C3B—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 25,1984 BUII INGS b SUPPLIES ' E 8 commercial steel windows, most glass good, 40" x 80" for concrete Mock wall. $?30.00 D. Lownes, Chester Co. Locust Post round and split, 7 ft. long; Carlisle. Pa. 717-243-5153. For Sale - Oak, Poplar, Cherry, White Pine, Beech and walnut lumber. Cut to your order. Oak fence boards. Moyer's Sawmill, RO 2, Annville, 717-867- 5316. Ix 4” random length oak boards in stock. Sale price 6 cents a lineal foot. Moyer's Sawmill, RD 2, Annville. PA.. 717-867 5316 44x56 bank barn w/slate roof, pegged beams, sawed rafters, extra lumber, Carbon County, 215-767-6750. For Sale - Large barn (3S'x9o') solid timbers, very good condition, make offer, Potter Co., 814- 698-2400. USA Buildings agricultural-commercial, full factory warranty, all steel-dear span, smallest buildipg 30x40x10, largest 70x135x16. 30. 40, 50, 60 ft. widths in various lengths. Call 24 hours. 1-800-521-0334. Extension 540. Must sell cheap immediately, F. 0.8. Will deliver to building site. Steel roof sheeting by Fabral. Approx. 4600 sq. ft. coverage, $l6OO - Nails, b« cable and ridge cap, 717-766- 2035 evenings. For Sale - Locust posts, 3-6" diameter 8' long, $2.00; over 6” $2.50 each, Schuylkill Co., 717-739-2247 Large selection of seconds and discontinued interior and exterior wood doors, $5 and up. Paneling from $2.75 and up. 717-653- 4455. Wagon shed with 2 corn cribs approximately 24 ft x 28 ft. with a side shed, fair to good condition, poor roof, $4OO. Building to be removed, York County, 717-792-2813. GRAIN DRYING & STORAGE Prompt Unloading We Buy And Sell Combining and Hauling ERWIN I. MILLER & SOH (717) 656-8593 Loc: Vz Mile North of Bird-In-Hand on Beechdale Rd. Air & Hydraulic Sales & Service Air Tools Hydraulic Units Air Compressors Motors & Pumps Cast Air Motors Dryden Oil Dairy Equipment & Supplies DeLaval & Westfalia * Sputnicks * Herdex-Breeding * Dumping Stations Charts * Pail Milkers * Allflex Ear Tags * Vacuum Pumps I will try to repair all makes & models you might have ELAM S. STOLTZFUS RD 1 Coopers Dr. Kirkwood, Pa. SILOS h UNLOADERS TERRE HILL SILO CO. INC. Terre Hill, PA 17581 PHONE: 215-445-6736 53 Yrs. Sales Serv Top Unloading Bottom Unloading GRAIN EQUIPMENT For Sale - California pellet mill, Roughinger model, capacity 9 ton per hour, good condition, 717-865- 6611. 2 used mixers Sprout Waldron one and one half ton and two ton, delivered within 25 miles, $650 each, insulation also available, 717-637-2214. Weaverline electric feed cart, large size, good condition, best reasonable offer; Butler 6000 bushel drying storage bin, used one year, complete, best reasonable offer, 301- 733-7281. RUBBER MATTING COMFORT STALLS FREE STALLS HORSE STALLS CATTLE & HORSE TRAILERS HOG PENS& HOUSES All Sizes Available & Custom Cut Phone 301-885-5045 One Butler grain bin 3000 bushel, false floor, electric distributor center unloader with 45 degrees, nearly new, used 2 times, Carbon Co., eves., 215- 377-4549. DAIRY EQUIPMENT For Sale - 800 gallon Mueller tank with fre heater. Surge 2" stainless steel pipeline four units complete with alternating pulsation for 46 cows, Lebanon Co., 717-867- 4495. SMUCKER’S SALES & SERVICE, INC. RD H 2, BOX 21 NEW HOLLAND, PA 17557 NOW AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR . m JSUNSETK IIUC.|P^ Introducing “° Featuring Sunset's pre-formed heavy . milk gauge stainless steel 1 l V c\ 1 cooling evaporator plate is the f\ 1*- surface heaviest in the industry s 1 ' V- refrigerant ’ '■ 'N \ * \ PASSAGE \ USED TANKS AVAILABLE | FOR PROMPT SERVICE CALL 717-354-4158 OR IF NO ANSWER CALL 717-354-4374 f FISHER AND I ASSOCIATES I Milk Equipment Sales & Service 21 E. Woods Dr. Lititz, PA Authorized Dealer For (WESTFALIA) MfWM MSTMUyy & fmi 1,11 ARE YOU CONSIDERING COMPUTER FEEDING? IS YOUR MILKING SYSTEM CHECKUP OVERDUE? Call Us Now! • Stainless Steel Welding • Cleaners & Sanitizers I • 3 Bou-matic Electric Bucket Units, Complete • Low Milk Strainer call • Bou-matic Electric FOR Pulsators $3O 00 each SPECIAL LOW • 8 Westfalia ACR Detachers (like new) prices • 4 Surge Mangers ($25.00 for all 4) on • Bou-matic Electric Pulsators THIS • Bou-matic California Stretch Bore Shells • 3 NuPulse Buckets, Complete ® We Now Offer On The Farm Route Truck Service CALL 717-627-1530 FOR PARTS. INSTALLATION AND SERVICE ON MOST MAKES OF MILKING EQUIPMENT 24 HR. SERVICE I Amos Fisher Rick Thompson I L 717-687-8871 717-627-1530 A DAIRY EQUIPMENT 650 gallon Majonner milk tank with 5 hp com pressor, 215-286-9576. For Sale - 5 wooden calf hutches, complete with bucket and hay rack Good condition, Lebanon Co., 717-867-2489. For Sale - Surge 40 AMP power panel, glass jar and milk pump, electric washer, excellent shape; Sears 42 gal. elec, water heater, 717-725-3414. I DAIRY EQUIPMENT Milkhouse equipment for 2” pipeline (Perfection, Stay Right, Universal). Pick up head for MF 260 or Badger 2600 chopper. Phone after 7 PM, 201- Scabbling has become the most efficient way to end slick concrete problems. Hundreds and hundreds of farmers have found it both effecitve and economical. We have developed the right equipment at the right price with know-how to back it up. ■s£ Now you can rent this equipi to do die job for you. Call us ci Show Case Man! Jack Turner how Case Veal-O-Mati Office: Ron French RD 3 Box 268 Newfield, NJ 08344 609-358-0414 Northeast Lou Altomer 8870 Summerset Rd. Box 27 Stuyvesant, NY 12173 518-758-6766 DAIRY EQUIPMENT For Sale - Milk Sputnik, air compressor with 12 volt motor, good condition. Menno Stoltzfus, Christiana, RD #l, Pa., Box 74,17509. mm sr-iSHi lent and do it yourself or we will contract fleet for more information. Now serving a 10-state area Loose Housing achine Fed Calves In Northern Tier? That’s Right! See Your Local =i RD 1 Box 166 Roaring Branch, Pa. 17765 717-673-5769 For Sale -185 cu. ft. Feed Easy mobile mixer, scales included, $4,750; Uebler model 780 weigh-mix cart, nice condition, 3 years old' $3,200, 717-792-2674 or 717-566-6243. ASTERN PA: Roman Belter Box 23 Rt. 1 Christiana, PA 17509 215-593-5103 rn Maryland West. Larence Bernard RT 2 Box 21 Oakland, Md 21550 301-334-9280
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