Backman of the University of Hawaii show the disk to be somewhat thicker. Epsilon Aungae’s mysterious companion was first thought to be disk-shaped and dense by astronomer Su-Shu Huang of Northwestern University in 1965. It may be about a year after the current eclipse ends before scientists will be able to agree about what they saw, Stencel says. “It’s a matter of comparing notes from all sources and trying to decide what best explains the data,” he says. The infrared studies, which can probe regions that appear transparent in or dinary visible light, may hold the key. “With infrared we hope to see through to what’s going on in the center, whether there’s a hot center, a cold center, or none at all,” says Stencel. An orbiting infrared telescope, which last year provided the first direct evidence of pther solar systems, is expected to give clues about Epsilon Aurigae when further data are analyzed. The Infrared Astronomy Satellite found two potential planetary systems around the stars Vega and Fomalhaut. Barring some astronomical surprises, Stencel believes scientists should be able to say the same thing about Epsilon Aungae. “I hope those studying the eclipse of 2009 to 2011 will be affirming what we have discovered,” he says. l uarters For Sprayers & Parti i lete Headi P SPECIAL Model BDS4-C9202 spring fair winners announced We Also Stock A Complete Lane of Egnn Sprayer Nozzles And HEHI Accessories Hyprc/ Pumps And Accessories • Sprayer Hose • Ball Valves • Nylon Fittings • Poly Tanks Pocur Pumps Self-Priming Centrifugal Pumps For Agriculture 9s» s l6s°° months. The following are champion and reserve champions respectively of the projects which they entered. Indoor Gardening; Decorated Pot - Shawn Cassidy, Marcus Hook; Christine Tiffany, Verna Jeant, Shawn Greaves, Chester; Begonia A - Maureen Cross, Upland; Crystal Kitt, Chester; Begonia C - Chris Nurell, Chester, Lisa Speed, Media; 1981 Ivy Wreath - Vincent Seals, Chester; John Grover, Norwood; Fall 1983 Geoff Nangle, Middletown; Duane Godshall, Ridley. Woodworking: Decorated: Michele Macßone, Ridley; Kelly Dostillo, Ridley; - Woodworking I; Maria Gentile, Woodlyn; Tim Kapishki, Upper Darby; - Woodworking II: Eddie Sheehan, Newtown Square; Nicole Peap ples, Rose Tree; - Woodworking III: John Casaneckia, Holmes; Kerry Kynett, Rose Tree. Archery Unit 1; Chris Smith, Springfield; Marc Mclntire, Springfield; Unit II: Stephen Harmon, Matt Trumbull, Mid dletown. Rocketry - Unit I; Tom Lukenbach, Norwood; Nancy From repairing drafty, leaking walls to complete stucco removal and repointing, exterior resl 1 specially 1 REASONABLE RATES JAMES H. DOSTER 507 South Spruce Street Lititz, Pennsylvania 17543 For information or a free estimate, return coupon below. Name City lone: An Directions to your home: “S" Senes Parker, East Lansdowne; Unit II; Jeff Purfield, Springfield; Unit III; Bill O’ Brien, Springfield. Needlepoint - Duane Godshall, Marc Hoffman, Ridley. Clothing and Textiles - Denise Ditmore, Collmgdale. Demonstrations - Garner Gollatz, Media; Jason Hess, Newtown Square; Mickey Hess, Media; Patrick McGrath, Media; Lynoor Hiller, Middletown; Melhssa Newtown, Upper Darby; Wanda McKiltnck, Havertown; Lauren Weaver, Haverford. Spectators had an opportunity to choose their favorite poster. Mickey Hess, Media, was chosen first place winner by the nearly 400 persons who voted. Second place went to Jason Hess, Newtown Square, and Matt Trumbell, Middletown was in third place. During the fair the 4-H Drill Team put on a performance and Robert Flickenger of Marcus Hook performed magic performance on Friday night. For information on membership or leadership call the 4-H office at 565-9070. Penn State is an affirmative action, equal op portunity university. SANDBLASTING REPOINTING WATERPROOFING toration or farmhouses is our State Zip 4-H Dairy Club The Central 4-H Dairy Club met on March 12 at the home of Rod man Thompson. Dr.»David Kun selman gave a short program on "A Factory Designed For Making Milk.” The next meeting will be the on April 9 at the home, of Steve Eisenhart. Ray Branus will speak on “Feeding Calves Ad Lab Way and Dairy Beef.” 4-H Horse and Pony Club The meeting of the Saddle Cinches 4-H Horse and Pony Club was held on March 26 at the home of leaders Keith and Kendy Allen. The club elected the following officers: Rhonda Gibble, president; Guthrie, vice president, Yvonne Peters, secretary; and Vickie Creighton, treasurer. The club’s next meeting will be on April 23 at the home of club member Kathy Smith.