C4o—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 25,1984 OAIRV EQUIPMENT ■■■■■■■■■ ■Clip & Save 1 ■■■■■■■ ■■ I POLY DOME CALF NURSERY * The Poly Dome nursery does not ■ have a drastic temperature " change like an open hutch. * The temperature is varied ® naturally by utilizing the green- I house affect. o By absorbing the sunlight into the bed pack in the day and radiating it back at night, we keep the calf more comfortable which also reduces stress. Dealer inquiries welcomed from certain areas "The Igloo" M •6 a Call or Write Distributor • Earle M. Zimmerman 1478 Colebrook Rd., Lebanon, PA 17042 1-(717) 272-3558 msbun Shi | Tim Zimmerman | 717-532-4183 ■ Ouarryville _ John Edward Weaver 1 ' 717-786-3992 ■■ ■■■■■■■■ Clip & Save • mm T [Staiiim i Stul The Following Mueller Equipment In Stock • Tri-Plate B & C Fre-Heaters • Model D Fre-Heaters • Refrigerated Receiver I USED TANKS & EQUIPMENT • (2) 7 x /2 H.P. Dunham Bush Condensing Unit, 3 Phase (Excellent Value) $5OO Each • (2) 3”xlo’ Sections Girton Tube Coolers $2OO Each • (2)5 H.P. 3 Phase Circulating Pumps .. .... $2OO Each • 800 Gal. D-2 Girton $2,500 Give Us A Call Or Stop By WEHR'S DAIRY EQUIPMENT RD 2, Box 85 Mifflinburg, PA 17844 PH: (717) 966-1396 Quality Equipment - Quality Service DAIRY EQUIPMENT Or Dealers Ephrata James Sensenig 717-733-7466 Bowmansville Earl Gehman 215-445-7296 U I DAIRY EQUIPMENT LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT h SUPPLIES PEANUT HULLS Bulk or Bagged Prompt and Courteous Service NAAMAN EBERLY Lancaster, PA 717-299-3001 For Sale - Outside calf hut ches w/metal roofs & feeders. Stoltzfus Wood work, RD2 Gap. PA 17527 along 897 717-442-8972 For Sale - Kraiburg Happy Moo-Mats 15 sizes. We deliver and install Vanco Sales, RD 4 Box 300 Carli sle. PA 17013, Phone 717-776-3494 Wanted to buy - used milk tanks, 400 gal. and larger. 800-558-0112 ■s* P* </• For Sale - Rubber matting for free stalls, stanchions, hog houses and horse stalls and vans. Will deliver. 301-885-5045. VANCO COZY COWMATS - 48"x72” $44.95. Call Collect: PH 717-776-3494. 3 HP Brunner com pressor, model 30H, Excellent operating condition. Price $5OO. 301-895-5974. FOR SALE: 600 gallon us ed Zero milk tank, $l4OO. Call 717-274-1242. 6 calf hutches complete with bucket, hay racks and fences good condition, 8 x 16 calf shelter excellent condition. 717-665-6449. Used Surge pipeline approx.-300' IV4” S.S. with milk nipples 1 H.P. milk-pump electrobrain needs repairs as is asking, $2500. New Surge Kube Kooler with series hook up kit has had concrete spattered on it. New $lB4B. Asking $1250. or best offer. 717-278-9711, Montrose, Pa. For Sale - Complete DeLaval milking system. Includes DeLaval Model 75 pump and reserve tank, vacuum controller, electric pulsation control box and 20 stall cocks, plus all pipe necessary for 40 stall dairy barn. S.S. double sink included. Must Sell. Best offer. Call 717-359-7542. Wanted - chassis for 790 NH manure spreader, 717-726-3659. For Sale - Complete DeLaval milking system. Includes DeLaval Model 75 pump and reserve tank, vacuum controller, electric pulsation control box and 20 stall cocks, plus all pipe necessary for 40 stall dairy barn. S.S. double sink included. Must sell. Best offer. $1,400 complete. Call 717-359- 7542. 1250 gal. OH Mueller milk tank with 2 3 HP com pressors and washer, 6 years old. excellent condi tion, $6500 delivered, 804-561-3509 Three Surge mini cups; Four breaker cups; Four pulsaters and pulsator timer, stall cocks with electric adaptors; cow straps. 717-865-2022, Lebanon County Pa. LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT b SUPPLIES TAPERED BOARD FEEDERS, double chain, wooden conveyors, custom built, since 1965, tor cattle and hog feeding systems. Glasbord trough liners, 4x40, cut to length. Martin Rissler, Stevens, Pa. 215-267-2244 For Sale -2" pipe, ex cellent for gate con struction or fencing. Call evenings and weekends 717-872-2579. Daytime 717-872-9152, lIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT h SUPPLIES 25 rolls 9-39-6-11 woven wire fence, good for horses, 150 4”x4" sawed locust posts, 301-678- 5296 near Hancock, MD. 12' Hostettler cattle body, very good condition, 717- 264-3619 or 717-762- 1532. Baled Wood Shavings | Kiln dried, in easy to handle 4 cu. bales. Discount for large orders. We deliver or you pick up William Beam Morgantown, PA 215-286*9579 FOR SALE.... SAWDUST Dry-Fresh Cut-Cured SHAVINGS Bulk Loads SAWDUST AND SHAVINGS _ >«dk^ MIXED tjMjL . Discount givsn for Quantity rr'«~ TAN BARK-x^TRUCKINGSt® Fresh or Cured - * mm oral ACCESS SATE OTHER uses mr-fi l • Basement Walls * | ll « * • Earthen Homes • Manure Pits with Slated Floors • Building Walls • Floor Panels • Retaining Walls • Gram & Fertilizer Storage Sheds CONCRETE GANG SLATS for Dairy and Hogs Features. • Easy Cleaning • Center Beam • Slight Crown. • Uniform Spacing. • Easy Installation • Slats Stay Drier. • Easy on Animals Feet • Low Cost- Long Life GESTATION TROUGHS AVAILABLE FREE Wholesale Vet Supply Catalog. Fast- Friendly-Dependable Service from the Pa Dutch Country Write Key-Aid Distributors RD #4, Box 141 Lititz, Pa. 17543 WOOD SHAVINGS * * KILN DRIED * * Don’t be caught short this winter! Call now for delivery of bagged, baled or bulk wood shavings & sawdust. A quality bedding material at an economical price. M PDMAS PMMCTS, me. r ft® 'fJVCKING * 717--f f-f-3 5 7 J* lAEK ■. Ronald Bowersox - 717- 444 -3572—r Manure Storage PU«(IPUN£~'O RIBCASTPAN&S —\ i i i | ;i kJjt MANURE LOADING AUGER Available in 8 10 and 12 deep rectangular and round structures • '°- • Smooth, Rounded Edges. • Prevents Movement From Side Loads. • High Strength Reinforced Construction. RD 2, Box 147 Middleburg, PA 17842 Plant (717) 837-3885 FOR SALE SAWDUST & SHAVINGS Bags & Bulk ED VOGT & SON Medford, NJ 609-654-7489 PENN AG PRODUCTS INC. 403 S. Custer Ave. New Holland, PA 17557 717-354-4174 ATTENTION We Will Now Install Bedding m Poultry Houses cai r.n ! 11 ,[ i' . j ' 'Uj fj . Jj^ r ' litl vx H ; CONTINUOUS CAST IN PLACE FOOTING Slats available in gangs of 8,10,12 ft. lengths lures: Installation trength ;ed Construction ming HOG SLAT 859-3324
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