C3G—LancMtT Farming, Saturday, February 25,198 ■ The Time Is Right... The Price Is Right!! HERR & LEAMAN Used Farm Equipment Sales & Service 10 miles S. of Lancaster along Rt. 222 QUALITY TRACTORS AND EQUIPMENT/REASONABLY PRICED/SERYICED & BACKED WITH A WARRAMTY/WIU. DELIVER ANYWHERE JD 2940 w/4WO, roll bar, fully equipped, like new JD 4030 quad range, low hrs., nice JD 2440 w/reverser and JD 145 loader, low hrs , nice JD 830 3 cylinder D w/JD loader JD 4020 D, w/factory, cab, roll bar, wide front, sharp JD 4020 D, wide front, 38" rubber, real good JD 4010 D, 38" rubber wide front, nice JD 4520, syncro range, factory cab, quick hitch, diff lock, dual hyd , (also has 4620 after cooler up date kit), clean Ford 5000 Diesel, w/or without cab. 8 speed gear drive, nice IH 806 D, standard, dual hyd . dual. PTO w/TA & wide front, good solid tractor, $4500 IH 1086 ‘Bl model, cab, air, western interior, like new IH 806 Diesel turbo, 18 4x38 rubber, wide front. 3 pt IH 756 Diesel, wide front, 3 pt, 38" rubber IH 786 1981 model, fully equipped gffiUiinn hours, diff lock and 38” rubber IH 1086 cab & air, fully equipped IH 1066 w/cab and air, good solid tractor IH 1456 w/factory cab, verQjlJjl IH 1456 duals & weights, solid tractor IH 806 D, 3 pt, wide front IH M Farmall Farmall 350 gas, wide front, power steering, sharp IH 706 gas w/recent complete overhaul IH 706 gas. WF. 3 pt. MF 180 Diesel, wide front, 3 pt., low hours, w/multi power AC 170 Diesel w/new tires, nice tractor 1978 JD 6600 Diesel w/Hydro., and Air, Very Sharp Ml 708 Diesel, hydro , cab & air Nl 737 buskers (1) Ml 730 4R wide cornhead MF 300 combine, quick tach w/2 heads Cab to fit JD 3010 through 4020 Vermeer 4605 E round baler w/all options, real nice Factory cab for 701 and 702 Uni Box 91 New Providence, PA 17560 Business Ph. 717-786-1606 & Evenings 717-786-4899 HORST W/VGONS Horn Wigoni with the honest ion rjimj. jnil no s»jv training H rsi fjrn Wi* ns irt *riji I sh n John N.M. Zimmennan RD6 Lebanon, Pa. 17042 Phone: 717-933-8181 or 717-933-4032 INTERNATIONAI.' MHUCUtTURJU. EQUIPMENT SEP EQUIPMENT Tractors Farmall H Cab for 966 or 1066 IH F46OD IH F4OO Gas IH F 560 Gas IH F1456D IH F1466D IH Hydro 84D IH Hydro 86D 1H234D Ford 860 JD 1010 J04020D JD 2440 w/Loader JD4OO w/Loader & Backhoe MF 650 w/Loader MFIIOSD AC WD 45 Combines SPIH, Model 205 Corn & Grain SP IH #9l SP MF *35 MF5lOw/43 Corn head Nl 710 Uni Combine Plows Lely Power Harrow JD 314 Plow IH 211 Plow IH 312 Plow IH3II Plow IH 560 Plow JD 314 Plow IH 450 Plow IH 550 Plow 1H531 Plow Case 4F 16" Tillage IH Vibra Shank. 3 pt Dunham 10' Cultimulcher Dunham 12' Cultimulcher IH #24 Offset Disc IH 122 3 pt 8' Disc IH 500 Disc, 15’ ★ Waiver of Finance Available On Most Used Equip. To Credit Qualified Buyers Visa, Master Card, IHCC Financing, Bank Financing. We Ship UPS or Mail Daily! rn Swope JD & Bashore, Inc. 4 models m choose Ironi - 4 ft 10 amt 14 (on capaitty * i *•■** f —Mi V I 1! TU iNf ■ f,. W fMOMS\ Division •* Hossion Corooraiion OHf(,CN 'll 'NO' 1 6'Ufcl Spreaders NH 213 Spreader NH 679 Stoltzfus Fert Spreader Hawk Built 187 Spreader Skid Loaders Bobcat 543 Bobcat 700 IH 2000 Schwartz Dunham Lawn 4 Garden Troctors IH 122 Cadet w/Mower IH 60 Riding Mower Wheelhorse 12 HP w/Mower MF 12 Hydra Speed w/Mower MF 7 w/mower Snapper Comet AC BlOw/Equipment JDllOw/Mower& Snow Blower Planters IH4ooCyclo6R IH 400 Cyclo 4R JD 1250 6R Ontario 13x7 JD494A4R 1H449 4R IH 56 4R JDFBB Drill 15x7 Forate Equip. JD 34 Harvester JD *6 For Harvester IH 830 Harvester w/3-Row Cornhead & Hay Pickup IH *46 Baler JD#I4T Baler NH 23 Blower IH 990 Mow Cond IH 440 Baler & Thrower IH 445 T Baler w/Thrower Dearborn 40 Rake FARM EQUIPMENT NW/KMA FOR SALE . Same Buffalo 130, 4WD, cab, air heat, 140 HP, 650 hours, |28,900. Deutz 6806, 68 HP New Paint $6,400 Deutz 10006 2 WD w/cab, heat, $6,900 Leyland 270 Turbo 80 PTO Horse Power 4 new tires 3000 Hrs. $7900. Ford senes 250 PTO hay baler, $BOO International 350 Forage Harvester w/1 row crop and pick-up head, good condition $1,580. Badger 141& 3 btr. w/roof w/Ergger tandem gears, $2980 NI 272 cutditioner ex cellent condition $2785 Taylorwa 7 shank 7’ 3 pt. chisel plow IV«x2x32’ shank, like new condition $985 Taylorway model 200 217 disc harrow, 10’ w/flex bearing hangers, 22” blades, new cond., $3550. NI model 224 spreader w/hyd. gate, ,Gratz chain, good cond., $3,400 NI 218 spreader with hyd. gate, cylinder & hoses, flotation tires, Gratz chain, good cond., $3,200 Dion 60” forage blower, good cond. $1385 New Landoll27s-7C Pull Type, 7 Shank Soil Master $5,400 HEISEY FARM EQUIPMENT, INC. RDI Jonestown, PA 717-865-4526 HARRY'S FARM SERVICE Authorized Dealer For • SHOW EASE STALLS • STANDARD WATER BOWLS HARRY’S FARM SERVICE IS NOW FARM SERVICE CO. We Have Increased Our Product Line of Equipment, Sales And Service Thank You For Helping Make This Expansion Possible . HARRY E. WILL TERRY E. MILLER Owners Also Sales And Distribution Of CUSTOM FORAGE BAGGING SILAGE BAGS TO FIT ALL MACHINES HAY BAGS BERG FARM EQUIPMENT Sales, Installation, And Repairs of Feeding And Manure Systems HARRY WILL TERRY MILLER EUGENE KLINE RDI Conestoga, PA Lancaster, PA Newmanstown, PA ( 717 ) 949-2366 ( 717 ) 284-3214 ( 717 ) 394-3224 m SILOS h UNLOADERS S & S SILO REPAIR WE DO * Most Any Kind of Stave Silo Work * Move Silos * Replastering * New & Used Extensions * New & Used Roofs & Chutes * Unloaders * Wooden Calf Hutches * Fiberglas Feed & Silage Carts * Install Silage Distributors & Fill Pipes * Repair Level Flo Silage Distributors SHOTCRETrHIELININd r Stronger Than Plaster Seal & Strengthen Your Silo With Shot Crete 5 Year Unlimited Guarantee on this rellner All Silo Work Done From The End Of October Until The End gUune Will Be Done At A Reduced Cost. We Cover A Wide Area Box 423 RDI Gap, PA 17527 717-768-3052 Authorized Dealer For: AMERICA ONTHECIWS SILOS fct UNLOADERS
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