C22—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 25,1984 Tyler M6S tender, new March 'B2, 6 ton fertilizer capacity, engine driven auger feed, like new. Steiger Wildcat 3-210 tractor (1977), new engine with 400 hours, dual 18.4x34 tires, with turbo charger, 225 HP. Glenco Soil Saver, 9 tooth 11’, set up to apply cold flo NH3, all new disks, selling with or without NH3 equipment. 717-397-5152 SPECIAL SALE SPECIAL SALE ENDS MARCH 10, 1984 NH 1002 bale wagon $5,700 Less $1,400 rebate NH 488 haybine cat. #209247KD 1 only $7,500 Less $3OO rebate NH L 425 skid loader $10,995 0% finance for 12 mo. NH 355 grinder mixer Kelly log splitter kits $275 Nl 214 C.P. spreader Nl 352 D.B. spreader Nl 382 solid plus Used mowers, haybines, rakes, spreaders & tillage equip. GEORGE N. GROSS, INC Farm Equipment Sales & Service 5261 Davidsburg Rd. Dover, PA 17315 Phone:7l7-292-1673 <S)Sr,issSls;<@> the Mew Dimension Inseedktg/ipreadlng Over the past two decades Vicon pendulum action seeders/spreaders have become an integral part of the farming scene Now Vicon Van spreaders are entering a New Dimension a completely new range of spreaders featuring a characteristic new design and incorporating the latest technology (o give the accuracy and reliability demanded by todays profit conscious farmer Pendulum action gives the advantage of accuracy on sloping ground as well as on the flat coupled with the ability to spread all types of solid fertilizer chemicals seeds powders and lime The six models in the new range offer capacities to suit the needs of every farm size A special feature of the New Dimension spreaders is an easily adiuslable flywheel which changes the effective spreading widths from 20-45 feet a sound Investment torprodtabUHy RED WING FARMS TRIPLE H FOR SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL p/N| VICON EQUIPMENT CQUIPIViEIMT MOWERS. MOWER CONDITIONERS. RD 1378, Fleetwood, PA rakes, tetter rakes, and PHONE 215-944-0402 FARM EQUIPMENT BRICKERVILLE EQUIPMENT SALES * SERVICE * PARTS 537 E. 28th Div. Hwy. Lititz, PA 17543 717-626-6198 Outstanding Features Thick walled tor extra strength Nospreid er on the market has. thicker walls 30 to thicker steel than competitive \ ard on 2 600 3 150 3 600 and 4 600 gallon models (Optional on 1 500 & 2 100 gallon models' Front & roir wheels on each beam follow contour of the ground provides a smooth level ride Sizes - 800 gal. thru 4600 gal. Both vacuum & augermatic spreaders for truck mount or trailer type 1974 Ford LT 9000 tand«m axle tk tractor with PT 270 Cummins engine, 6 trans., power steering, air slide sth wheel, good ISTX)x2O tires. 1 - Used JD 430 Tractor, WF Axle, Nice Cond. 1 - Used 2 Knife Plow Down Attachment For 3150 Spreader, Used Very Little 1 - Used 1500 gal. Better Bilt vacuum spreader 1 - Used Better Bilt plow down attach, to fit a 1500 gal. liquid spreader Attn: Shop Mechanics 1 - Used John Beam front end alignment tool, complete CALL US FOR YOUR NEEDS OF • Farrowing Crates • Lagoon Pumps c~~~ •rfl "i CALL POWER HARROWS Qsasii) F ARM EQUmMENT Primary Shut Ofl Big 512 cubic inch Adjustable relief valve plus a second displacement valve maintains uni ary shut oft provide pressure vacuum lorm pressure Pre more than adequate pump is standard vents over pressur protection against equipment Conser hquid' vation rated at 135 16 to soil compaction let you spread on soft ground early m season SPECIALS » High Pressure Pumps Peach Bottom, PA 717-548-3775 i 717-548-2094 = FARM EQUIPMENT the wrenching twist tng rolling shocks of hard field usage year after year ncaster Ford Tractor offers a large selection of Allied Equipment. tfgpaii Tractors Equipment 1965 289 Convertible 1966 6 Cyl. Convertible 1973 C6OO, New 391 Engine, 26 ft Bed, 5 Speed w/2 Speed Rear AG TECH - Loaders, Buckets, Blades, Preseeders AMCO- Disc Harrows AMERICAN - Log Splitters, 3 pt. or Trailer ARPS- Blades & Rakes BECK- Mitey Mover Trailers for Skid Loaders BRINLY HARDY - Lawn & Garden Implements CROSS - Hydraulic Cylinders CENTURY- Sprayers DANUSER Posthole Diggers DUNHAM - Loaders GLENCOE- Tillage, Chisels & Field Cultivators GILL Landscape Equipment GREEN MACHINE- String Trimmers, Blowers GUEST INDUSTRIES- Loader Forklift Attachments HERD- Spreader, Seeders HOWARD- Rotovators KINZE- Planters, Corn & Bean - No Till & Conventional LANDOLL- Tillage LINDIG- Brush Chipper, Shredder, Grinders LUMBERJACK- Cordwood Saw MEYER- Snowplows MIDWEST - Buster Bar MULTIVATOR- Power Driven Vegetable Cultivator M&W- Turbo Chargers OHIO- Garden Tractor Carts SOVEMA -3 pt. Rotary Tillers SWEEPSTER- Power Brooms TRAC VAC - Lawn Vacuums WOODS- Rotary Mowers VORK- Landscape Rakes ZIMMERMAN- Wagon Gears ON DISPLAY AT OUR OPEN HOUSE LANCASTER FORD TRACTOR, INC. 1655 Rohrerstown Rd. Lancaster, PA Flory Mill Exit Off Rt 283
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