Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 07, 1984, Image 10
Alo—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 7,1984 T his Week Ml-T/I BY DICK ANGLESTEIN The victims of the Avian flu outbreak have been many and varied Their number extends well beyond the actual producers who have contracted the disease, had their flocks depopulated and are receiving indemnification and cleanup funds One such group caught up in the Avian swirl are the hatcheries located within the quarantine area -- both the larger operations and the smaller specialized family operations Normal activities at these hatcheries have been essentially halted, bringing income levels down to a trickle of their former levels A story on Page one tells one such tale Another family operation that has been hit hard is the Willow Hill Hatchery, R 1 Richland Willow Hill, according to owners Fred and Marge Wright, have been attempting to comply with regulations of the quarantine, but without permitting Task Force personnel entering their property They’re simply afraid that such admittance could bring them the disease and wipe out their breeders and gene Farm Calendar Saturday, April 7 Bradford Holstein bus tour to Muncy and Millville. Del. feeder lamb sale, 10 a.m., Hickory Hill Farm, four miles west of Route 13 on Road 42. Tuesday, April 10 Adams County Beef Producers, 7:30 p.m., Adams Electric Co op Building. Penn State Poultry Sales and Service Conference. Continues tomorrow. Ephrata adult farmer corn study meeting, 7.45 p.m., high school ag shop. Wednesday, April 11 NEDCO dairy meeting, 8 p.m., Risser’s Restaurant, Stouchsburg. Thursday, April 12 Home Landscaping Workshop, 7:30 p.m., Adams County Ex tension Office. Hunterdon County NJ poultry short course, 7:30 - 10 p.m., Extension Center. York County Fruit Growers, 7 p.m.,4-H Center. Friday, April 13 Maryland State Holstein Show, Otis OTIS, RRB TOO GOING TO FARM TRRT FORTY ACRES [# 1^ /W-, j* Ar 1/ X • v- heifer classes, Stale Fairgrounds, Timonium. Bio-Ag Seminar on Disease Prevention, 9:30 - 4 p.m , Farm and Home Center. oduaUay, April 14 McKean County All-Ag Banquet, Dog law officer helps save cow Thanks to York City Dog Law Enforcement Officer, Aaron T. Smith and his volunteer assistant, one of our cows is alive and well. As soon as the problem was spotted we called the Vet for a Tranquilizer Gun so the animal could be helped. They did not have a gun, but would help us when we located one. The Tranquilizer Gun was necessary in getting the cow down and relaxed so we could help her. After hours and hours of phone calls and messages left on an swering machines, we got a call from Mr. Smith. He immediately put our mind at ease and assured B [O' o pool of fancy show birds and other rare fowl that are irreplacable The conflict between their efforts and the operating procedures of the Task Force has resulted in charges and counter-charges The Wrights have attempted to comply to the extent of swab sampling and blood testing with their own vet and using a private lab for analysis With hatching operations at a standstill, the Wrights are trying to economically survive by selling hatching eggs as table stock at a small fraction of their value, dressing game birds and filling shipments through hatcheries outside the quarantine area But their con tmumg losses have dried up savings And the frustration of trying to survive, avoid the disease and comply with regulations have been expressed in another way ov a hatchery representative From a much larger commercial hatchery, this representative must stay away from the company headquarters, all other company facilities and even meetings attended by other personnel "You almost start to feel like you’ve been ostracized,” he said And these are just a few examples of the many operations who are Avian victims but fall outside any assistance programs So, the typical Avian statistics of poultry houses infected, birds killed and indemnity payments only tell part of the story of the disaster There are many people who are paying the price of the disease just as if they had con tracted it And, in a way, they’re paying an even higher Price Because for them there is no chance of financial help through either the state or federal programs OUR READERS WRITE, AND OTHER OPINIONS j V 7.30 p.m., Eldred Legion Hall, ELdred. Maryland State Holstein Show, cow classes, Timoniuni. Delaware feeder pig sale, Carroll s Auction, Felton, 10 a.m. us he would help. Keeping us posted as to the tune he would arrive. We were ready with the help of friends when Mr. Smith and assistant arrived, Within 15 minutes the cow was resting peacefully and 2 hours later she was up and around doing fine. This was an unreal experience for everyone involved. However, if you bke animals and would like to become involved in helping them, a donation to the Friends of the White Rose Animal Shelter would really help save animals lives. They need larger facilities for their (Turn to Page Al 2) BY WHAT AUTHORITY? April 8,1984 Background Scripture Mark 12 28-34 Devotional Reading: Mark 12: 28-34, Let’s be fair at least this once to the chief priests, scribes and elders. The question they directed to Jesus is a good one that has to be raised from time to time in religious and moral issues; “By what authority are you doing these things 9 ” tll.28) The "these things” at least in cluded what Jesus had recently done in the precincts of the temple: driving out the temple merchants, overturning the tables of the moneychangers and the seats of the pigeon sellers, and forbidding all commercial traffic in the temple area. And, of course, there was that stinging rebuke: “Is it not written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations”? But you have made it a den of robbers” (11:18). THE BAPTISM OF JOHN There is not recorded m the Gospels an incident in Jesus’ life more dramatic and forceful than this. The normally quiet and gentle teacher on this occasion became a man of vigorous, if not violent, action. The Bible doesn’t say he was angry that day, but we can hardly imagine him doing what he did and saying what he did and saying what he said without some evidence of righteous anger on his NOW IS iHE TIME |L Lancaster County Agriculture Agent Phone 717 394 6851 To Store Unsold Tobacco A number ol tobacco growers have not sold their ‘B3 crop and need to store the bales on the above giound floor of a tobacco shed oi barn It's important to place some 1 by 4 s or similar size lumbei undei the bales to allow lor an on culalion Then put the bales only 2 oi 3 high to reduce fermentation ti om squeezing pressure Cover the lop layer ot bales to keep them clean of bird droppings and dirt Use old tobacco muslin loveis, canvas tarps or loose material, not air-tight. Avoid light plastic Air should move freely abound the bales Be certain no water drips on the stored bales or wind driven ram blows on them. You can expect some weight loss due to fermentation and possible sweating as the weather warms. WtfPT T/PE •i <y part. If someone came into your church on Sunday morning and began to upset things the way Jesus did in the temple, wouldn’t the clergy and authorities of the church want to know “by what authority’” No matter how democratic religious organizations have become itter how much we have elevated the priesthood of all believers,” there is still a . ~ for duly constituted authority in the church Someone has to be authorized by ordination, by election of the congregation to speak and act for the religious body. If everyone could perform weddings, baptisms, and ad minister Holy Communion, we would have utter chaos in no time. Yet, at the same time we acknowledge the need for authority in the church, we also must be, not only eternally vigilant to detect and correct the misuse of that authority, but also to be able to recognize an even higher authority when it is mediated through some unusual or irregular channel. In Jesus there was an authority that went beyond priesthood, training, or ecclesiastical recognition. Questioned as to the source of it, he asked them where John the Baptist had gotten his authority. For the source of Jesus’ authority, irregular and un sanctioned as it appeared, was the very same: the God who alone can say “My house...” In God’s house as well as in his world he is not bound by human conventions and standards of authority. And there may be times when the normal channels are blocked or unresponsive and he may have to turn over some tables and chairs before we remember that it is really God alone who can say, “My house...” By Jay Irwin Willi the amount of moisture in me soil this spring, warm wealhei will bring growth veiy rapidly in mosi pasture areas This will also be true with producers that are planning to graze winter grains such as rye or barley. The herd or Hock should be controlled at first, and not allowed on the area for moie than a half hour, bloating and scouring may result if they consume 100 much of the lush forage the first few days. Also, it's best to feed the animals some dry matter such as silage, hay or straw before turning them out to pasture, the first few times Dairymen should keep milking cows from the glazing area at least 4 to 5 hours befoi e the milking period. To Operate Machinery Sensibly Fanners are always in a big burry when the good spring weather arrives. As a result, they operate their tractors and other machinery at 100 high a speed. This presents safety hazards and is the cause of too many accidents. (Irani drills and corn planters are designed loi accurate planting, if operated at a normal rate of speed. Often in the rush ot things, we travel too fast and the planting job is disappointing We urge tanners to take the lime to properly piepare and adjust their machineiy and then drive at a speed Dial will give good pei toimance With many pieces ot machineiy the -.peed is listed on SCUQP eaf)R To Start Grazing Gradually (Turn to Page Al 2)