W 7951 IH FlOB6 Diesel, 18.4x38 Tires, 2120 Hrs., Cab, Air, Radio W 8756 IH 574 RIC Diesel, 16.9x30 6 P Tires, 3175 Hrs., Gear W87641H FBB6 Diesel, 16.9x38 6 W 8759 Farmall 706 Diesel, W 8534 Long 445 Diesel. 14.9x28 W 8629 IH 3588 2x2 Diesel P Tires, 819 Hrs., Gear, Front & 16.9x38 Tires, 4289 Hrs., Gear, 3 Tires, 1533 Hrs., Gear 18.4x38 Tires, 1058 Hrs., Cab, Rear Weights, AM-FM Radio Pt. Rear Weights Air, Gear WAIVER OF FINANCE TILL JUNE 1,1984 I WAIVER OF FINANCE TILL JAN. 1,1985 ON USED TRACTORS Traded On IH Machinery Only I ON USED COMBINES TRACTORS W 7798 IH 2000 Loader w/60' Fork W 7821 IH 4120 Skidloader W42281H Hydro 186, Cab Air W 7372 IH 1466, 20 Bx3B Tires, Cab w/Air W 7379 IH 1456, 20 Bx3B 8P Tires Cab W 7844 IH F4SOD WBO4O IH 966, New 18 4x38 Tires W 8045 IH 1454 G, 13 6x28 Tires, Engine Overhauled W 8229 IH 966,18 4x34 Tires W 8379 IH 4166, 23 1x26 Tires 1000 PTO, No Cab W 8534 Long 445 W 8536 IH Farmall M W 8536 Farmall M Gas, 13.6x38 W 8626 Case 2670 Diesel. 20.8x34 Tires, Gear, Pulley Tires, Duals, 2701 Hrs., Cab, Gear, 3 Pt. Quick-Attach, 1000 RPM PTO, AM-FM Radio, 4 Hyd. Outlets W 8684 IH 84 Hydro Diesel, 16.9x30 6 P Tires, 225 Hrs., Heavy Rear Weights W85691H Super C w/Cultivator 2 Row Mtd W 8647 IH FBS6D, 18 4x38 Tires, POPS, 3Pt Hitch W 8758 IH 4366, 18 4x38 8P Tires Duals W 8761 IH F1066w/Cab 18 4x38Rl Tires WB7BO IH F4SOG, Fast Hitch, Belt Pulley W 8826 IH F46OG, Fast Hitch & Pulley W88331H4L66 W 8837 IH F3OOG Fast Hitch TA WBB6l IH 574 G, 2250 Loader, 84' Bucket TRACTORS (T-? USED EQUIPMENT W 8863 IH F656G Hydr Fast Hitch WBB9l IH F9B6D 18 4x38 6P Tires W 8934 IH F1206D TILLAGE T 6493 Glencoe SSP XI Shank Soilsaver T 8693 Glencoe 13 Shank Soilsaver T 7049 Krause 2413 Disc 3 Bar Harrow T 8034 Deere 110 Disc 10'w/Duals, 9” Spacing T 8156 Deere BW Disc, 10’ 8 5 Spacing WBO7O IH F 966 Diesel, 18.4x38 W 8647 IH F 856 Diesel, 18.4x38 Tires, 4441 Hrs., Cab, Heat, Re- Tires, Recond., Gear, 3 Ft. cond., Gear T 8439 Deere 220 Disc 17'Wide 9 Spacing F 8745 IH 490 21 Disk 7 5 Spacing T 8926 Miller 10 Offset Disk T 7892 IH 710 Plow 6F 18" Auto T83631H 550 Plow SF, 16 Trip T83661H 510 Plow 5F 16" Trip T85701H Super C Plow 2F Mounted T 8690 12 Rotary Hoe w/Wmgs TBlB7 Tebbms 13 Shank Subsoiler Trailing w/Wmgs T 8857 IH 14 Subsoiler Auto Reset T 8933 Krause 2416 Disk W 8729 IH FlOB6 Diesel, 20.8x38 Tires, 3110 Hrs., ROPS Cab, Re cond., Gear Heavy Rear Weights PLANTERS & DRILLS VB6Bl IH 5100 21x7 Drill Press Wheels V86821H 5100 2 Drill Hitch for 5100 V75671H510 21x7cm Drill Grain Perl DD Openers VBBBl IH 510 Gram Drill 21x7 Comb Single Disk V6654JH 400 4 Row Planter Dry Pert Insecticide V76661H 400 6RPi Planter No Til Dry Pert Insecticide V 8298 JD 7000 4 Row Planter Plate Liquid Pert V 8932 IH #lO 18x7 Drill V 8769 PMC 1229 TM Sprayer
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers