Virginia markets' Virginia Auction Summary February 9-15 Report supplied by VDA Total of Va. Weekly Feeder Cattle Auction Receipts: 3,954. TREND: steady to $5 higher. Southwestern, Va. Auction Summary February 9-15 STEERS: 300-500 lbs. Medium 1 63.00- Large 1 64.00-74.00; Small 1 53.00-64.50. 500-700 lbs. Medium 1 55.00-69.00; Large 1 57.00- Small 1 53.00-64.00. 700 1000 lbs. Medium 1 55.0062.00; Large 155.0062.00. HEIFERS: 300500 lbs. Medium 1 50.0059.50; Large 1 52.0059.00; Small 1 46.5057.50. 500700 lbs. Medium 1 50.00-57.50; Large 1 46.0056.75; Small 145.0054.50 ; 700 900 lbs. Medium 1 48.0054.50; Urge 143.0054.50. KING’S AUCTION, KIRKWOOD Hay, Straw and Grain Auction Every EVERY TUESDAY 12:00 Located Rt. 472 5 miles south of Quarryville or 6 miles north of Oxford at Shaub's Auction House. No out of state checks ALL TRUCKERS AND FARMERS WELCOME I w .*■ OPEN TO RECEIVE YOUR MARKET HOGS AT THE GREEN DRAGON MARKET I RD 4, EPHRATA, PA 17522 z 1 MILE NORTH OF EPHRATA I ON NORTH STATE STREET. | HOURS MONDAY, TUESDAY, and WEDNESDAY 6:00 A.M. to 11:30 A.M. 215-458-5677 Residence 717-733-9648 Office YOU ARE PAID FOR YOUR f HOGS IMMEDIATELY X Ken & Lois Emery, Proprietors | ATTENTION YORK CO. FARMERS Lookinglll For Quality Hogs Every Monday HATFIELD PACKING CO. BUYING STATION AT SECHRIST SALES CO. LIVESTOCK AUCTION R.D. 1 Stewartstown, PA Top Select Price on #1 & 2 Hogs 210- 245 lbs. We will receive your hogs from 6 A.M until 11 A.M. Your hogs will be weighed & paid for immediately There will not be a commission or yard age fee You may call our office Monday morning for base price Please give us a chance to market your hogs FOR INFORMATION CALL 717-993-6130 Northern Va. Auction Summary February 9-15 STEERS; 300500 lbs. Medium 1 65.0075.50; Large 1 64.0070.50; Small 1 52.5063.00. 500700 lbs. Medium 1 58.00-67.25; Large 1 60.0068.50; Small 154.0062.00. 700 1000 lbs. Medium 1 54.00-63.50; Large 1 60.0061.85; Small 1 56.00 60.75. HEIFERS: 300500 lbs. Medium 1 47.75-57.00; Large 1 50.0055.50; Small 1 43.5059.00. 500700 lbs. Medium 1 48.0058.00; Large 1 47.0056.00; Small 1 47.0056.00. 700 900 lbs. Medium 1 48.0055.00; Large 155.00; Small 153.00. Southeast Va. Auction Summary February 9-15 STEERS: 300500 lbs. Medium 1 61.0065.00; Small 1 63.25-65.75. 500 700 lbs. Medium 1 57.5065.10; Large 1 56.0064.25; Small 1 62.50 64.80. 7001000 lbs. 57.0061.00; Large 161.75. EMERY'S BUYING STATION Kills rats and mice! End O’Rat works fast to kill unwanted rats and mice Completely safe for use around the home, farm or factory buildings, End O’ Rat is specifically formulated to appeal to the natural feeding habits of rats and mice And End O’ Rat contains Warfarin — for proven effectiveness Put End O' Rat to work for you today' END O’ RAT Distributed by AVfc^BUTLER FOODSINC - We will receive your market hogs New Winter Hours * 8 AM -12:45 PM Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays Located at the Vintage Sales Stables, Paradise, PA You will be paid immediately. No commission or yard fees deducted. Reduced waiting time. Premium prices are paid for extra fancy hogs. Livestock market and auction news Shenandoah Valley Livestock Harrisonburg, Va. Saturday, February 11 Report supplied by auction FEEDER CATTLE: Steers: 'VL-1 300-500 lbs. 64.00-72.00 ; 500 700 lb- 59.00-73.00 ; 700-1000 lbs. 55.00-62.50, Holstein 300-1000 39.00 46.50. S-1&M&L-2 300500 lbs. 52.50 58.00 ; 500700 lbs. 52.0064.00; 700 1000 lbs. 50.5055.50. FEEDER BULLS: M&L-l 500 700 lbs. 51.0055.00; 7001000 lbs. 46.0048.00. S-1&M&L-2 300500 lbs. 48.0053.50; 500700 lbs. 49.0051.50. Heifers: M&L-l 300-500 lbs. 52.00 60.00 ; 500700 lbs. 47.5057.00; 700 800 lbs. 48.0055.00. S-I&M&Lr2 300 500 lbs. 54.0059.00; 500700 lbs. 50.0056.00. STOCK COWS: Baby Beef 25.00 127.50, mostly 60.0080.00. SLAUGHTER CATTLE: Steers- New Holland Caldwell Supply Co. Supply Co. New Holland, PA West Trenton, NJ 717-354-2340 609-882-2223 Call Ed Herrmann for daily market quotations 717-442-4742 HEIFERS; 300500 lbs. Medium 1 47.5056.25; Small 1 53.0056.75. 500700 lbs. Medium 1 51.0055.00. 700900 lbs. Medium 146.0049.00. KU-LS RATS and MICE 1 W«rt«W„ Choice 2-4 62.7064.50. Heifers- Choice 24 57.5062.00. SLAUGHTER COWS Trend: Utility & Commercial 24 35.00 43.50. Canner & Cutters 1-3 30.00 36.75. SLAUGHTER BULLS 1 & 2 41.50 51.00. LAMBS Trend; High Choice & Prime 59.75; .Choice 56.00; Slaughter Ewes 15.0021.00. HOGS: US 1-3 200240 lbs. 48.70; Sows 1-3 39.0053.00. VEAL: Choice & Prune 85.00; Good 65.0075.00. Four States Livestock Hagerstown, Md. Wednesday, February 8 Report supplied by auction SLAUGHTER: Fed Steers- $1.50 higher. Choice 64.00-67.50; Good 59.00- Medium 58.00 down. Heifers - Choice 62.0065.50; Good 56.0081.00; Medium 55.00 down. Cows - Good run $2.00 higher. High Yield- 42.0046.00; Average 38.00 41.00; Big Middle 33.0037.00; Fatty Herf. 32.0035.00; Shelly 35.00 down. Fat Bulls - Steady price. Good 48.00-51.50; Medium 42.00 47.00. Veal Calves- $3.00 to $6.00 higher. Choice 95.00105.00; Good 80.0094.00; Medium 70.0079.00; Farm Hfrs to 57.00; Farm Bulls 90.00112.00; Light & Weak 43.00 down. Lambs- Steady. Choice & Good 54.00-57.25; Medium 47.00 53.00. STOCKER: Steers 300-550 Ibs.- $3.00 to $5.00 higher. Choice 65.00 70.00; Good 59.0(184.00; Medium 53.00- Culls 52.00 down; Dairy Type 42.0048.00. Steers 600850 lbs.- Choice 60.0085.00; Good 54.00 59.00; Medium 53.00 down; Dairy Type 40.00-50.00. Heifers (AU Weights)- Choice 50.0055.00; Good 44.0049.00; Medium 43.00d0wn. Bulls- Choice 55.00-58.00; Good 49.0054.00; Medium 48.00 down. Springing Heifers- to 535.00. Pigs Hd.- Steady prices. 2030 lbs. 15.00 25.00 ; 4050 lbs. 26.0031.00. Shoats by lb.- 37.00-46.00. Slaughter Hogs- One lot at 49.75. 215-230 lb. 47.50 49.00 ; 2402601 b. 47.5048.75; 190210 lb. 39.0045.00. Sows- 400650 lb. 44.0049.25; 275-375 lb. 40.0043.00. eenLeen CheckeriM Boars • All Boars Performance Tested For True Genetic Potential. • 4 Purebred and 3 Crossbred Lines • Strict Health Control Program And Written Health Warranty • Proven Breeding Programs SEE YOUR PURINA DEALER TODAY kssMhis KEYSTONE MILLS John B Kurtz PHONE 717 354 4616 717 738 1088 RD3 EPHRATA PA 17522 UirPT Ulll I nui Mn Onp PHONE 717 066 2324 WEST WILLOW V-/I IC« 23 N PARKS! RICHLAND PA 17087 FARMERS ASSN., IHC. Offers More WOODSTOWN ICE ( COAL CO. PHONE 717 464 3386 WEST WILLOW PA 17538 Eighty-Four Livestock Eighty-Four, Pa. Monday, February 13 Report supplied by PDA CATTLE 331. Compared with last Monday’s market, slaughter cows $2.00-3.00 higher, spots $4.00 higher. Choice slaughter steers 63.50-65.50, Good 57.00-63.00, Standard 51.50-57.25, few Utility 46.00- Choice slaughter heifers 57.50-60.50, Good 53.50 56.00, few Standard 47.50-52.00, few Utility 45.00-48.00. Breaking Utility & Commercial slaughter cows 42.00- few 46.00. Cutter and Boning Utility 37.00-42.50, Canner & Low Cutter 31.00-37.50, Shells down to 23.00. One Choice slaughter bullock at 62.25. Yield Grade #1 1100-1900 lbs. slaughter bulls 50.00-57.75, Yield Grade #2 1000-1600 lbs. 42.00-46.00. FEEDER CATTLE. Medium Frame #1 450600 lbs. feeder steers 58.00- few Medium Frame #2 400600 lbs. 43.00-48.00. Medium Frame #1 350-550 lbs. feeder heifers 50.0058.00. CALVES 232. Vealers grading Good & Choice $5.00510.00 lower, Standard & Good strong - $l.OO hfgher. Choice Vealers 90.00-107.00, Good 84.00-92.00, Standard 60.00 80.00, Standard & Good 90-120 lbs. 55.00-61.00, 60-85 lbs. 45.00-55.00, Utility 55-90 lbs. 40.0046.00. FARM CALVES. Holstein Bulls 90-125 lbs. 65.00-110.00. Good & Choice 300450 lbs. slaughter calves 55.0067.00. HOGS 94. Barrows & gilts $l.OO $1.50 lower. US No. 1-2 230250 lbs. barrows & gilts 48.0048.75, No. 1-3 220265 lbs. 47.0048.10, few No. 2-3 220250 lbs. 45.0047.00, lot No. 1-3 150 lbs. at 35.75. Sows: US No. 1-3 300800 lbs. Sows 40.0046.50, No. 2-3 300550 lbs. 34.0038.00. Boars 26.00 36.00. FEEDER PIGS 30. One lot US No. 1-3 72 lbs. feeder pigs at 25.25 per head. Utility 25-80 lbs. 10.00 16.00 per head. SHEEP 180. Wool slaughter lambs $1.50-$2.00 higher. High Choice & Prime 75-112 lbs. wool slaughter lambs 60.00-65.50, Good 6067 lbs. 55.0057.00, Choice 37-53 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 64.00 69.00. Slaughter Sheep 14.0025.50. Goats 12: 8.5028.00 per head. ■' IB ■! ' uu w~ K & K FEED. INC PHONE 60*) 769 0069 WOODS7OWN N J 08098 Purina Dealer PHONE 717 442 4183 71 7 768 3 301 PARADISE PA 1 7562
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