USED EQUIPMENT MF1155 Tractor INT. 475 DISC JD-BW DISC JD 5020 tractor ' MOTT MOWER-48 In. JD 54 Manure Spreader JD494A Planter JD694A Planter JD 4400 Combine JD 105 Combine JD 1250 corn planter Oliver 5x16 Plow 1-JD AW disk harrow, 14’ GEHL Mower Conditioner NEW EQUIPMENT JD 415 Rotary Hoe JD 347 W Baler JD 7100 8-row 20” bean planter JD 950 - 12 Ft. Roller Harrow JD 7000 - 4 Row & 6 Row Conservation Plant er 2-JDso6Gyramor 2-JD6o6Gyramor JD 660 Rake OTHER LINES NEW EQUIPMENT Super lor-Campbe 11 Sprayers Supenor-Scranton Livestock Equip ment, (Hay Feeders, Corrals, Gates) Ceco Farm Buildings COVERT & SONS, INC. Neshanic Station, N J 201-369-5241 Just 3 miles off Rt. 202 (Between Flemington & Somerville) SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS Mon.. Feb. 27; Micro Mini Tractor Pull w/York Co. 4-H Club - 8 P.M. lues.. Feb. 28; Blue Grass Jug Band Local Talent - 7:30 P.M. DOOR PRIZES BOTH DAYS Lunch Served 12 Noon To 7 P.M. Monday & Tuesday Special Prices Good All V/eek CASH & CARRY 10% OFF ALL PARTS All Week Except Parts w/Special Discounts. For More Information Call And Ask For Lynn OPEN HOUSE SPECIAL Flat Shares 16" Deep Suck 16" Deep Suck 18” Upset 16" Upset 18" Shins Earthmedal. Mole Boards Earthmedal Cub Cadet* 782 Diesel handles toughest •flowing jobs and many other year 'round chores Tractor has a 15 hp 3 cylinder hquid cooled diesel engine and hydrostatic drive Handles 38, 44 or 5,0 inch center mounted mowers SPECIAL SALE • 42” Blade for Cadet $lBB • 54” Blade for Cadet $248 EQUIPMENT SPECIALS New Same 4WD Diesel, 95 HP, $23,000 New Pittsburgh 16 transport harrows $2350 2 new auto, reset plows, 5 and 6 bottom, 18" $5OOO and $6OOO 18’ truck body with 5’ grain sides, one year old New Hesston harvester (base unit) $2650 RINEHIMER’S Route 11, Berwick, PA 717-752-7131 ■ Eckroth Bros. Farm Equipment 111 RD 2 Box 24A ■ I ■ New Rin £S° ld ’ PA17960 717-943-2131 7:30-5:30 Mon.-Fri. 7:30-4:00 Sat. IH 715 Diesel, hydro w/AC, with 844 Corn Head w/810 grain head Int. 205 w/grain head & corn head Waiver to 1-1-85 USED TRACTORS IH 674 diesel IH 706 tractor IH 1066 tractor 270 Leyland IH 1086 tractor 384 Leyland USED GRAIN DRILLS 1 Ontario 1 Used IH Model MF USED MANURE SPREADER Ml 214 w/hyd. endgate NEW GEHL EQUIPMENT Bu 960 forage box GBO6 8 ton running gear FB 99 blower MISCELLANEOUS 3 pt. Brillion Seeder Used 20 Acres Used 18‘/2 ft. Finishing Disc. SALE USi. $10.91 $l4 74 $14.84 $14.74 $14.84 $lO 02 $70.75 •7^9 •10.39 •10.47 •10.39 •10.47 •7,59 •55.20 Over 20 Different Models In Stock, From 8 to 30 HP, 28” to 72” Cut All At LOW, LOW PRICES Come In And Get All The Facts On The NEW 782 CADET DIESEL NOTICE Cub Cadet Pull Tractor FORSALE Two Sets Of Tires Ask For Leonard SHULER EQUIPMENT SALES RD #1 Box 228 Shuler Road Shermansdale, Pa. 17090 717-582-4365 anytime I ACRES OF USED AND RECONDITIONED FARM EQUIPMENT AND , TRACTORS Also ACRES OF USED j EQUIPMENT AND TRACTOR PARTS. WE WILL BUY OR TRADE YOUR USED EQUIPMENT IN ANY CONDITION. You’re cordially invited to our FEBRUARY 28 & 29,1984 „ “.X ». BAM to 9PM tS'-'' & SgN; w ■fciwi 0* I LAWN& JGARDEN TRACTORS BEECHDALE CONVEYORS We custom build double chain wooden feed conveyors since 1973. We welcome dealer inquiries. One mile North of Bird-in-Hand off Rt. 340. Samuel K. Stoltzfus 550 Beechdale Road Bird-in-Hand, Pa. 17505 OIL - SPECIAL OPEN HOUSE PRICE 55 Gal List SALE 5 Gal List SALE Hy : Tran $313 70 *243.18 No 1 Diesel $323 70 *252.88 Low Ash $330 70 *257.73 Grease • 9.61 •47.53 10 Pk Case of 50 $12.20 $61.00 See our complete line ot International compact tractors from 18 to W engine horsepower Ask about the wide urietc ot work-saving attachments M Hy-Tran $3O 70 *23.96 No 1 Diesel $3l 70 *24.84 Low Ash $32.35 *25.27 Volume Discount On Ports • $500.00 To $750.00.. 2% • $750.00 To $1,000.00 3% • Over $1,000.00 .4% tlßime. Schedule the work you need done in our shop the week of open house and receive 10% off all parts used. For Farm Equipment - Call Lamar, For Lawn Equipment Call Leonard Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 25,1984—C33 SPECIAL Drip Irrigation 6.000 ft. roll 10 Mill 9 135.00 3.000 ft. 10 mill 9 70.00 New 5 mill #3 wall 5,000 ft. roll 9 93.00 5 mill #3 wall 10,000 ft. roll 9 180.00 Must be ordered by April Ist or while supplies last. 717-354-4858 IH 3088 w/Rops & 18.4x38 Radial Tires Li5t..531,687 Reg. Price $24,162 OPEN HOUSE SPECIAL A CASH PRICE Zi|iOU NEW FARM EQUIPMENT White Tag Open House Specials 784 ROW CROP TRACTOR, 67 PTO H P. List $22,813 Reg. Sale $19,785 Special Discount - $2,884.00 saleprice Bia onn OPEN HOUSE WEEK IO f 7UU Lots Of Other Equipment With White Tag Specials • 5500 Chisel Plow • 475 Disk Harrow • 781 Forage Harvester • 560 Manure Spreader • 595 Manure Spreader • 4 Row 3pt Cultivator And Many More - Come & Check Our Price GOOD USED TRACTORS & EQUIP. • 1086 w/Cab, Air. Radial Tires *19.500 • 706 D *6.900 • 400 6 Row Narrow Corn Planter *2,600 • 770 Oflset Disk Harrow, 10'5". Like New *3,300 • 986 w/Cab. Air, 990 Hrs
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