onl)ein * A a farm -And Joyce Bnpp ” New. Improved. From deodorant to dog food, laundry soap to over-the-counter medications, the label "new, improved” makes it all better. Or does it? More than once I’ve growled and grumbled while trying to open a "new, improved” type container, spout, lid or boxtop. And too often, those “new, improved" ingredients found inside may be no better than what was there before, and will undoubtedly cost more. Anyway, this all came to mind as I realized over the past few days that my lifestyle has become 'new, improved” in two small, but significant ways First, culture has come to my calf feeding chores. Well, maybe culture isn’t exactly the term you’d use It all depends on how you like rock music Or country Or that background, easy listening stuff they label “muzak,” and play m your ear when you’re put on hold on some telephone call. Depending on who dials in the dairy barn radio, any of the above sounds may blare out toward the milking herd. To date, no study that I know of has ever determined which type radio music en courages the most contented cows or the highest production. But last week, the farmer happened to come into ownership - yew HoUse AND SUPER SALES DAYS Specials On All Equipment, Including: JAMESWAY-NESSETH Controlled Manure Storage Systems Best Pumps You Can Bupl idVih-ljv- »i*»fiOixi (i*w |L %(Kir\ ' JSjL "VN** SIURftV PROPS LOOK FOR DETAILS IN NEXT WEEK'S ISSUE ? HENRY S. LAPP BUTLER T7~~ Box 175, R.D. 1 (Cains) Gap, PA 17527 Systems (717) 442-8134 free - of a roll of unwanted elec trical communications wire and an orphaned stereo speaker. This unexpected good fortune was too much to just ignore. With just a few perfunctory electrical hookups, he extended a speaker from the cows’ radio up into the heifer-calf raising areas, for my listening enjoyment. While I have a speaker, I lack a dial, thus have no choice Over the selection, unless I parade down to the dairy barn and spin out someone else’s earlier selection. That would undoubtedly get me in trouble, especially on the nights that the kids help to milk. In fact, that first night that I fed calves accompanied by blaring rock music, the farmer did come up to check up on me and make sure 1 was feeding, not doing the Curly Shuffle with a bag of calf feed And as if that wasn’t enough to revolutionize my lifestyle, a request of some 15 years has finally gone through the resident engineering departmental head. Since a round of remodeling that took place when the teenager was a wee babe, the bathroom closet location has been smack dab over top of the laundry area m the basement. For this past decade and a half, I have periodically pleaded to have a hole cut in the bottom of the March 28 x # OPEN PIT PUMPS 1 ■hum i t 0 I i (VK-I-) Ij I 1 111 29. 30 & 31 , SI»TK)»I*R» 9 " SHHEDMR PUMRS (< ‘ Hfcsus vin^wmovixt' JW 3f ■*» n hwj I ''»> t SUPER SHRHJOfRPUMP y ti nmiw Avl«I <»
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