arming, i nets' Tioga Co. DHIA (Continued from Page D 23) Danny E Stevenson Sugar 210 Y-ll 3-10 Dean Baity Mearle Kate Glenn Bowen Gillian Jay Foreman 5-6 305 #415 3-4 Galen & Dale Jackson Pam 5-5 Leemon E Gaugler Eve 5-7 Mia 5-11 MIC Realty Louise 3-6 Becky 5-3 STOLTZFUS WOODWORK RDGap.PABoiIU 1 Mite North Rt 197 From Gap MARTIN HARDWARE & EQUIPMENT CO. Rt 501IV* Mite*South otSchaaN Phoot 717-949-6117 THE WORLD’S LARGEST SELLING CHAIN SAW If the engine quits, two-way radio couMggror itself Lose just one day during the planting season and it could make all the difference between a good crop and a poor one Thats why you should be equipped with a Johnson FM two-way radio With two-way radio, if your engine quits, you can simply call for help Chances are, a mechanic can get to you and get you going again while there s still some daylight left But without two-way radio you d just have to start walking There are a lot of other ways Johnson FM radio can save you time and money Why not let us show you how you can lease or own a complete two-way system for as little as 75