Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 07, 1984, Image 194
F3B-Uncasttr Fanning, Saturday, April 7,1984 —' f - taction Register I Date - Monday, 5 00 P M I ch week's publication > FRI MAY 18 ■ 630 PM Public Auction of Feeder Cattle and Feeder Pigs Located at Keister's Mid dleburg Auction Sales, Inc , Rt 555, 3 mi east of Middleburg, PA, 5 mi west of Sehnsgrove, PA Don and Walt Keister, Owners Ray Long and Dave Imes, Auctioneers FRI MAY 18 530 PM Gap Auction Antiques and Household Goods sold at every auction Located off Rt 41 Lan caster Turkey Hill Mimt Market cross RR bridge Ira Stoltzfus & Son Auc tioneers NIGHT SALE COMPLETE MILKING HERD DISPERSAL OF SPRING HOLLOW FARM FOR: C. IVAN & MARIE STOLTZFUS Honey Brook, Pa. (Dairyman selling due to hip surgery) TUESDAY NIGHT, APRIL 10,1984 7:30 P.M, To be held at Smoketown Quality Dairy Sale, Smoketown, Pa. Rt. 340, 5 mile E. of Lancaster, 5 miles west of Intercourse. IB & Blood Tested Within 30 Days 39 COWS ALL STAGES OF LACTATION 9 REG. 30 GRADES Mostly 2 yr. olds, 3 are 3 yr. olds & 5 are 4 yr. olds. Rolling Herd Ave. 14,626 3.6 525 mostly 2 yr. olds. For the past 5 mo ave oyer 55 lbs. March test 58.6. Service sires by Atlantic-Select Sires and all west breeders. THESE SELL. #B4 - Reg. 4 yr G+B3 Wapa Arhnda Conductor Fr 9-28 Peaked at 103.3 3 yr 356 20,922 4.2 891 2 yr 331 17,562 4 3 753 Her dam VG Kingpin with 18,720 3 9 727 18,310 3 9 714 #122-Reg 4yr G + Shardale Arhnda Chief Jemmi VG Mammary Fr 1-7 Now 76 6 3 8 2 yr 305 15,102 3.7 561 Index +1228 +52 Her dam G+B4 Elevation 20,550 3 8 789 21,050 3.7 777 2nd dam V G Astronaut 18,730 3 5 662 3rd dam G + 83 20,280 4 0 809 #lOB-Reg 4yr Rosemere Fury Ivan due in Aug to Kmgway Elevation Very Peaked at 82 1 Pro) 20,951 530 #267 Reg 3 yr Bun Yard Moneymaker FI2-17 Peaked at 77 3 Proj. 16,2364.1667 #32 - Reg. 4 yr. G+B3 Wis Magician Gray View Due 4-1 to Freebrook Rag Apple Shamrock 2 yr 15,065 3.9 592 ME 19,705 681 #2 - Reg 4 yr Elmwold Darcy Telstar Bred 2-12 to C Roybrook Temp tation E.T Peaked 78.5 Proj 16,106 530 #ll9-Reg. 3 yr R-E-W Skywalker 2 yr. 14,971 462 Fr 3-4 #33 - Reg. Pending 2 yr. Due 9-25 to Crescentmead Chief Stewart Peaked as 2 yr. 62 Proj 14,203 562 #2B - Grade Due 7-4 Penn Dell Gay Jess 2 yr. 305 19,807 505 399 24,135 649 #l3 - Grade Fr 1-23 March test 103.9 4.0 2 yr. 24,547 779 15Y - Grade Fr 11-3 Peaked 93 Proj. 19,238 604 Bred 2-12 to Carlin- Mayer Ivanhoe Champion 10Y - Grade Fr 11-17 Peaked 100.8 Proj. 17,513-566 2 yr. 308 14,016 458 3 - Grade Fr 12-8 Peaked 91. Proj 16.054 701 26 - Grade Fr 12-23 Peaked 87.8 Pro) Grade - Sire Glendel Arlinda Chief 2 records over 18,000 m. Last Lac. milk over 100 lbs. per day DAM - Oats Farm Galliant Rag Apple 7 records over 20,000 m. FRI MAY 18 - 9 AM SAT MAY 19 9AM FRI & SAT JUNE 8, 9 - 9 AM 4 Day Winfield (Winnie) B Hogg Estate Absolute Public Auction Everything Sell mg to the Highest Bidder Truck Tractors, Trailers, used Pickup Trucks, 3 Separate Tracts of Real Estate throughout Quar ryville, 60 year collection of Antique parts, shop garage, office equipment, tires etc Auction Con ducted by the J Omar Landis Auction Service Jay M Witman SAT MAY 19 Public Auc tion of Three Springs Farm Milking Shorthorn 18,511681 2 yr 35018.165 634 10R - Grade Fr 12-18 Peaked 84 3 Pro) 16,000 622 #23 - Grade Fr 10-28 Due 10-13-84 to Crescentmead Chief Stewart Peaked 84.3 Pro) 15,965 650 2 yr 301 13,030476 #l4 Grade Fr 12-23 Peaked 82 8 Pro) 17,382 632 2yr 347 13.776 456 #l6 - Grade Fr 12-15 Peaked 82.8 Pro) 16,890 564 2 yr 338 14,333 451 20 - Due 4-12 to Latuch Fagm Rusty Red 2yr 16,959 3 8 643 24 - Due 8-16 to Mil-No II Design Peaked 79 Pro) 16,794 608 54 - Due 9-5 to Knolltop Reckers Ace Peaked 75 6 Pro|. 18,243 774 18 - Fr 12-19 Peaked 78.3 Pro) 15,051 582 2yr 33612,283 430 25 - Fr 9-25 Peaked 72.7 Proj 16,146 569 Bred to Hayseed Glendell Antiomo 1 - Fr 9-22 Peaked 71.5 Pro) 17,408 661 Due 9-8 to Knolltop Reckers Ace 48 ■ Due 8-22 to Kmgway Elevation Very Peaked at 70.9 Pro) 16,281 574 30 Fr 11-16 Due 10-16 to Crescentmead Chief Stewart 2 yr 339 16,048 637 5 - Fr 8-11 Due 8-9 to Crescentmead Chief Stewart 2yr 14.680647 15 - Peaked at 63 Pro) 15.204 523 Due 10-3 to Crescentmead Chief Stewart 143-Fr 1-22 Peaked 97 17 - Fr 9-6 Peaked 64.4 Pro) 14,124 579 Due 8-22 to Crescentmead Chief Stewart 22 - Due 10-28 to Hayseed Glendell Antiomo 2 yr. 18,494 684 6 - Due 8-30 to Crescentmead Chief Stewart Proj. 14,530 592 29 Fr 10-25 Peaked 71.3 Pro). 12,586 469 Sale Managed by: GORDON & HELEN FRITZ 717-393-0930 oi.ei 100 Head Located at the farm, 10 miles east of Ship pensburg, PA 10 miles southwest of Carlisle, off Rt 174 on Farm Road James H Young, Owner Ralph W Horst, Auc tioneers SAT MAY 19 - 2 PM Public Auction of 7 Vi acre Farmette Located 321 Ridge Ave Ephrata, PA Earl M & Erla R Martin, Owners Nevm Martin & Lewis Groff, Auctioneers SAT MAY 19 Public Auc tion tor Construction In dustry Council Located in Yonkers, NY Vilsmeier Auction Co , Auctioneers SAT MAY 19 930 AM Public Sale of antiques household goods, guns coins and truck Located at 121 S 9th Street Akron PA Harold and Anna Kellenberger Owners T Glenn and Timothy G Horst Auc tioneers SAT MAY 19 10 AM Public Auction of Personal Property & Real Estate Includes Antiques, Guns, Tractors Car & At tachments Located R D 4, Dover, PA at the cor ner of Bull Rd & Buck Rd Oscar & Edna Bolton, Owners Blame N Rent zel, Auctioneer SAT MAY 19 10 AM Public Auction of Valuable 27 acre farm & 1,2, 3 Pur chases Located from Lan caster, take Rt 222 south, 10 miles to New Providence Turn right on Mam St Go through New Providence to Cinder Rd Turn right, to 1 mile to farm on left Mrs Virginia M Hippie Estate Brandt T Hippie Jr & Ann H Wennch, Executors Kreider & Kline Auc tioneers WED MAY 23 530 PM Public Auction of Antique Tools Wooden Wheelbar rows, Horse Equipment & Selling One Load of Top Cows Out of New England States Consigned by Johnny Jr. Reg. - 3yr Airy - Hill Apache Fury Reg. - 4 yr Astra Monitor Dorian - Due April 12 to Penn-Dell Elevation Ivan Grade - Cedar Grove Golden Nugget 2yr 317 d 18,281 m Six Cows From One Herd #5O - Reg 4 yr. Marvex G P. 82 Due Aug 31 to Saul Proj 14,293. #6l - Lime Meadeow Alvin - Ist Lac -305 d 13,343 Fresh 2 wks full sister 3 yr 305 d 20,370 m. 666 f #lOO - Lime Meadeow Alvin - Est 4 yr 13,086 Fresh 136 d. 7,348 Bred 3-24-84 to Stewart. #ll4 - Lime Meadeow Alvin - 2 yr. 305 13,102 m. Ist Lac. 2nd Lac. fresh 5 wks milking 65 lbs. #ll6 Lime Meadeow Alvin Fr lOld. 6,063 2nd Lact. Est 14,853 Bred to Wise Man. #122 - Lime Meadeow Alivn Fr. IOOd. 4,772 2nd Lac. Bred 2-29-84 to Wise Man 3-2 yr olds due in May. 18 Cow Complete Herd Dispersal for David Ebersol Cows just fresh. Cows due April, June, July, Aug , Sept and Oct Cows milking 40 lbs. to 60 lbs. per day. These are rough bone cows and never pushed for high production AUCTION The undersigned will offer at public sale located at Port Trevorton RD 1 (turn East from Route 104 at Meiserville and North Vz mile at sale sign). APRIL 14,1914 At 10:00 A.M. Sharp 250 Head Top Quality Feeder Cattle Included in the above are: A broad selection of Charolais, Hereford, Holstein, Angus and Crosses varying in weights 200 to 800 lbs. All animals were raised on the farm since calfhood, fully acclimated, dehorned and wormed. This herd also has 1 Holstein springing heifer; 1 Swiss Jersey cross springing heifer; 1 Guernsey Jersey cross springing heifer; 2 Jersey cows -1 fresh 8 wks. 1 springer and 5 Jersey heifers, breeding age. Several good litters of feeder pigs. Miscellaneous Several hundred 7 ft. posts; new portable head gate; truckload of new and used tools; truckload of fruit; 30 school desks. ORDER OF SALE - Misc. 10:00 A.M.; Feeder Pigs 11:30; Feeder Cattle 12:00 TERMS; Cash or Good Check Lunch Owner Bryan O. Imes, Auctioneer Ph. 527-2449 AU-001656-L Owner, Auctioneer Not Responsible For Accidents Roto tiller Located in the Millersville Fire Hall, village of Millersville along E Charlotte St, PA Mrs Lester B Lefever Owner Howard Shaub, Auc tioneer FRI MAY 25 700 PM Dairy Sale Located at Penns Valley Livestock Auction, Centre Hall, PA Scott L Yocum and Ron Gilligan Auctioneers SAT MAY 26 10 A M Grade Heifer Sale at New Holland Sales Stables, Inc 12 miles east of Lan caster off Rt 23 in New Holland, Pa Abe Diffen bach, Manager SAT MAY 26 ll AM Public Auction of Horses Located at Keister’s M'd dleburg Auction Sales, Rt 555 3 mi east of Mid dleburg, PA, 5 mi west of Selmsgrove PA Don and Walt Keister Owners Ray Long and Dave Imes Auc tioneers ROY $. MARTIN TUES MAY 29 11 AM Public Auction of 55 Fresh and Close Holstein first Call Heifers Located at Ulysses, Potter Co, PA, on the Loucks Mills Rd Watch for arrows on Mam St Rt 49 Jerry Pirrung Sales, Owner JUNE SAT JUNE 2 10 AM Public Auction Benefit of Quilts, 3 D Painting, 75 Passenger Van & Many Other Items Located at the Lebanon Fairgrounds off Rt 72, Lebanon, PA New Covenant Christian School. Owners Harry Bachman Auctioneer PUBLIC SALE Discontinuing farming the undersigned will sell South of Hagerstown, Md or North of Martinsburg, W.Va. off 181 or W.Va. Exit 20, West 2V* miles on Route 901 to stop sign, North (right) IVz miles, west 1 mile on Little Georgetown Road. WED. APRIL 18,1984 at 10:30 A.M 155 HEAD OF REG. & HIGH GRADE HOLSTEIN CATTLE 155 Consisting of 76 head of Dairy Cows of which 221 have freshened since Jan 1., 10 dry cows, balance in different stages of lactation, 30 of the above are registered featuring sucln animals as: No. 64 - Reg. VG 88 Double Truine daughter due in July to Stewart w/a 6 yr. old record 305- 19795 m 3.3% 661 F. No. 190 - Reg. 4 yr. old Jet Stream daughter - 3 yr. old projection 20671 m 734 F. No. 185 - Reg. 3 yr. old Jet Stream proj. 19657 M 754 F. No. 192 - Reg. 4 yr. old Jet Stream proj. 18199 M 630 F due in Oct. to Bunky 800. No. 175 - Reg. 3 yr. old Jet Stream 305 da, 17486 3.8% 659 F due in June to Stewart. No. 149 - Reg. Astronaut granddaughter 4 yr, 338 da. 18974 M 3.7% 714 F due in Aug. to Bunky 800. No. 179 - Reg. 4 yr. old granddaughter of King Pm proj. 3 yr. old 17907 M 3.3% 632 F due in Oct. to Chairman. No. 26 - Grade Balladier daughter of 2 yr oldl proj. 20806 M 724 F due Oct. to June Starhte. No. 193 - Grade Van daughter w/3 yr. old proj. 17236 M 3.7% 706 F due Oct. to Scout. No. 189 - Grade 3 yr. 8.8. Chief daughter proj. 19657M695F. No. 171 - Grade 3 yr. old w/324 da. 16369 M 3.7% 612 F due Sept, to Junge Starhte. No. 2 - Grade Kingpin granddaughter w/2 yr. old record 354 da. 17690 M 548 F just fresh in Jan. ELIGIBLE & GRADE 79 Head of heifers consisting of 6 bred of which 5 are eligible to reg.; 22 breeding age heifers of which 15 are eligible to reg.; 51 head of open heifers from calves to yearlings of which are eligible to reg. Features: Eligible Stewart daughter born 3/8/84 out of dam #157, dam a granddaughter of Astronaut w/4 yr. old record 350 da. 18136 M 4.3% 808 F. Eligible Chairman daughter born 3/19/84 out of dam #l7O, dam a granddaughter of Kingpin w/2 yr. old record 309da. 17536 M 3.6% 639 F. Catalogs and current milk weights at ring side. This is mostly a home raised herd; Most all animals calfhood vac., herd AAA analized, service sires are Sire Power; D.H.I.A. tested pregnancy checked 3-28-84. Bangs & T.B. tested within 30 days & free for interstate shipment. This is mostly a young herd, well uddered a herd you will surely appreciate. Semen tank also selling Apollo 5x34 4 straws of Tradition 4 straws of Ford 3 straws of Harrisburg Gay Ideal 5 straws of Sweet Haven Lochenvor Boots 4 straws of Marlu Titan 10 straws of Cinnamon 5 straws of Rocket Mandate 5 straws of Onyx 2 straws of Carmel Pepper E.T. Portable DeLaval milking unit also sells. Loading chute available Sale held in tent Machinery Sale • Wed. April 25,1984 TERMS: Cash - Not responsible for accidents CHARLES & GLENDA MAYES Phone (304) 754-8041 Auctioneer; Robert C. Mullendore Pedigrees: Henry Kettering Clerk: C. L. Metz Lunch by Cedar Rides Mennonite Church _ THURS JUNE 7 - Monthly Cow Sale at Mel Kolb, Inc Lancaster Farm, 2220 Dairy Road, Lancaster PA FRI JUNE 8 130 PH/ Public Auction of State Grade Consignor Feeder Pig Sale Located at th« Carlisle Livestock Market Inc FRI JUNE 15 - 630 PM Public Auction of Feeder Cattle and Feeder Pik Located at Keister's Mid dleburg Auction Sales Inc , Rt 555, 3 mi east of Middleburg, PA, 5 mi west of Selmsgrove Pa Don and Walt Keister Owners Ray Long and Dave Imes Auctioneers