SILOS b UNIOADERS MARTIN'S SILO REPAIR Moving Concrete Stave Silos Also - New & Used Extensions - Remastering - Fill Pipes - Distributors - Roofs - General Repair Rt. 1 Box 315 Denver, PA 17517 215-484-2517 ★ Nutri-MatiC Atmosphere Controlled, Bottom Unloading Silo For Haylage. ★ Grain-O-Matic Atmosphere Controlled, Bottom Unloading Silo For High Moisture Grain. ★ Madison Silo' Top Unloading Silo For Corn Silage CALLUS tOOM FICKES SILOS... Dependable-Reliable Systems That Assure Continuous Service Day After Day IP FICKES LAIDIG 43 SERIES The 43 senes for high moisture gram, can handle an> crop you can grow and store Shelled corn, ground ear com. milo, barley • Roller Mills • Roof And Chute Replacement • Resurfacing Interior Walls • Sand Blasting • Gunite or Plaster Inside Finish • Extensions • Distributors And Fill Pipes • Used Silos • Starline Silo Unloaders • Laidig Bottom Unloader Parts & szisni MADISON SILO CO. of PENNSYLVANIA 1070 Steinmetz Rd. Ephrata, Pa. 17522 FICKES LAIDIG 98 SERIES The laidig 98 bottom unloader can handle whole com silage, haylage alfalfa mixed crops, shelled corn ground ear corn, ground grains Phone 717-776-3129 DISMANTLING & RE-ERECTING HARVESTORr STRUCTURES COUNTRY AG Call (717) 733-0408 Earl B. Zimmerman USED STRUCTURES IN STOCK Phone 717-733-1206 IT ALL COMES DOWN TO THE BOTTOM The unloader is the hardest working part of any storage system It’s at the bottom of efficient, trouble-free feeding Laidig, the name that has become synonymous with top quality, bottom unloaders, offers two heavy-duty unloaders, both rioted for their exceptional depen dability The Laidig 43 senes features a “full time” POW-R-SWEEP auger that forces its way into the mass, and undercuts it every time you feed Tapered fighting moves grain rapidly to the unit’s center Here, it drops into the hopper and is earned smoothly by the exit auger outside, to waiting animals The Laidig 98 senes features a ring drive sweep arm that powers its way through hard-packed silage, driven from a track attached to the base of the structure With power applied at the outer end of the arm, there’s less stress on the unloader Auger knives loosen material from the impacted mass, and tapered flighting moves silage to the tenter of the unit where it drops into the hopper SERVICE RO 4 Box 93 Lititz, PA 17543 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 25,1984—C37 SILOS b UNLOADERS We Have New & Used Silo Unloaders. Call us for all your sib need. Detweller Silos. RD 2, Box 267 D, Newville, PA 17241. 717-776-6321 or 717 532-3039. For Sale - Patz 16’ unloader, new paint, fair cond. without motor, $425, Lane. Co.. 215-445- 6067. Best offer, Harvestore, white roof. 20x60 with rebuilt Goliath. Located Adams Co., 717-993- 6461 For Sale - 14x40 tile silo, aluminum roof, 301-836- 2294 Screwpress silage bagger One 8' new One 8' one 9, used one season, many advantages, $5,000, $B2OO complete, 717- 626-4915 Wanted - used 14x40 or 50 Harvestore Silo, Lancaster Co., 717-733- 8024 Sollenberger Silos SOLID 6” CONCRETE WALLS re 1 Sollenberger Silos Corp. A Nitterhouse Company I Box N Chambarsburg, PA 17201 [7l7] 264-9508 A Producer of Quality Concrete Products Since 1923 LANCASTER SILO CO., INC. 2008 HORSESHOE ROAD - LANCASTER, PA 17601 MANUFACTURER & BUILDER OF QUALITY WET-CAST CONCRETE STAVE FARM SILOS FEEDING SYSTEMS-BARN EQUIP. SILO UNLOADERS “LANCASTER” CONVEYORS “SUPREME" RING DRIVES AND "LANCASTER” BELT FEEDER “VAN DALE” MAGNUM SILO "LANCASTER” TAPER BOARD FEEDERS UNLOADER AND ACCESSORIES "LANCASTER” HAY FEEDERS "AUTOMATIC” ROLLER MILLS "LANCASTER" WATERERS "RITCHIE” CATTLE WATERERS "LANCASTER” STEEL GATES "STEINER" ROLL MIXERS “LANCASTER” FIBERGLAS "SHOW-EASE” COW STALLS FEED AND SILAGE CARTS "ZIMMERMAN" AND "LEISS" FANS "LANCASTER" 36" FANS “WEAVERLINE" FEED CARTS USED & REBUILT EQUIP: Silo-Matic Unloader 14’ - New Auger & SS Blower $1990.00 Silo-Matic Silo Unloader 16’ New Auger &SS Blower $2495.00 Badger 24’ Silo Unloader with 36” Blower For Parts . .. $500.00 1- Clay Silo Unloader 16’, Fair Cond $500.00 1 - Clay 16’ Silo Unloader, Good Cond , Less Motor $500.00 1 - Patz 16-20 Rebuilt Unloader - Complete $2190.00 1 - Starline #7O -12’-14’ & 16’ Unloaders - Complete CALL FOR PRICES 1 - Starlme #7O - 20’ Unloader - Complete $2190.00 1 - Used #2OO Roller Mill w/Motor $990.00 1 - Used Supreme Batch Mixer w/Motor & Scale . .. $1250.00 "SPECIAL” - GEHL 800 RECUTTER BLOWER w/540 & 1000 PRM PTO- EXTRA SCREEN -GOOD $2000.00 Used Acorn Hydraulic Ram Piston Pump, Base Unit $1990.00 1 - Dvna-Vent Bedding Chopper w/3 HP Elect Motor ( Like New) $995.00 USED SILO SPECIALS -1 - 20x70 I.ancaster Silo, built in 1975 $10,000.00 1 - 10x50 Fickes Silo $4,500.00 PARTS & SERVICE FOR - SUPREME, VAN DALE, STARLINE, PATZ, BADGER, SILO-MATIC, FEED EASY CALL US FOR DETAIL ABOUT REPLACING YOUR OLD SILO-MATIC BLOWER WITH A NEW PLEASE CALL: SALES OFFICE PARTS DEPT. 717 299 3721 WAYNE LLOYD LARRY HIESTAND DAVE BEILER HARVESTORE OWNERS Got the Blues Over • High maintenance cost on your unioader • Steel floor problems • Poor feed delivery • Advancing system always needs adjusting • Chains only last a month past warranty If you got the blues over these problems or more call me and get the whole story!! Supreme Forage Challenger Unloader it will brighten your day Penn-Mar Agri Nelson L. Ziegler 717-838-5754 * TOP UNLOADING SILOS * BOTTOM UNLOADING, OXYGEN-CONTROLLED SILOS FOR HAYLAGE * BOTTOM UNLOADING. OXYGEN-CONTROLLED SILOS FOR HIGH MOISTURE GRAIN • JAMESWAY • LAIDIG
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