P24—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 7,1984 V European small grain (Continued from Page D 23) those labeled diseases. In Virginia, work with Bayleton for powdery mildew has proved effective. -Scout for rust and Septoria. Though controls are limited, all factors affecting yields must be known to evaluate intensive management systems. Weed control -Control weeds. In winter grains, control is available in fall and in spring. Alley says fall control is superior because it lessens competition and potential damage to the crop. “I like to see control in the fall with a bromoxynil application,” Alley explains, “because there is less W&* m ' We are appy t 0 announce the open f 2 ing °* our Northern Service Center. • *• 'll * en K° pp is ready to meet your < IgS ** service needs on any make milk . Jm’ \ cooler as well as supply you with new Mueller milk coolers, fre-heaters and < refrigerated receivers. The Northern Service Center is located North of Hershey, just off 1-81 and 743. RUFUS BRUBAKER REFRIGERATION 614 Penryn Rd Southern Service Center R.D. 3, Dry Wells Rd. Quarryville, PA 717-786-1617 MOJONNIER PARTS AVAILABLE USED COOLERS AVAILABLE • 400 & 500 Gal. Mojonnier • 400 Gal. Girton • 1,000 Gal. Zero • Various Types of Inexpensive Tanks! potential for damage than with spring phenoxy applications.” -Carefully manage nitrogen. Raws and timing are critical to high yields; in Europe rates are as high as 200 kg/hectare (178 lbs. N/acre) and timing is between growth stages five and six, or near the time the first node of the stem is visible. But even in Europe the amount and timing of nitrogen is a debated point-the system is not yet perfected. The basic change in nitrogen recommendations, Alley sees, is the application of the single largest amount of N at jointing, or stem elongation. In Virginia tests with 120 pounds of spring-applied N, Manheim, PA 717-665-3525 Northern Service Center Rt. 1, Box 466 Palmyra, PA 717-469-2674 yields have been increased by splitting. Nitrogen management work is continuing but our research group currently believes that the major spring N ap plication should be near the jointing stage with the late winter application adjusted to promote any needed tillering,” Alley says. “That is, 30-40 lbs. N/acre would be applied during tillering if the population is adequate, or this would be increased to 60 lbs. N/acre if the population is not adequate.” Growth regulator The goal is 600-700 head-bearing tillers per square meter at harvest and judgment may allow for need to stimulate tillering. “A major point of fertilization,” says Alley, “is that high-yielding wheat cannot be produced just by increasing the N and especially not by applying large amounts of N at tillering. Management of the nitrogen is essential to avoid lodging and unnecessary input costs.” -Use a plant growth regulator to control lodging. Increased nitrogen levels, residual nitrogen on rotated fields, and weather conditions all can contribute to a lodged gram crop. “Management of all inputs does not include just increasing nitrogen and expecting a plant growth regulator like Cerone (TM) ethephon to control lodging. The plant growth regulator has a place in the in tensive management system,” says Alley, “to regulate plant height and strengthen wheat stems, making the stand more resistant to lodging." Europeans apply even higher N rates and get lodging control with a plant growth regulator, Alley says of his observations in England, France and Germany. But their soils are not super where they are producing the high yields and that’s encouraging to me....1f they can grow 10-ton crops on those soils, we can too.” - And that would be a 150-bushel per acre wheat crop! ZERO’S PROGRAM FOR PROFITS if TT m I I ZERO| ZERO liwiy Dairy Computer Dairy computer increases production 25% or more Identifies your cows with high potential and allows you to feed them accordingly. f 1 OMEGA II MILKER This new milker brings you the benefit of twin, balanced vacuum, for more and better milk from healthier cows Reduces injury and mastitis and gently handles to day's higher producing cows. Super Saver Heat Reclaimer Allows you to reclaim wasted heat from operations to provide free hot water for other uses g Z EBO *OP S UP Contact PH: (717) 776-3129 Or ZERO MANUFACTURING 1984 Washington. MO 63090 i
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