Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 07, 1984, Image 179
PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE FARM MACHINERY SATURDAY, APRIL 21 Located West on Bonnair Road off Rt. 851 or one mile West of Stoner's Auction Glen Rock, Pa. “Watch For Signs." W.D. allis chalmers tractor, 2 BT. allis chalmers Plow mount, JD Barler 14 T. JD. Hammer mill, JD. 494-4 Row corn Planter, JD. 3 pt. 2 row cultivator, Bradley 80in. shredder, JD. Grain drill, JD. Power take off Manure Spreader, 3 Section Harrow, £ram cart, Bradley stalk shredder, (Flail type) New Idea 12 A Manure Spreader, Flat Bed Wagon, Bnllion 12 ft. Transport Harrow, JD. RWA-9ft. lOin. Transport Disk, JD. 1065 Wagon W/JD. 150 Hoist-7x14 Grove Body-Bale racks, JD. Weather closer for roll guard and weather canopy Fits 30, 20 & 40 20-Like New, JD. 16 in. Plow bottom Potatoe Plow, Potatoe Grater, JD. Weights 620-sides, Spray pump, Bradley cylinder com shelter, 2 Tractor Grass Seeder, High pressure Washer, 1 ton Budget Hoist, 2 Hammer tnill Belts 25x6, Belts 5,6, 7, in. 13ft.-24ft.-35ft., Pony sleigh, 3 Scalding troughs, Hog Hangers, Butcher Knives, Hog Scrapers, Steal, Rope, Hooks, Pulley for meat track, Hog trough & feeders, Poultry Equipment, Chicekn coops, nest, Brooder stove, Blower pipe,Horse ground scoop, cement mixer, Grain fan, 2 chain saw, Wagon Wheel over 100 years old, Wooden Wheel Barrow, Wood saw metal Grain cradle (like new) Rubber tire Wheel Barrow, Aluminum Silo roof for Bft., 3 Holstein Bulls 300-400 lb., cow chains all kinds, cyclone Grass Seeder, Parts for 30-JD. combine, Block and tackle, 3 Ref. freezer doors, 2 for high track., 30 ft. of open top freezer or ref., 2 platform scales, Power hand saw, 112 John Deere garden tractor w/mower, Case tractor, Meat Block, air condition, Butter Chum, Bicycles, Plus 2 wagon loads of small items and much more. The following farm machinery will be sold for Mr. Jake and Melvin Hilker. Farmall H. tractor Plow, Harrow, Disk, Hay Tedder, Rake, Flat Bed Wagon, Manure spreader, Grain Drill, Com Planter, 1 row com picker, Grind stone, 2 hole com shelter. Stone Chop Mill. TERMS: Cash or approved check day of sale, Out of state Buyers should have letter of credit from the bank which check is drawn on unless known by owners. Not Responsible for Accidents Stoner’s Auction Service R.D. #3 Glen Rock, Pa. 17327 Ph0ne(717)235-1532 Refreshments Right Reserved PUBLIC AUCTION REAL ESTATE-FARM IMPLEMENTS LIVESTOCK-ANTIQUES-TOOLS, ETC. SATURDAY, APRIL 21st 9 A.M. (Real Estate at 1:00 P.M.) Sale to be held at premises located at R.D. 2 Annville, Pa. From route 22 at the ONO dinner turn north onto Lincoln Sch. Rd. come to stop sign. Turn left on Awol road and look for Auction sign. REAL ESTATE - Being a Trailer court with 7.7781 acres more or less. Consisting of seven mobile homes and two trailer beds, with three wells and five septic tanks. Trailer court located in Union Township, Lebanon County, Pa. INSPECTION of property by appoinment only. Call (717) 867-1370. Ford 5000 Diesel tractor, Farmall H tractor, Farmall Super C tractor, Farmall cultivator, Farmall grass mower, Ford 2 row 3 pt, corn planter, Massey Ferg. Manure spreader, 3 section 3 pt. hook up for Ford plow, New Holland hay elevator, New Holland Hay bailer, 3 Flat bed hay wagons, New Ideal grass mower, hay kicker, John Deere side rake 3 pt., Spring harrow, Disc, Cultipacker, Flail chopper, M.C.K. guards & knives for Farmall tractor. LIVESTOCK - (6) Charlet yearlings; (4) calf second heifers; 8 TON of ANTIQUES & ETC. Butchering equipment, Apple butter kettle, wash boiler, lantern, milk can & screene. Corn sheller, cash register, lumber, chains, window frames, storm windows, trailer doors, two wooden rakes, elect, meat grmder, sausage tub, etc. TOOLS & ETC. Carpenter & Plumbing tools, 40 ft. aluminum extension ladder, hay & manure forks, shovels, 38 ft. belt, electric motors, galvanize pipe fittings, grinding stone, stove pipe, tool box, three rolls barb wire, Chisels, all kinds of bolts & screws, wrenches, super saw, paints & brushes Lg. socket set, tin sheaves, wrecking bar, drill tapes, wood screws and others, electric wire, different size nails, and many other items to numerous to mention. TERMS; 10% Down Day Of Sale, Balance DUE At Final Settlement in 30 Days. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: If you have an interest in owning a good income property, than this is just what you’re looking for. Cali Auctioneer for more information or for any questions you may have. Conditions by 18 E. Main St., Annville, Pa. 17003 Michael R. Fortna Phone (717) U 7 U7* at9:3oa.m OWNERS CLARK THOMAS RAYMOND THOMAS STEWART THOMAS Clip & Save FARM IMPLEMENTS 17 ton of Corn SYLVESTER & HELEN ROHRER Tom Ehrgood, Attorney 272-7637 -eshments By Salem Walmer Union Church TNA’S Auction Co 6 Gallery Auctioneer Public Auction Register FRI APRIL 13 & SAT APRIL 1A 9 30 AM Public Auction ol Antiques, Col lectiblt Trains Toys, ABSOLUTE PUBLIC AUCTION Franklin Co., Pa. Farm, formerly the W.C. Rutter Farm. MONDAY, APRIL 30,1984 at 2:00 P.M. Sharp Located along the Road known as the Back Road from Dry Run to Concord, 9 miles North of Willow Hill, Exit #l4 Penna Turnpike. Farm is presently being used as a Steer and Hog Operation Farm Features: Approx. 119 Acres of which 100 acres are tillable. 8 Acres Pasture, 11 Acres Woodland. All acreage approx. Farm is in a very Good State of Cultivation. House-2 1 /? Story Frame Very Nicely Remodeled and Decorated; IVz Baths; Lg. Roomy Kitchen with Modern Cabinets; Lg. Laundry Area w/Sitting Room; Lg. Paneled Living and Dining Rooms; Wall to Wall Carpet Throughout; 4 Bedrooms with Closets, Nicely Decorated; Oil Hot Water Heat. Approx. 80'x4CT Frame Bank Barn w/Milkhouse; 12'x48’ Silo; 2 Hay Mows, 2 Driving Floors; 3 Pole Implement Shed; Approx. 75'x37' with Corn Crib End; Concrete Block and Frame; 26 Unit Pig Farrowing: Building with XlO’xSO’ Breeding and Exercising Area Well iring Fed Water To Suspect Farm Go directly to farm or Call 717-532-6116 or Auction Firm Owners will allow immediate possession of land; many acres have already been plowed. TERMS to the Highest Bidder-No Minimums or Reserves 15% Down Day of Auction Balance within 30 Days Will be sold free of all Leins & Mortgages, Attorney Elvin Byler Lancaster 717-299-1100 Auction Conducted By The: J. Omar Landis Auction Service Omar Landis and Jay M. Witman Box 501, Ephrata, Pa. 17522 717-627-0789 or 717-665-5735 TRAVER HILL COMPLETE DISPERSAL Springville, Pa. Susq. Co. Located in the village of Springville. Halfway between Montrose & Tunkhannock on Rt 29. Watch for Bunnell Red Arrows. m- WEDNESD AY-APRILII,I9B4 10:00 A.M. RAIN OR SHINE trx 80 Reg. Hols-11 Grade Hols.-4 Reg. Ayrshires all 30 day T.B. & blood tested free herd. Ready for interstate equipment. Majority calfhood vacc. examined for pregnancy by Dr. Hollister. This good Susq. Co. herd consists of 47 milch cows, 20 fresh early & late winter. 10 close springers or just fresh. Several bred for fall. 3 Reg. Ayrshire milch cows. 10-2 yr. old Hols, heifers bred for fall. 25 open Reg. heifers, 4 mo. to 15 mo. Good 4-H-probabilities. Sale Highlights: 305d-1983 DHIA Rec.-Dec. 19350 M. 458 F., Bonny 18233 M 646 F., Biddy 17669 M 703 F., Dopey 18463 M 636 F., Carrin 1 yr. lOmo. 14332 M 454 F., Jill 16509 M 654 F. Herd sires represents: 2 Arlmda Jet Stream (Fresh) 1-with a red factor, 2 Letters Burkgov, Trump, Jemeni, Yules Pride Elevation Ace, 3 Kingstead Elev. Matador, heifers all bred to Conant Acres Tex., Traver Hill Black Oak-an Elev. Son, Traver Galatic, Seaman A-Astro Son. Several granddau’s of Tidy Burke Forty Miner & Curtiss Candy Twenty grand. A real top herd to purchase from. Show plenty of type & production. Rich in good blood lines for foundation future. Your personal inspection invited. 4 Farm Tractors, 4-M.M. GlOOO Vista, M.M. Jet, 2 M.M. Five Star, Ford 641 work master, M.M. front end loader, Gehl 1400 Rd Baler, Nicholson Hay Tedder, Wheelrake, N.H. 461 Hay Bind, Farmec 36’ Elevator, 60’ N.H. barn Elevator, N.H. & Gehl forage wagons, M.F. 4r-Com planter, M.M. 2 r- Corn chopper, Fox Silo Blower, N.H. 519 manure spreader, Patz 16’-20’ Silo unloader, 295 Amp. Century welder, Case hyd. Auto 18” 4 b-plows, 2 harrows, 6 row crop Sprayer, land roller, Fox-line transfer station, 3 S.S. Surge milkers, 1971 Chev. 3 /4T-4 W.D. 800 gal. Mojoumer Bulk Tank, 285 ft. Patz barn cleaners will be sold with Real Estate or separately. 1:00 P.M. Farm of 151 Acres will be offered at public auction. Consists of 35 tillable acres. Balance woods & pasture with running streams, 2 story 4 B-R & bath. Lye L.R. & D.R. kitchen with all modern facilities. Barn-65 ties-L-shaped w/calf shed-18x60 Madison Silo. This farm you will appreciate from all points. Excellent location only a second from Rt. 29. Milk pickup, school pick-up, near by churches, stores & only 30 M. to Scranton or Binghamton. Out standing opportunity to purchase a Susq. Co. farm at auction. 1-9 A Tract of land East of Rt. 29 will be offered with & without the farm which ever is greater. Terms - 20% down, balance in 30 days. All personal property cash or approved check. M.L Bunnell, Auct. & Sales Mgr. Springville, Pa. Ph. 965-2375 Wayne Weaver, Pedigrees Books Stamps, Office Equipment & Household Items Located at Trox elville Antiques, Trox elville, PA Joe Herman, 95-REG & GRADE HOLSTEINS-95 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 7,1984-F23 Owner Mark J Jones & Dale L Longacre, Auc tioneers SAT APRIL 14 Public Auction of Farm Equip ment, Tools, Tractors, etc Located along Valley Rd Owner MRS. HOWARD TRAYER Springville, Pa. just off Hosier Rd , 4 miles w of Manheim, Lane Co., PA CH Wolgemuth & Sons Annual Spring Sale, Auctioneers SAT APRIL 14 - 10 AM Public Auction of 65 Hols tein and Angus Cross Steers and Heifers, Farm Equipment and Lawn Equipment Located in York Co , 3 miles west of Spring Grove, 4 miles east of Hanover, PA on Rt 116 Turn south 1 mile to Porter Sideling, then East onto Porter Sideling Rd Wm Myers & Charmame Myers, Owners Clairy R Slaybaugh, Auctioneer SAT APRIL 14 - 10 AM Public Auction of Valuable Real Estate, Household Goods, Antiques & Wood Tools Located in Upper Leacock Twp , Lane Co , PA, 6 miles east of Lan caster City, 2 miles south of Rt. 23 along Rt. 772 in the village of Monterey Daniel E. King, Estate, Mrs Isaac toersol & Abram B King, Ex ecutors. Steve Peter sheim, Auctioneer SAT APRIL 14 - 7 PM Maryland Simmental Association, tenth annual spring sale featuring select offering of Simmen tal females. Located at the Frederick Fair grounds, Frederick, Maryland For informa tion, Tom Stevenson, 301-886-2250 or Aileen Ferguson, 301-972-4437 SAT APRIL 14 - 10 AM Public Auction of Farm Equipment and Tools & Household Furnishings Located 2 miles northeast of Gratz along Schoaf Buck Rd in Lykens Twp,, Dauphin Co., PA. Take the Gratz to Klmgerstown Rd Watch for auction sign the day of sale showing turn off at barn on south side of Pine Creek at the Village of Erdman Go to Schoaf Buck Rd and Ist farm Norman D Lauver Estate George & Mike, Deibert Auctioneers SAT APRIL 14 9AM Public Auction of Anti ques, Collectibles, & Household Items Located at 489 W Mam St , Ehzabethville, PA Ken neth Longabach, Owner Dockey, Doc key & Dep pen, Auctioneers