Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 25, 1984, Image 14
Al6—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 25,1984 Livestock market Leesport Livestock Auction Leesport, PA Wednesday, February 22 Report supplied by PDA CATTLE 312. Compared with last Wednesday’s market, slaughter steers mostly steady. Slaughter bulls steady to weak. Choice Yield Grade 1050-1325 lbs. 64.85-66.00, Good & Choice 1250-1500 lbs. 58.00-60.85,’ Good 60.75-65.25, Standard 52.35-60.60, Utility & Low Standard 45.00-49.75. Choice Yield Grade slaughter heifers 2 at 62.50 & 62.85, Good 54.25-58.50, few Stan dard 45.00-53.00, few Utility & Low Standard 42.10-44.00. Breaking Utility & Commercial slaughter cows 42.50-45.00, few 47.00, Cutter & Boning Utility 40.00-42.85, few 44.85, Canner & Low Cutter 36.00- 40.25, Shells down to 32.00. Few Good & Choice 54.25-60.75, one at 65.25, few Standard 49.50-54.50. Yield Grade #1 1200-2000 lbs. slaughter bulls 50.10-54.75, one at 58.00, few Yield Grade #2 1000-1200 lbs. 47.25-40.60. FEEDER CATTLE. Medium Frame #1 330-650 lbs. feeder steers 61.50-65.00, few Large Frame §2 750-925 lbs. 42.75-43.00. Few Medium Large #1 440-545 lbs. feeder heifers 55.50-56.50. Few Medium Large #1 600-830 lbs. feeder bulls 43.50-51.50. CALVES 154. Vealer Good & Steady to Strong Standard Low & Good, Steady to 3.00 lower. Few Prime 95.00-101.00, Choice 90.00 93.00, Good 80.00-92.00, Standard & Good 90-110 lbs. 50.00-58.00, 70-85 lbs. 45.00-52.00, few Utility 60-85 lbs. 30.00-45.00. FARM CALVES. Holstein Bulls 90-130 lbs. 55.00-97.00, mostly 77.00 93.00, Holstein Heifers 95-105 lbs. 60.00-65.00. HOGS 304. Barrows & gilts 50 cents to 1.00 lower. US No. 1-2 215- 250 lbs. barrows & gilts 45.50-45.85, No. 1-3 205-275 lbs. 44.75-45.50,190 205 lbs. 44.0044.25, No. 1-3 155-185 lbs. 37.50-42.50. Sows: 4.00-5.00 lower. US No. 1-3 300-670 lbs. sows 37.7541.00, one 42.00. Few Medium SCHLESSMAN HYBRID CORN * PREMIUM SINGLE CROSSES ■ SX-725 - New Improved Standability, 112 Days, Excellent Yield ■ SX-650 - High Yielding, Good Standability, 110 Day, Short Stalk - Imbred Used In This Cross Was Most Wanted Across U.S. By Most Seed Companies. H SX-810 - High Yielding Good Standability, 118 Days ★ Resistant to Carbona Race 3 Disease ALFALFA #1 In Plot Of 18 Varieties Including Pioneer Saranac AR - DeKalb BOYD’S WETFOOT LOOKS BEST Coming ... A NEW Alfalfa - Boyd's 84VW • Verticilumn Wilt Resistant • Anthracnose Resistant • Phylophthora Root Rot Very United Supply - Piece Your Order Now SEED OATS GARDEN SEEDS 290-325 lbs. 28.25-36.50. Few Boars 29.75-31.00, few Light Weights 32.00-40.00. FEEDER PIGS. 258. US No. 1-3 20-30 lbs. 89.00-99.00 hun dredweight, No. 1-3 35-70 lbs. 51.00- 66.00 hundredweight, one lot at 72.00, No 1-3 100-120 lbs. 41.00-45.00 hundredweight. SHEEP 157. Few High Choice & Prime 45-55 lbs. 96.00-100.00, 70-85 lbs. 76.0080.00, Choice 30-40 lbs. 106.00-132.50, Slaughter ewes 22.00- 27.00, few down 10.00. GOATS 21; Large Adult 27.00- 35.00 head, Large Kids 22.00-28.00 head. Chambersburg Auction Chambersburg, Pa. Thursday, February 23 Report supplied by PDA CATTLE; 398. Compared with last Thursday’s market: SI. cows 1.00-2.00 higher. SI. steers; (few) Choice NO. 24,1050-1150 lbs. 64.35- 66.25; (tew) Good 57.25-64.00; (few) Standard 48.85-54.85. SI. heifers: one Choice veal grade at 65.75; (few) Good 55.75-62.00; Standard 48.25-55.00. SI. cows: Breaking Utility & Commercial 42.0047.00, few at 48.85; Cutter & Boning Utility 40.0044.50; Canner & L. Cutter 36.0041.00; Shells down to 34.00. SI. bulls: Yield Grade No. 11085-1560 lbs. 47.50-57.00. FEEDER CATTLE: Steers, (few) Medium Frame No. 1300-350 lbs. 63.00-69.00; Bulls, (few) Large Frame No. 2 600-850 lbs. 47.00-52.00. CALVES: 456. Choice 84.00 104.00; Good 61.0084.00; Standard & Good 75-105 lbs. 56.0061.00; Utility 65-85 lbs. 50.0057.00. FARM CALVES: Hoi. Bulls 9095 lbs. 60.00105.00; 100125 lbs. 100.00 125.00, few at 130.00; few Hoi. Heifers 85-125 lbs. 60.0075.00. HOGS: 43. No. 1-3 210250 lbs. 46.0046.25; No. 1-3 300525 lbs. 42.0046.00, one at 56.00. Few Boars 31.25-37.50. FEEDER PIGS: One lot US No. 1-3 30 lbs. at 25.00 per head. SHEEP: 8. SI. ewes: 15.00-32.00. Few GOATS; 5. Large 30.00-38.00 per head. Free Catalogs Available WHOLESALE TWINES RETAIL Twenty $l,OOO scholarships offered BY SALLY BAIR Staff Correspondent LANCASTER - The Farm and Home Foundation of Lancaster County has announced that it will offer 20 scholarships worth $l,OOO each to qualified applicants in the fields of agriculture, home economics and nursing. The scholarships will be available to students enrolling as freshmen in any accredited college or nursing school. The amount represents an in crease of $250 over the amount offered over the last several years. The bulk of the scholarship funds come from the Elmer Esbenshade Trust fund and must be awarded to agriculture and home economics students. The Foundation sup B EVERGREEN B TRACTOR Quality costs less during the John Deere oil filter sale CLIP THIS COUPON AND SAVE 10% ON SELECTED JOHN DEERE TRACTOR OIL FILTERS Stop in and stock up soon sale ends March 15th TRACTORS: (1) JD 4630, Quad Range & Duals,Sharp JD 4020 w/cab and air, side console ... (1) JD 2840, Loaded (Super Sharp).. . JD high jjJJUjJision B, super sharp (I)White2-105w/RollGuard . ... (1) White 2-62 Tach Loader and JaftflSo Hours, Like New *16,750 (1) IH 460 Gas NT TA, Power Steering .. *2,350 (1) Farmall H w/Cultivators MF 30-B . JD 430 wide front, 3 pt. . . CaseV/EPIWi] JD 2640, dual remote . .. IH 300 Row Crop WF T.A. fast hitch OMBINES& PICKER! (1) JD662OLL Combine w/213 Flex Head 800 hrs . Price on Request (1) IH 203 Combine, Gas w/10' Platform, P U Reel, 2 Row Cornhead, Cab (1) New Idea #325 Two Row Narrow Picker w/Sheller, Heavy PTO (1) Gleaner Model K w/10' Platform and 2 Row Corn Head, Cab (1) JD443 Corn head (1) JD 443 Corn head, new style PLANTERS: JD494 A, dry insect JD 7000 8 R 30” planter, hq P O P monitor, no-till JD7OOO 6RConsv Planter, dry 1H4004R Air Planter JD 1240 Plateless Planter GRAIN DRYERS: (2) New Farm Fans ABB Auto-Batch Dryers MUST MOVE CALL FOR PRICE (Dealer Inquiries Welcome) (1) Used 350 BU Myer Morton PTO Batch Dryer COMING IN: JD 660 rake w/wheel JD 640 rake w/wheel IH 32 wheel carrier disk, sharp JD 3020 Gas T ractor JD2440 Fli-Low Tractor JD 1520 w/Tractor, w/48 Loader JD4B Loader Ford 800 Tractor 30 Evergreen Rd Lebanon, PA (717) 272-4641 plements those funds to offer additional scholarships in nursing. Students are selected on the basis of financial need, scholastic achievement and leadership abilities. They must reside in Lancaster County to be eligible. Specific information about the scholarships as well as ap plications can be obtained from any high school guidance coun selor or from Jay Irwin at the Penn FFA *19,500 *11,250 *13,900 *15,900 *950 *8,750 *2,350 *475 *12,500 *2,350 *3,950 *4,350 *6,950 ‘3,450 *6,750 *3,450 State Extension office. There will be a mid-April deadline for ap plications. In its reorganization, the Board elected Evelyn Hess, 817 Water front Drive, Lancaster, president; Lawrence H. Skromme, 2150 Landis Valley Road, Lancaster, vice-president; Sally B. Bair, R 2, Columbia; secretary; and George Lewis, R 3, Mount Joy, treasurer All officers serve a one year term. CO., INC. FILTER PART NUMBER QUANTITY PURCHASED CUSTOMER NAME ADDRESS DATE HARVESTERS & FORAGE EQUIPMENT (1) John Deere 3940 Harvester, Hydro-electric Controls, 1,000 PTO Used very little (1) John Deere 34 w/One Row RC & Pickup (1) Grove Forage Wagon w/Roof & Gear (1) John Deere Three Row Row Crop Attachment, New Belts *3,850 (3) Badger Self Unloading Wagons w/Tandem Gears and Roofs (Sharp) . ea. *3,500 (1) Kelly-Ryan Silage Dump Container HAY MACHINES: (1) John Deere 1209 Mower Conditioner (1) MF #l2 Baler w/Thrower, Hydraulic Control (1) IH 46T w/Thrower Ml Rake NH 275 Baler w/thrower, hydraulic aim TILLAGE: (1) Oliver 4-14" Trailer Plow, Hydraulic Lift *450 (1) JD F 350 5-16" Auto Reset Plow Sharp *2,850 (1) IH 710 5-16" Auto Reset Plow Sharp *2,850 (1) John Deere AW 10'Disk *1,175 (1) John Deere 12' RW *875 (1) IH 10'Transport Disk *450 MISCELLANEOUS: Koehn Cab for IH 460-560 20 Bx3B T-rail duals 18 4x34 T-rail duals 14 9x26 T-rail duals 20.8x34 direct axle, less rubber JD B(£i*iJ*/:omplete NH 679 tandem axle spreader, hyd endgate *4,500 GRINDER-MIXERS SPECIAL: 1 only • New JD 700 *8,950 *1,550 *1,850 *2,950 *3,250 *1,350 *1,050 *575 *2,950 *6,250