FlS—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 7,1984 POURED REINFORCED NCRETE CONSTRUCTION We are qualified to handle any poured concrete job you may need. We use a practical aluminum forming system to create concrete structures of maximum strength and durability. For a highly satisfactory job at an affordable price, get in touch with us. POURED FOR DURABILITY Cf of Mole /f| Poured walls I 111 BRICK CHURCH RD. LEOLA, PA. 17540 FOR SALES & LAYOUT CONTACT GROFFDALE POURED WALLS (717) 656-2016 JAKE KING (717)656-7566 PUBLIC AUCTION OF REAL ESTATE, DAIRY CATTLE, FARM MACHINERY, EQUIPMENT AND FEED SATUIhMY, APRIL 28,1984 At ll:OOA.M. Located from Bridgewater, Va., (Rockingham County), turn southwest on Road #727 to Sangersville, then west on Road #730 for 2 miles (first dairy farm on the right). Watch for auction signs. As we are moving to another location, the following will be sold at auction; 4020 John Deere tractor w/dual wheels, John Deere 48 loader, 730 John Deere diesel tractor, Farmall “H” tractor, John Deere 3940 harvester w/two-row 30” comhead, windrow pick-up, 2 Kill Bros, gravity boxes on Bear running gears, 2 Gehl silage wagons, New Holland No. 8 silage wagon, John Deere 14T hay baler, Bush Hog off-set 12 ft. (heavy duty) disc, John Deere 495 A 4-row com planter, Heston haybine 1014 w/hydro swing, Vicon seeder & fertilizer spreader, sprayer saddle tank, Snoco 50 ft. 6” auger on wheels, Mayrath 40 ft. skelton elevator, Brillion 10 ft. cultimulcfaer, K.M.C. 2-shank subsoiler, Glenco 11-shank chisel plow, 4-row cultivator, H.H. 404 hay crusher, Horst 35 ft. feeder or elevator, John Deere 300 com picker (30” row) EQUIPMENT: 810 Farm Hand Feed mill, Caland gate feeder, flex auger, 25 Ton feed tank, 3 feed tanks, Data Feed feed computer, 5 hog feeders, 5 fiber dome calf hutches, 5 treated plywood calf hutches, 20 ft. silo roof & tripod, 20 ft. silo unloader, 40x20 swimming pool liner, 1000 gal. plastic tank, 2200 bu. com crib. FEED: Com & rye silage, Approx. 20 Ton ear com, shelled com, 58 acres rye m field. Hog Premix. 40 Milk cows, springing heifers. Terms on above items - cash. At 12:00 noon the farm will be absolutely sold unless sold before sale date. This consists of 8 acres (more or less) and is unproved by a 2-story, 10-room house w/2 baths and a bank bam with loafing shed including 90 individual loafing stalls, large lagoon and 2 excellent wells, a dairy parlor - straight 8, milking equipment, feeders, 1250 gal. milk tank, 4 silos (24x70, 20x60 concrete staves and unloaders. 2 are 12x40). Shenandoah Pride will buy milk from whoever purchases the farm. For appointment to inspect real estate or equipment before sale contact Daniel Witmer (703) 828-2196. TERMS: 10% of the purchase price down on day of sale with balance due when deed is delivered or some financing will be done by owner. Not responsible in case of accidents. Lunch will be served. E. Ray Wine auctioneer MACHINERY: CATTLE: REAL ESTATE: DANIEL & LENA WITMER, owners Muller Springs Dispersal was held March 31 by Robert & Marj Muller, K D 1 Pleasant Mount, Pa. in the village of Cold Springs. The average of the registered Holstein cows was $lO2O with the high cow selling for $l6OO. A bred heifer sold for $1250 and a yearling calf sold for $7OO. Wayne Weaver was the auctioneer and sales manager. XXX A Complete Dispersal was held March 27 for the estate of John S. WHITI WASHING with DAIRY WHITI • DRIES WHITE • DOES NOT RUB OFF EASILY • NO WET FLOORS • IS COMPATIBLE WITH DISINFECTANT A FLY SPRAYS • WASHES OFF WINDOWS A PIPELINES EASILY BARN CLEANING SERVICE AVAILABLE WITH COMPRESSED AIR., To have your barn cleaned with air it will clean off dust, cob webs & lots of old lime. This will keep your barn looking cleaner & whiter longer. _ We will take work within 100 mile radius of Uncoster MAYNARD L. BBITZEL Witmer, PA 17585 717-392-7227 Bam Spraying Our Business, not a sideline. Spraying since t96t. SHE Sale Reports “Twist-Lock” cups: newest innovation from the new leader ...another reason SWISH saves you more labor, more birds, and more money The newest twist in cage watering makes cup cleaning and maintenance a real snap it's SWISH’s Twist-Lock' cups for cage layers and brood-grow watering systems Saves labor. No more contortions with hand tools inside a cage - one simple twist of the wrist unlocks and removes the unitized cup and valve It s that easy to maintain when necessary But, with SWISH, it s hardly ever necessary That s because our cup is self-cleaning Our patented valve keeps the cup clean by flushing any feed particles out so birds can consume them with the water Installation is a snap too with SWISH s new cups they simply snap into the desired location, and the hose attaches to the water line outlet These are some The NEW BWIBI Micau, 5 miles west of Honesdale, Wayne Co., Pa. There were 450 people at the sale. The top Holstein cow sold for $9lO and the top Guernsey cow sold for $670. Other prices were; N.H. 478 haybine $2450, N.H. 256 rake $1550, fence post sharpener $395, Farmall 460 tractor $2OOO, J.D. “B” tractor $750, Farmall H tractor $675, meat grinder $l3O and sausage stuffer $145. Jim Adriance was the auctioneer. PATENTED VALVE IS KEY TO OUR PERFORMANCE m Orifice (A) force* weter onto deflector (B) Up (C| divert* it down to sutpend feed (0) >H total commitment to qi NORTHEAST AGRI SYSTEMS, INC PO Box 187 Fitchville, CT 06334 Phone; (203)642-7529 A Public Sale of farm . , , machinery was held R A r , C f^ )ert and March 31 for the James Bnan t L ' Gllbert were B, Leckrone estate, 1447 the auctlo J e Y e^ Taxville Rd., York, Pa. . D ~ * . f The sale was well at- fa l Publlc h Auctlon of ... farm machinery was Some prices included: be ‘ d arch 7 31 Ed ; J.D. 1968 3020 D tractor Eress ™ an ’ 7 . es east $6400, Case 1969 830 D Mnrr, N f° rriSt °d? °I! tractor $5525, Case 800 R °s |or sto p w , n Ed ' a " d tractor $2150, N.H. But n Pdt . e - , Tbe sale crimper $lllO, hay W f o 2 prices were wagons $4OO & $475, j d tractor S' ™ S (300, Ini. corn planter IniSSS'm J l3 **' I« nn u 3-B plows4so, J.D. 2-row S' bS (67 5 S corn P | " ler l»». JO, haV;o» S»J buf fr 22,T ,)aler >»“ " churn S" N ■S;“ 7^ > M bme,l,2s ■ (57.50 & (72,50 and lh ” a e “ "" \ seat $55. me auctioneers. ■ |Ma Machine Wort rw m \ ■ Welding & ■ ■ SHHr Farm Supplies I I I Hardware p ' | ■ CUSTOM BUlit WOOD & ! COAL FIRED BOILERS ■ • Welders & cutting torches I • Custom made farm gates, etc. !• Custom built high pressure washers • Stainless steel, aluminum and spot welding. ■ • UPS Service " PLATE SHEARING AND I PRESS BRAKE WORK ■ USED HEATING FIN PIPES i SPECIAL $1.25/pt. | (New Pipe Price Approx. $lO/ft.) I D.S. MACHINE SHOP I DAVID E. STOLTZFUS 3816 E. Newport Road L Gordonville, PA 17529 ■ 1 Mile East of Intercourse on Rt. 772 of the ways SWISH'* new cup saves you labor-easy installation, low maintenance, and labor savings between flocks because our cup constantly cleans itself Helps save more birds. Because our cup is self-cleaning, algae and bacteria growth is not a problem as with cups that don t flush out feed particles Clean cups mean less chance of disease and less mortality And our big cup means ggod access to water, for a good level of bird health SWISH saves you money. That s the bottom line with a system that cuts labor and Keeps birds alive and productive Get all the facts about our new cup and other SWISH innovations See your SWISH distributor or contact us ort [uality C service _ SmSH Local Representative DAVID NEWMAN (717)299-9905 oafermg systems now a division of CTB Inc
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