I I I _ 1 i 1 f*€€t ,?S •(»V«3n<i,{ - 8£ Fanning, Saturday, February 25,1984-C39 iitfMMMfllHM tank with or without com- i ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■i pressors. Two compressors - 3 coo '^ lt ' 1 Used Zero Pipeline, complete JT . - 703-740.3458 I (1) Used Bou-Matic Carousel with 8 units, I , ~~” s B IBB^BBBi^BBi^B^BBII^^^^Bi^^BBHiB H />/Mm * n _ __ . *3OO Gal. Esco • 735 Gal. Sunset j I COWPAR6 DC LAVAL • 450 Gal. Dan-Kool • 800 Gal. DeLaval N6W Century ™ (round) * aso G a l s er ° • 600 Gal! Jamesway • 1250 Gal. Mueller “O” Performance, Quality, value • isoocai. Dan-Koot I f 9 JL INSTALLATION—PLANNING M. ' LAYOUT—SALES SHENK’S FARM SERVICE Quality and Simplicity \ 501 e ZTp d^ ox22s t Phone 1-717-626-1151 If you are looking for rugged, quality machines **/ that get the job done, we’ve got the manure "‘‘t 1 Jr tubular steel gates i spreader for you. * i| ' '~~~^.. • Available in a size to fit your needs from _ nn , K nn r J „~* n . 107 C «. .Q 7 r . 600 to 5,000 Gallon Capacity *■&**7 &01. 10 40/D gal. The efficient cooling Bulk Tank • Comes with a 2-year warranty Backed by a Century of Service ... .... to Americas dairyman 1 • Injectors available . t«.«i, ' We Have Sales & Service On Tanks P" • Truck mounted units also Call For A Free Estimate Dealer Inquiries Invited 3053 Barren Rd. Oxford, PA 19363 (301) 398-2948 3 BLADED KNIFES Again WIC gives you mare for your money* Purchasing a WIC chopper with a cord-proof ro of 3 bladed knifes, you obtoin th of 3 sets of knifes for the price o • GONE FOR GOOD, THE EXHAUSTING JOB OF CHANGING THE KNIVES, AS THE 144 BOLTS AND NUTS HAVE BEEN REPLACED BY 8 RODS INSERTED THROUGH THE KNIVES WHICH ARE COLLECTIVELY TIGHTENED, FORMING A ONE-PIECE ROTOR. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT YOUR LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR; S MANURE MANAGEMENT SPECIALISTS 3053 Barren Rd. Oxford, PA 19363 (301)398-2948 • THE CONCEPTION OF THIS Della-Therm Energy Recovery DeLaval® P-30A™ Plate Cooler " ' The P-30A plate cooler can be adapted to three types of systems, using well water, ice water or a com bination of both And best of all, with a pre cooling system, energy costs can be cut an average of 50%, depending on well water tem perature USED EQUIPMENT • (2) Sputniks • 65 Lb. OeLaval • 30 Plus Surge Weigh Jars Pump w/Motor • 70 Lb. Buckets • Dump Stations NEW CHALLENGER FEEDER Make A Reasonable Offer SALES & SERVICE REFRIGERATOR & MILKING SYSTEMS J.B. ZIMMERMAN & SONS - LANCASTER CO. LEBANON* West ol Blue Ball PA on Rt 23 DAUPHIN CO. PH: 717-394-49 SS 815 E Mam St Annville PA Salesman Ralph Stoltzlus PH: 717-867*5143 HomePh (717)859 3119 Salesman ArthurDows RouteTrucksToServe HomePh (717)944 6034 Your Area Radio Dispatched Trucks Unit Will recover sufficient energy to heat about two gallons of hot water per day per cow being milked. even 1-5/8” I.D. horizontal tubes spaced closer at the bottom for a pig tight gate. 50” high with adjustable clamp style hinges. All hardware needed for a complete installation is included. Painted finish. 4 Length *36.95 12' Length *45.95 6'Length 14’Length 52.75 B'Length 41.45 16’Length 55.50 10’ Length 43.95 ZIMMERMAN’S ANIMAL HEALTH SUPPLY RD4, Box 141, Lititz, PA 17543 Located 3 miles west of Ephrata, " < mile South of Rt 322 along Wood Corner Road (717) 738-4241 QUEEN ROAD R] Cooler Sales AndSter^ When you’re thinking of buying a New or Used Bulk Milk Cooler, please call and we will give you a price The following list of Used Coolers are available now or in the near future. Call us for date of avail ability USED TANK SPECIALS (2) 500 Gal. Zero (1)600 Gal SC Mueller Milkeeper (1) 1000 Gal. Sunset (1) 600 Gal. Milkeeper (D 1000 Gal. DeLaval (1) 600 Gal. Girton (D 1250 Gal. Dan-Kool (1)600 Gal. Mojonmer <1)1250 Gal DeLaval (1)800 Gal. Sunset (1)1500 Gal Dan-Kool (1)800 Gal. DeLaval (1)2000 Gal. OH (l)SOOGal.Cherry Mueller Burrell (1) 2000 Gal. Walker USED COMPRESSORS •3 HP Lehigh •3 HP Tecumseh Complete Sales & Service QUEEN ROAD REFRIGERATION Box 67, Intercourse, PA 17543 Phone: 717-768-9006 or Answering Service - 717-354-4374 ★ 24 HOUR SERVICE IFRIGERATIO (1)900 Gal OH
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