Computer network (Continued from Page A 24) support is a unique aspect of Extension. It is the volunteers who sit on County Executive Boards that are the real strength of Ex tension’s volunteer support. “The numbers tell a great deal,’’ he said. In 1983, more than 20,000 Pennsylvania volunteers con ducted 50,000 meetings. Three quarters of a million people at tended these meetings. This is in addition to the meetings conducted by Penn sylvania Extension staff that were Participating in the Pa. Council of Cooperative Extension Association's annual legislative banquet are, seated from left, Sen. Noah Wenger and Rep. Kenneth Brandt; standing from left, Kenneth Meek, president of the Lancaster Extension Association board of directors, Carlton Groff, director, and wife Carol, Rep. Terry Sheetz, Lilli Ann Kopp, director, and Rep. Jere Schuler. Here's What You Get For Less Than 15* A Week! '"lyiSS!® 1 1 K3' LATEST INFORMATION from livestock markets and auctions of the East and Mid-West, including futures. OUR MARKET REPORTS are received by phone up to 10 AM on Friday morning...just 2 hours before press time! Our total farm coverage also gives you NEWS (including Dairy & DHIA Reports)... FEATURES...BEST BUYS ON PRODUCTS & EQUIPMENT...FREE MAILBOX MARKET...and much, much more! P.O. Box 366, Lititz, PA 17543 ■ _ Phone | - Tl Qjritiinc| 717-626-11640r394-3047 attended by almost 1.4 million people. Chester Heim, Deputy Secretary, Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, representing Governor Thorn burgh and Penrose Hallowell, Pennsylvania Secretary of Agriculture welcomed the legislators. He presented a letter from Governor Thornburgh to PCCEA president Mary Grim. The letter said that Pennsylvania agriculture is growing and the Extension service is a critical element to the continued success of Pennsylvania agriculture. Mrs. Grim reminded the legislators that the delegates were volunteers. Despite the adverse weather conditions, a record number of 200 delegates and 105 state senators and representatives attended the banquet. The legislators and dnlegates saw a five-minute film featuring Carlton Groff, a Lancaster County farmer. Groff explained how Extension has helped his farm business. He relies heavily on Penn State publications and Extension specialists to make agricultural and business decisions. Betsy Ogborn, 4-H public At LANCASTER FARMING, we think we do a good job of keeping you in formed... and we have over 40,000 paid subscribers who think so too! Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 10,1984—A33 Extension honors Wargo Rep. Joseph Wargo,- of Olyphant, was honored in Harrisburg by the Lackawanna County Cooperative Ex tension Association with a certificate of recognition on the occasion of his retirement for his support of Extension. Shown at the presentation are, first rwo, Audrey Naylor, Factoryville, county Association president; and Rep. Wargo. Second row, left to right, Wilfred Richards, Dalton, treasurer; Ann Powell, Carbondale, vice-president; and Edward Sokoloski, Justus, executive committee member. speaking contest winner from Somerset County, spoke on how Extension has helped her. She said that through 4-H she has had the opportunity to meet many people, travel and make friends all over r SJUMUSTING REPOMTHK WATERPROOFING From repairing drafty, leaking walls to complete stucco removal and repointing, extgnor restoration or Tarnjpquses is our soeoWtv 1 REASONABLE RATES JAMES H. DOSTER 507 South Spruce Street Lititz, Pennsylvania 17543 For information or a free estimate, return coupon below. Name Address City State Zip Phone: Area. (Directions to your home: the country, and broaden her understanding of the world. Lancaster County Extension Director, Jay W. Irvin, explained how Extension reacts in an emergency, such as the avian influenza epidemic.