•“ ’ •*•••»< «« » K.M . MMMWMMWRWawmrM**, «<T. r>.. r , .... New IntL lational 3000 cylinders handle 3000 psi with almost any make equipment • Exclusive Polypak rod seals for longer working life. • Extra-large tie rods. • Nodular iron head and threaded clevis for safety, strength, and durability. • Adjustable stop collar. • Grey iron pistons for optimum performance under high pressure. HI <x Disk Blade Blade Sizes Transport Operating weight Model Cutting Width Spacing Available Width With Blade Sizes 18 ft 7 in 12 ft 5 in 65981 b 22ft 2m 12ft sin ' , Q 73261 b 24 ft 7in 7 1 6 in 200r22m 14 ft Bin 78071 b ___ 2S ft 1 m 14 ft 8 m 50110 8513 | b aQC 31ft 8m 14ft 8m 91371 b Folding Wing- Type 19 ft 1 in 12 ft 5 m 67501 b 22 ft 9 m 22 m 12 ft 6 m 22 m 73701 b 24 ft 10 m 14 ft 8 m solid 78471 b 27 ft 8 m 14 ft 8 m 84821 b ______ 32 ft _______ 14 ft 8 m 9224 lb ~JHZST 19ft 1 m 12ft 5m 71251 b t7V 22 ft 9 m 22 m 12 ft 5 m 22 m 76671 b Cushion 24 ft 10 m 14 ft 8 m solid 81051 b Gang 27 ft 8 m 14 ft 8 in 89111 b 32ft 14ft 8m 97001 b . New For 1983... - 7Vi" Spacing, Cushion Gang - Model 496 222” IH GRAIN DRILLS • In Stock - Ready For Delivery • 18x7 Plain l(&*SSAnb. 21x7 Plain, old Price! ★ WAIVER TILL 5/1/841 <1 { C-shape bearing standards . Allow gangs flex to ride over obstructions. IH 496 FLEX WING DISK HARROWS WITH EARTH METAL DISKS! CALL US FOR IH DISK HARROW PARTS IN STOCK! IH DISK HEADQUARTERS! Others In Stock.. 19*1" -9" Spacing, Regular Gang 19' 1” -9" Spacing, Cushion Gang 22’9" Spacing, Cushion Gang IH SUBSOILERS - IN STOCK No. 14, Auto Reset, 5 Shanks No. 10,8’3, 3 Shanks EARTH METAL DISKS: 60% Stronger! 20% Longer Life! WHITE TAG SPECIALS Come in now and get our best price on selected new International' tractors and equipment! Prices on new International tractors combines planters tillage bay never have been lower Were tagging our ou?s!andmg values with special White Tag. lo call attention to ou, SmeTee how you can save more on improve your bottom line Otter expires March 31 1984 gAVE Bu v now and 9** EVEN special financing MORE! on all White Tag Specials Come in eeriy. Prices ere sub/ecl (o equipment svelleVMy' ALLOWANCES ON TRACTORS UP TO *2,500-~ PLUS WAIVER OR CASH REBATE! ★ IH 884 R/C - White Tag Special ★ IH 3088 ★ IH 3288 w/ROPS, White Tag Special ★ IH 3688 w/ROPS, Demo Special! * IH 5088 w/18.4x38 Duals ★ IH 5288 - Rental Demo - Special! ★ IH 6388 - 4WD, 130 HP, 540/1000 PTO - Extra Special Price - Buy A Real 4WD At The Same Price As An Add-On 4wd! ★ IH 6788 w/Duals USED EQUIPMENT (Wahrer te 6/1/84 or TRACTORS; Cash Rebate IH 806,3 pt. Hitch, Wide Front, TA, $5950 (No Trade) (2) IH Farmall “C" Farmall Super MTA Farmall 300 Int. Fl 2 w/cult. JD2OIO 0, Tri. 656 D Hwi«i<»JWide Front, 3 Pt IH966Dw/Cab IH 766 D. Black Stripe IH 806 Diesel, Wide Front, TA, Fast Hitch IH 560 Gas, 400 Gas IH 404 Low Utility. 3 pt. Hitch. w/Mott Mower & Snowblade IH 154 w/Mower-Rebuilt and Repainted MF TO-20 w/Turf Tires MF 33 w/3 pt. Hitch MF 65 Diesel w/MF Loader IH 340, Tn , Nice Paint PLANTERS: (Waiver to 5/1/84) IH 455 4-Row IH 658 6-Row Narrow Dry Fert 4 & 6 Row Cyclos, Field Ready' JD 1240 Plateless, Lkj Fert JD FBB 17x7 DD IH 510 16x7 DD. Plain Oliver 24x6 Combination Drill MF 13x7 Comb. Drill MATERIALS HANDLING: Front Mtd. Forklift (or 20 Series JD Tractor Farmhand Loader for IH 74 Series Tractor IH 550 Spreader w/Gratz Cham and Endgate 157 Hawk Bill Spreader $995-Now $695 200 Gal Century Sprayer. Piston Pump 250 Gal. Tecoma Air Blast Trailing Sprayer— $1,500' IH 105 Grinder Mixer We Ship Parts UPS, Parcel Post Same Day! ERB & HENRY EQUIP., INC. ★ Farm Blit Hay Wagons * John Blue Sprayers ★ Jamesway * Sprayer Parts headquarters * FMC Bean ★ DeLaval * Roskamp Roller Mills ★ Woods ★ Deutsch-Fahr Tedders In Stock ★ Grasshopper Mowers ★ Northwestern Skid Loader - Model S7l Gas Demo, In Stock At Special Price! Special Price On Diesel Unit Available On Factory Order - Call For Price 1 COMMIES: (Waiver to l/l/SS) IH 863 6-Row Narrow Cor nhead, Low Acres 715 Diesel Hydro w/13' Floating Cutter Bar and 744 Cornhead AC Model C 2, 12' Hd.. 4-Row Wide - Rough Cond. $2,000 MF Model 300 Gas. 2-Row Hd.. & Platform - Rough Cond. $1,200 81013' Cutter Bar IH 1460 <l9BO Model) w/963 Cornhead 1100 HRS. Like New 1 MH 35 SP 8' Platform, Fair Shape 715 D Hydro. 1976 Model. 820 15' Cutting Bar Real Nice JD 4400 1977 Model w/213 Floating Cutter Bar & 443 Cornhead. IH 315 Hydro w/12' Platform. Field Ready, w/PU Wheel & Hyd Lift IH 315 Hydro (For Parts) IH 403 w 4-Row Wide Head & 12 ft Gram Platform IH 844 Cornhead Coming In' IH 315,2-Row Wide Head IH 227 Cornhead, fits 315, 205 or 203 IH 234 Picker w/Huskmg Bed, Mount for 656 Farmall Set of Tires & Rims for 1420 Combine - 23x134 Rice tires was LAWW I. CARDEN; IH 127 w/Mower, Recond IH 1650 w/Mower, Like New MF 340 Snowmobile. Good Shape $750 Call hor Stock Items New Berlinville, PA. 19545 Ph: (215) 367-2169 Daily 7-5:30; Sat. 7-3 CALL NOW FOR OUR SPECIAL PRICES! • 884 Row Crop • 6388 D Tractor 2+2, Plus Demo • 3688 D w/Rops, Plus Demo • 3288 D w/Rops • 15 Rear Blade, 3 pt. • 20 Rear Blade, 3 pt. • 18115 ft. Rotary Hoe • 510021x7 Plain Grain Drill • 550011 Ft. Mounted Chisel (Demo.) • 4500 Field Cultivator • 735 6-Btm. Vari-Width • 1350 Grinder Mixer • 881 For. Harv. w/Heads • 781 For Harv. w/Heads • 595 Spreader • 560 Spreader • 183 4-Row Cultivator • (2) 963 Cornheads • 35 Hyd. Drive Hay Rake • 375 10 Ton Tandem Wgn. Gear THIACE: Cub SgQEang Disk | Cub 2-Way Plow Pittsburg 11’6" Disk Sunflower 16' Single Wing Disk JDllO,l2' Disk, Good Shape IH 370, 350, 37. 35 In Various Sizes Oliver 4-Bot. Semi-Mtd. Plow IH 440 4-Bot. Plow IH 700, 5 Bot., 18" Plow IH 700 6 Bot. 16" Plow IH 770 Offset IH 54EBH»bt. 14” Semi-Mtd. Plow 1H531 3 pt. 3 Bot. Plow 1H55 11' 2 Rank 3 pt. Chisel AC 1-Bot. Trailing Plow MF 880 5* Bot. Auto. Reset Glencoe 18' Field Cultivator Vicon 10' Power Harrow Wass2,soo-Nowsl9oo i HAY A FOR ACE EQUIPMENT: (3) iH No. 51 Forage Wagon IH #5 Flail Chopper, Direct Throw 33 NH Flail Chopper Gehl FBB 88 Blower Gehl 99 Hi-Throw Blower, nice! 550 IH Chopper 1H9909’ Mower Cond 1014 Hesston Mower Cond NH 269 Baler IH 27 Baler w/Thrower IH 47 Baler w/Thrower IH 440 Wire Baler w/Thrower 5026 Elec Wheel, 8 ton Gears MISCELLANEOUS: New FMC 1229 3 pt Hitch Air Blast Sprayer, Stainless Steel Tank - $4,250. Less $4OO Factory Rebate New 5-ton Starline Model 930 Flail Spreader, Hyd Lid And Rear Fold - $3950 McCurdy 20' Trailing Harrogator— $1,400 SIMMS Cab & Roll Bar En closure for 574 Series Tractor $750 Rhino 131 12' Flex Disk At Below Dealer Cost Melroe No 600 Rock Picker We re An XL' Dealer l
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