f!2— Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 7,1984 Schulykill Co. DHIA January and February, 1984 The following are reported from the production report lor January 1984 based on a 365 day Rolling Herd Average Only those herds with an average production of 650 pounds or more butterfat are reported Carl A Farms Paul & Ken Wagnet Heisler Brothers Miller & Rex Inc Brian Ruch Suntrail Dairy Farm Jere Gearhart Bruce Leatherman James Rodichok Elam Z Stoltztus William R Daubert Raymond Reichwem George Hinkle Snyder Brothers Twenty-one cows finished lactation records ith 750 lbs of milkfat in January The records are based on 305 days or less, 2x actual production William R Daubert Nan Hatty James Rodichok Ahx Kurtz Dairy Farm Rene Heisler Brothers Shannon Kermit Kahler Belle Suntrail Dairy Farm Vickie Paul Heisler Bessie Snyder Brothers Carrie Suntrail Dairy Farm Whitey Dawn F Rhein Love William R Daubert Barb Heisler Brothers Idalme Carl A Farms Irene Jere Gearhart Nora Carl A Farms Pea Heisler Brothers Darlene Raymond Reichwem Clair FRANK A. FILLIPPO, INC. WANTED DISABLED & CRIPPLED COWS f BULLS & STEERS Competitive Prices Slaughtered under government inspection Call: Frank Fillippo - Residence - 215-666-0725 Elam Cinder - 717-367-3824 C.L. King - 717-786-7229 20 957 20 617 19 128 18 670 18 172 18 969 17,809 18,974 17 467 18 905 15,734 17 733 18 045 18 146 22,731 22 773 8 1 10 11 23 653 3 10 25,039 4 11 21 907 21 439 22,702 22,128 18,136 18,625 16,257 17,969 22,407 19,459 21,567 17 485 17 449 18,278 10 7 Paid Icin t, K i Mdi t t ifi if y I K* 'Mi > Mdf t it Idmeb Kt (li< i < \- Indy The following are reported from the production report for February 1984 based on a 365 day Rolling Herd Average Only those herds with an average production of 650 pounds or more of butterfat are reported Carl A Fai ms Paul & Ken Wagnei Miller & Rex Inc Heislei Biotheis Br lan Ruch Sunltail Dairy Faim Biuce Leatheiman James Rodicliok Elam Z Stollztus Jeie Geaihatt Geoige Hinkle William R Daubetl Raymond Reichwein Snyder Brothers Fifteen cows finished lactation records with 750 lbs of milkfat in February The records are based on 305 days or less, 2x actual production Snyder Br other s Jamr Franklin Itoxell 1026 1008 Shelly Bruce Leather man Barbie William R Dauber i Delores. Flam SlolDtub 961 901 898 10 William R Dauber 1 Faith Biuce Lealherman 840 835 Lillian Paul & Ken Wagnet 826 Alhe Raymond Reichwem 802 Gert Martin L Daubeit 795 Song Paul S Ken Wagner 794 Rozana Kermit Kahler Prince 792 790 789 , 788 777 774 768 1 7 228 7b7 3 4 17 J6U 758 1 U 19 724 7b) 20 95/ 2D 561 18 987 19 128 18 373 18 988 18612 17 451 18 984 17 843 18 178 15 704 17 642 18 121 24 195 18 128 19 788 19 489 16 758 18 750 21,752 4 10 24 559 19,751 19 480 7 11 21 601 17,698 CONTRACTOR Open Thurs. Mites Till 9 P.M 10” HEAVY DUTY TILTING f ARBOR TABLE SAW s 101SLOO R©g *1,417 00 Maximum Depth of Cut Maximum Rip to Right of Blade Maximum Rip to left of Blade Table Height Table Size (with table extension) Spindle Speed (IPM) Motor with Magnetic Control Switch 3 HP Sgl Ph WOODWORKING JOINTER PLANER & WOODWORKING SHAPER JET JJ-6 Cutting Copocify Width Depth Cutterbeod Speed No of knives Toble Surface Overall Width length length 4500 IPM (13 500 cuts per min } Tilts right t left Positive Stops RED DEVIL CAULKING Acrylic / Si Ikon* LIFETIME Cate of 12 SILICONE Case of 12 25 Ft. 3/8” AIR HOSE w/*/*" NPT Ends *8.95 MAKITA 804510 FINISHING SANDER • 4 3/8”x4” pad size • Uses 1/4 of standard size sheet • Compact and light, weighs only 2.4 lbs. • Handy palm grip for positive control *49*95 • 18AMP. 12000 RPM, heavy-duty BLUE BALL MACHINE WORKS Box 176, Rt. 322 Blue Ball, PA 17506 PH: (717) 354*4478 Open Mon., lues.. Wed. & Fri.: 7:30 A.M. - 5 P.M.; Thurs.: 7:30 A.M. - 9 P.M.; Sat. 7:30 A.M.-11:30 A.M. Wiliian H Uduuei i Delia lames R 'ln n ■ bodie Wilbei I Mwyei Buols ALOrnerSons B 3 John Sankey 3 R Wnglesworth&Son B 3 Fairman Farms B 3 Glenn Flicks B 3 Lawrence Ecklund B 3 Duane Peters B 3 AL Orner Sons 2 Wachob Dairy B 3 Dan Gearhart B 3 Pond Rose Farm B 3 Carl G Brink B 3 Zimmerman Clear Bell B 3 Pnselac Dairy Farm B 3 Quaker Hills Dairy B 3 Frank G Sankey B 3 C Flarkleroad Jr G 3 Martin Whitaker B 3 William E McFadden B 3 Roger Young G 3 Fred Flarkleroad G 3 Leroy F Rowles B 3 Ralph McClarren B 3 Dennis J Modzel B 3 Freyer Dairy Farm G 3 Flarold Sperfslage 3 William Yaple Jr B 3 Walter W Hicks B 3 Hughes Bros G 3 Howard Harkleroad B 3 Zimmerman Clear Bell B 4 William Yaple Jr B 8 Milchak Dairy Farm B 8 Duane Knepp B 3 980 902 B<->0 858 889 884 880 817 810 794 778 765 42% 36% 45* 90 * 45 * right I left $439.00 SENCO AIR GUNS. NAILS AND STAPLES . . . List $3.89 SALE *2.15 .... *23.69 ...List $8.15 SALE *3.75 . . . . *41.25 * 250... Lms 5% * 500... Lms 10% * 750... Lms 15% •1,000 ..Lms 2o% •1,500 4 Up in 25% ' . Super duty 13 AMP SIOO «PM Motor ■jr • Hwvy Gouge Aluminum Bose • Cult 2 3/8 ol«* IV. ot 45 * 4 4 1 'CI 12 / lb 348 3 9 21 ill b 1 18 492 CLEARFIELD COUNTY DHIA February Report Now Thru April 15,1984 Reg *515 00 Cutting Copooty A Minimum Sow Block 1/8 Maximum Sow Blade % Sow Blade length 93Vj Table Size II x 14 Table Tilt 45• x « TO* x L Dimensions 65ft H Motor (1725 RPM) K HP Single Phase I)5/230V (Prewired 115 V) Model 5007N8 7%”SAW $9095 MAKITA Model 2040 15 5/8" PLANER With < Planer Stan List $l7BO. *1265' 8494 9282 11,642 10,408 OUR lOOth YEAR 14” VERTICAL BANDSAW Jet JBS-14 $349.00 Reg *399 00 ♦ # I ' fi lib Ibi
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