QUARRYVILLE - Twenty-rune Southern Lancaster County area dairymen were honored for having high producing herds this past year at the 20th annual district meeting for Atlantic Breeders Cooperative members on Feb. 14 •m Atlantic Breeders for having high producing dairy herds are, from the left, John Harnish, Ken Putt, Thomas Lapp, Leroy Weaver, Joseph Hess, Robert Gochenaur Jr. and Levi H. Click. Come t Kelly Tires Implement Tires for Tough Field Work Delivery, installation, and field service, including calcium filling, available on farm tires for tractors and implements (front and rear) Top-quality farm tires - the right tires, at the right price, for every vehicle Extra strength Nylon, Aramid, or Polyester cord body to resist impacts and bruises Self cleaning, open tread design Deep, husky treads for non-skid traction in any soil Tapered bead construction eliminates slippage on rim at the Hoffman Building, Solanco Fairgrounds, Quarryville. Receiving Certificates of Merit for having top Dairy Herd Im provement Association averages were: Gusty Crest Farm, Ron o Jack Williams - the farmer's friend - for FARM TIRES Premium Front & Rear ftactor & BERWICK CHARGE IT! Front Street, Route 11 Use your Visa, Master Card Phone 759-0376 or Jack Williams WILKES-BARRE Charge Account. Route 315 Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Hwy fljjjjß Phone 829-1991 ■■■ KINGSTON UMU LGJii S Wyoming Ave., Narrows UH Phone; 283-0531 UhM Atlantic Breeders honors Complete Line of Kendall Lubricants For Farm Machinery Grease • Oil • Hydraulic Fluids Leaman; Glenn E. Burkholder, Paul V. Nissley, Kreiders and Nickle, Lester J. Wiker, J. Robert Kindig, Walter C. Pownall, Parke Ranck, Leory S. Weaver, Roy and Ruth Book, C. Nevm Hershey, Robert Gochenaur Jr., Edgefield Farms, Ken Rutt; J. Ray Ranck; J. Clayton Charles. Also, Bart Dell Farm, Levi K. Click, Melvin M. Groff, John M. Harmsh, John U. Glick, Thomas Lapp, King Farm, Ferncrest Farm, Earl Hershey; Harry Ranck Jr., J. Wade Groff, Singing Maple Farm, Dale Stoner and Joe Hess; Harry Troop, Don Ranck, Joseph L. Fisher and Paul W. Zimmerman. Awards were presented by Dave Zimmerman, Atlantic’s Field Supervisor. All of the honored herds were at least 10 percent above the state average for milk or butterfat production last year, while at least two-thirds of the cows in the herds are progeny of Atlantic sires. District director James Kreider told the members that despite the challenges on semen exports due to the economic instability of the dairymen Dairymen cited with certificates of merit from Atlantic Breeders include, from the left, George Nickle, James Kreider, Ronald Leaman, Harry Ranck, Glenn Burkholder, Parke Ranck Jr. and John Harvey Groff. world, more breeding units were Allen Bair stressed that the sold in the member area in 1983 Cooperative will continue to em than in 1982. phasize quality technician and Following a slide presentation on direct-herd service. He also Atlantic’s 1984 Sire Programs, pointed to the genetic superiority including the genetic base change, of the sires now offered by new sire proofs and Linear-Mate, Atlantic. Clover, alfalfa BALTIMORE, Md. - Scarlett Company, the international seed distribution and conditioning firm headquartered in Baltimore, Md., has been awarded the exclusive distributorship of Morßed Red Clover and Olympic Alfalfa. A short rotation hay and grazing legume, Morßed Red Clover has been shown in laboratory and field testing to offer increased yields and excellent resistance to both northern and southern an thracnose, a highly destructive varieties cited disease commonly afflicting red clover. Morßed is also noted for vigorous growth, improved win terhardiness, and high resistance to powdery mildew, Olympic Alfalfa is characterized by high yields and excellent disease and insewct protection, with very high resistance to an thracnose and bacterial wilt. It has proven to be a fast grower that matures early and recovers very quickly after cutting.