Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 07, 1984, Image 180
iter Fanning, Saturday, April 7,1954 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 500 P M ol each week s publication SAT APRIL 14 - Public Auction of Feeder Cattle & Feeder Pigs. Located at Port Treuorton, R.D 1 Roy Martin, Owner Bryan D Imes, Auctioneer. SAT APRIL 14 - 7 PM Public Auction of Berkshire, Duroc, & Crossbred Pigs. Located at the Wmebark Farm, In diana County, Rochester Mills, PA. Clayton Wmebark and Clyde McConaughey, Owners SAT. APRIL 14 - 10 AM Public Auction of the 9th Annual Machinery Con signment Sale. Located at □arrow's Used Farm Trac tors, 1 mile south of Sheds, NY on Rt. 13. Howard Visscher & Darrel Yoder, Auctioneers. SAT APRIL 14 -12 Noon Public Auction of Valuable Farm & Home Located on Rt 314, 3 miles east of Greensboro, MD, 1 mile west of Whiteleysburg, MD Roland & Joan Cor- Kell, Owners. Carroll’s Sales Co., Auctioneers SAT APRIL 14 - 930 AM Public Auction of Farm Machinery and Antiques Located R D 1, Mt Wolf, (Starview) York Co, PA. Toward Codorus Furnace John Hoover & Estate of Martin Hoover Allan Hoffman, Executor Blame N Rentzel, Auc tioneer SAT APRIL 14 - Public Auction of Niagara Mohawk Power Corpora tion Located in Rome, NY Vilsmeier Auction Co, Auctioneers SAT. APRIL 14 - 9:30 AM Public Auction of Tractors, Machinery, Tools, Air Compressor & Feeder Cattle Located from US Rt 15 just north of Emmittsburg, MD or 8 miles south of Gettysburg, PA Turn right at first traffic light and right again onto Macadam Farm Lane. Sale sign posted Mr Robert white, Owner C David Redding, Auctioneer SAT. APRIL 14 9AM Public Auction of the Rawlmsville Volunteer Fire Company’s 16th Annual Sale Farm Equip ment, Riding & Push Mowers, New and Used Tools. Building Materials and Supplies, Household Goods, Fruit Trees and Shrubbery, Truck Load of Groceries, Dry Goods, Antiques and Used Vehicles. SAT APRIL 14-10-30 AM Public Auction of 8.81 acre property, tools, household goods. Located along Mt. Airy between Mt Airy and Hopeland, Clay Township, Lancaster Co., PA Take Route 322 west from Ephrata ap prox. 2 miles. In Clay, turn right onto Clay Road to Hopeland. At T in Hopeland turn right, go IVi miles to property on left. Antonius A Kiehboom, Owner. Paul E. Martin and John D. Stauf fer, Auctioneers. SAT. APRIL 14 - 9 AM Public Auction of 1928 Model A Ford, 1930 Model A Ford, Store Fixtures, Gondolas, Shelving, Cabinets, Display Cabinets & Misc Items. Also New and Used Model A Ford Parts Located at the New Freedom Depart ment Store, 2 East Franklin St in the FEEDER SALE! TUESDAY, APRIL 10th 7 P.M. CARLISLE LIVESTOCK MARKET Just Off 1-81 12 Phone (717) 249-4511 or Jim 249 2359 Borough of New Freedom, York Co, PA Arrows posted. Mr & Mrs. Nor man Kiser, Owners David W Shrodes, Auctioneer. SAT APRIL 14 - 10 AM Public Auction of Real Estate, Household, Collec- OF 500 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK Located five miles north of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania and five mile south of Shippensburg, Pennsylvania on Route 11. SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 14,1984 At 6:00 P.M. 400 HEAD OF HOLSTEIN HEIFERS 400 Consisting of bred heifers of which 100 will be fresh from sale through summer, 300 open Holstein heifers ranging from 4 months of age to breeding age, with all being calfhood vaccinated; 2 purebred Holstein bulls; 12 red-white heifers. Consisting of 35 Holstein and 65 beef type including Charlois, Black Whiteface, and Hereford, weighing approximately 300 to 700 pounds. This is a fine group of young cattle out of good breeding, all dehorned and wormed. Bangs and T.B. tested within 30 days of sale with individual health charts. All heifers are eligible for Interstate shipment. STEERS TO BE SOLD FIRST TERMS: Cash - not responsible for accidents Auctioneer: Robert C. Mullendore Clerk: C.L. Metz CATTLE TO BE SOLD IN TENT, Telephone: (717) 532-6353 ABSOLUTE AUCTION OF INVENTORY REDUCTION FOR STAUFFER’S MACHINE SHOP AT 1 x PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY, APRIL 21,1964 Auction Time; 9:00 A.M. Location: Off Route 322 at east end of Ephrata in Murrell. Turn south on Pleasant Valley Road Vi mile to property on right. Lancaster County, Pa. National Detroit, Straight Line, Wet Jitterbug and Jitterbug Sanders; Denver Automatic Pneumatic Tapper; 12” circular Saw Blades; Grinding Wheels. Hand Turret Lathe; CAROLINA METAL BANDSAW with motor; 2 INGERSOLL RAND Pneumatic Hoists; 10 H.P. D.C. Motor; Belt Driven Floor Model Grinder with 10” Guard; Heavy Duty Ingersoll Rand Piston Type Pneumatic Drill, 1V«” capacity; Directional Flow Air Valves; Heavy Rotary Welding Table. 30 H.P. Gardner - Denver Water Cooled; 5”x7” Worthington Double Acting Single Cylinder; 15 H.P. I.R. Single Stage; 60 H.P. Carrier 2 Stage; R - 12 plus 22 Refrigerator Compressor; 3” Engine Driven Centrifugal Pumps, like new; New Water Pump Cylinder, 2V«” x 10” Stroke; 5”xl8” Hydraulic Cylinder; PORTABLE HYDRAULIC MOTOR LIFT - 2 Ton Cap; Folding Type Hand Pump. COLEMAN LANTERNS AND LAMPS And Parts, Dietz Kerosene Lanterns and Globes; Aladdin Lamps; White Mountain Ice Cream Freezer Parts, Tops, Gear Case for 6-8-12 qt.; Forks; Shovels; Digging Iron; Handles; Pinch Bar; Hydrants; Casters; Wheels; Gate Valves; Globe Valves; Grease Guns; Funnels; Nozzles; Hose Clamps; Eagle Fuel Cans; Bale Hooks; RUSTOLEUM PAINT; Valvoline Motor Oil; New Starline Water Bowls; Door Latches; Leather Belting; SMVFIag Brackets; Horse Brushes; Curry Combs; Chains; Links; V Belts; V Pulley; Cast Iron Pulley; Bolts; Cotter Pins; Harness Snaps; Folding Ruler; Oil Filters; Hydraulic Hose Assemblies; 3/Bxso’, %x2s’ Coil Hose; Air Hose; Connectors; Roof Vents; Plastic Pipe; PVC Pipe; Steel Rem nants; Used Shafting; New Horse Shoe, H, 5,6,7; Leather Apron; Rivets; Bronze Bushed Flange Bearings; Shells and Hooks for Single, Double and Triple Trees; Bronze Pillow Block Bearings. PLOW PARTS For Older Plows, including Wiard #lO4-106 Shares; Landsides; Soles; Jointer; Moleboard; Frog; Etc.; #BO-81 Parts; 27-28 Parts; Oliver; John Deere; Sulky and Walking; Chattanooga; #lO3-104 Used Plow; One Horse Cultivator; Cultivator Single Trees; Wagon Single Tree; Set of Heavy Steel Wheels on Axle; ANTIQUE GASOLINE 3 H.P. ENGINE; Maytag Engine; Implement Seat; Mower Parts ot fit many types of mowers. NOTE: We are NOT Going Out of Business! This is an Inventory Reduction Auction only. Many items not listed, come early. Absolute Auction, everything sells regardless of price. Auction held in tent. Auction by STAUFFER’S MACHINE SHOP R.D. #3 Ephrata, Pa. 17522 Phone 717-733-4128 Auction Conducted By Paul E. Martin, Auct - AU-001601-L John 0. Stauffer, Auct. - AU-001509-L 717-733-3305; 717-665-5099 Ephrata, Pa. 17522 tibles. Antique'- 10 HP Tractors Oak S-Roll Top Desk & Many Other Items. Located on Fair Street, Mifflmville, PA. Exit 37 on 1-80 Stay on Mam St., Watch for sale signs Robert Wagner & Nancy Whitmire, Owners Nevius Auction Service - Dan Nevius & Olen Knecht, Auctioneers. SAT APRIL 14 ■ 10 AM Public Auction of Valuable Farm Equipment and Real Estate Located from Rt 33 east to Elkton, VA, PUBLIC SALE 100 HEAD OF STEERS 100 NEW EQUIPMENT USED EQUIPMENT AIR COMPRESSOR PUMPS Food At Auction take business Rt 33, 1 mile and left on Rt. 635 First tarm on right Watch for auction signs Lorraine & David Boot on, Owners John T. Howe. Auctioneer SAT APRIL 14 - 930 AM Public Auction of Anti ques Located in the Village of Ickesbure, Perry Co., PA., on Rt. 74, south of the square at the Old School House Will sell complete contents of their antique shop Charles S Marion Wilson, Owners Klmg's Auction Service JOHN C. DIEHI • SONS - OUTSTANDING LARGE PUBLIC SALE FARM EQUIPMENT, TRUCKS, TRAILER Richard D. Stough Estate Sate held due to death in truck accident, Sale located in York County, 5 mile West of York, Pa. on Route #3O, Turn South at Lee's Diner on to Alwine Ave. 1 Block to Wolfs Church Road. Then South 1 Block to Farm. J.D. 4020 D. WFE. 18.4-34 Tires; Int. 856 D. WFE. Dual Hydraulic, 18.4-38 Tire Int. 544 Gas Hydrastatic, WFE. 14.9-38 New Tires; w/J.D. Model 36 Loader, w/Bucket; J.D. 110 Garden Tractor w/38” Mower Deck & Snow Blade; Int. 700-5-16” Bottom Spring Trip Plow; J.D. 6 Row 30” cult; White 5100-6 Row No-Till Com Planter, Fully Equipped, like new; Int. 550 Forage w/2 Row 30” Corn Hd, and Pickup attachment, and 2 Row 38” Corn Hd. and Pickup attachment, and Cutter Bar attachment, like new; Int. 56 Blower, P.T.0.; N.H. 489-9’ Hay Bine; used 2 seasons; Int. 440 Baler w/Thrower; Int. 1150 Grinder Mixer, same as new, w/Elec. Scales; J.D. 507-8’ Rotary Mower; Miller 10’ Disc w/Rear Sweeps; Brillion 10’ Cultimulcher; N.H. Liquid Both Side Dump Spreader; 2 nice Dion Forage Wagons w/Hi-Flo-Tire, 1 w/Tandom Wheel; 3 Bale Wagons w/wooden racks, 1-AS Model 73 w/Hi-Flo-Tire; 2 Grove Model L 460; Helix Gravity 50 Bu. Trail Box; Little Giant 20’ Elevator; John Blue Stainless Steel 400 Gal Mount Field Sprayer; New Windpower Model 540-1000 RPM; Lincoln 180 Welder; New Cummins Heavy Duty Bench Drill Press; Craftsman Shop Vacuum Cleaner; machine Washer; Shop Heater; 250 Gal. Fuel Tank w/pump; 20 Gal. Motor Cleaner; Plow Shims; Socket Sets, 1%” Drive; Lots of Oils & Bolts; Hydraulic Jacks; Note The aforemention Equipment P.T.O. &3Pt. Int. 1957 Lime Truck w/Rear Wide Spread, Gross 30,000 lb.; GMC 1959 w/MM Sheller, 50’ Drag, Wisconsin Motor, Good Shape; Pennsylvania TB2 Car or Snow Mobile Tandom Axle Trailer, Like New, w/Elec. Brakes; Many Items not Mentioned. Please note: This sale has a real nice lot of Farm Equipment. Don’t miss. Plan to attend and see for yourself. Lunch Stand at Sale Terms: Cash or Approved Check day of Sale. Out of State Buyers, Letter of Credit from the Bank which check is drawn on. Not Responsible for Accidents Day Of Sale DAUPHIN DEPOSIT BANK & TRUST CO. York, Pennsylvania, Executor Clair R. Slaybaugh, Auctioneer Telephone 677-7479 PA Lie #856 Jacobs Clerk, 259-7064 Wilfred Stough 717-792-3292 PUBLIC AUCTION VALUABLE FARM EQUIPMENT & REAL ESTATE 10:00 A.M. APRIL 14,1984 Location: Rt. 33 east to Elkton, Va., take business Rt. 33 1 mile and left on Rt. 635, first farm on right. Watch for auction signs. We have discontinued farming and will sell the following: IH “H” Tractor, 467 NH Haybine, 273 NH Baler, Oliver grain drills, 3 hay wagons w/gram sides, 5717 NH Chopper w/com & grass heads, Kasten silage wagon w/roof, 310 NI corn picker, 11 ft. Pittsburgh disc, 12 ft. springtooth harrow, 26 NH silage blower, IH com cultivators, 30 ft. King Weyse elevator, 207 NI manure spreader, 180 bu. gravity cart, 5 ton wagon running gear, MF 5 ft. bush hog, McCormick hay rake, Black Hawk manure spreader on steel, Oliver 3 bottom plow, Ford 9 ft. disc, AC 4 row com planter w/fertilizer attachment, 1983 Series 22 Dunham-Lehr tractor loader, Brillion 9 ft. grass seeder, new one row tractor cultivator (3 pt. hitch), 9 ft. cultipacker, Clark (300 gal. Alum, tank) 27 ft. field sprayer, Badger manure spreader w/pan, IH 101 combine w/10 ft. grain & 2 row 228 sheller head, approx. 50 bu. feed rye, 70 ft. H shape concrete feed trough, 70 ft. Hedlund feed chain, 22 ft. grain elevator, 12 ft. z 40 ft. Martin steel silo, 12 ft. Van Dale silo unloader, 3 hp Dari-Kool vacuum pump, 2 comp, milk vat. 180 gal. milk tank, 8 can milk cooler, other items too numerous to mention. REAL ESTATE At 12:00 noon the following real estate will be offered: Tract I - Approx. 32 acres more or less improved with milking parlor, two bams, 12 ft. x 40 ft. stave silo, fronted by Rt. 635 & Shenandoah River, all tillable. Tract II - Approx. 20 acres more or less, all tillable, fronted by Rt. 635 and Shenandoah River. Tract HI - Approx. 10 acres more or less, all tillable, fronted by Rt. 635-636 & Boones Run. Tract IV - Approx. 10 acres more or less, all tillable, fronted by Rt. 635 4 Boones Run. Tract V - Approx. 43% acres more or less, all tillable with large bam, fronted by Rt. 635 & Boones Run. Tract VI - Approx. 43% acres more or less, all tillable, with machine shed, fronted by Rt. 635 & Boones Run. Real Estate will also be offered as a whole (Tracts I, 11, HI, IV) for a total of 72 acres more or less, (Tracts V, VI) for a total of 87 acres more or less. These tracts have excellent soil, level ground, easy irrigation, with ad joining land available, also close to major shopping centers, Skyline Drive, ski resorts, VA and James Madison University. Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids on real estate. All farm equipment is in excellent condition and ready to go to field. Terms: Real Estate -10% down on day of sale, balance on delivery of deed within 30 days. Machinery-Cash or approved check. Not responsible for accidents. John T. Howe, Auctioneer 703-298-8214 TUESDAY, APRIL 17,1984 At 11:00 AM 4-TRACTORS-4 TRUCKS-TRAILER Owners, LORRAINE & DAVID BOOTON 703-2984108 or 703-298-8115 Lunch will be served