tl«ml;9< • j J 1 r I f M —Lawcwttr Farming, Saturday, February 18,1984 mQLD tKRMEift AN^ 17 FEB. 20-26,1984 Time to regroup, then heat up the soup. Borrow now, but repay by Easter Washington s Birthday Feb 20 (Mon ) Last quarter of the moon Feb 23 (Thurs ) Average length of days for the week, 10 hours, 56 minutes John Glenn first United States astronaut in orbit Feb 20,1962 Forget others’ faults by remem bering your own original name for the solid wooden form which halters have used for centuries in U ' shaping the crowns of headgear It was no compliment then or now to be called one Home Hints Children s wet shoes will dry faster when stuffed with newspaper OLD FARMER'S WEATHER FORECASTS New England: Cloudy, cold, and possible snow through midweek, seasonable temperatures and snow in the north by week's end Greater New York-New Jersey; A full week of cold, snow, clearing, and snow again Middle Atlantic Coastal: Ram with snow m mountains changes to a cold snap midweek and flumes by week's end Piedmont & Southeast Coastal; Cold temperatures all week with partly cloudy skies, sunny midweek through week's end (All Rights Reserved lankee Publishing Incorporated Dublin NH 03444) Carlisle Livestock Auction Carlisle, Pa. Tuesday, February 14 Report supplied by auction CATTLE: Mostly steady prices with strong demand for earlybirds. Steers: Steady prices. Good 60.25- 65.10; Medium Holsteins 50.25- 52.50; Medium to 57.75 down. Heifers: Steady prices. Good 52.00- 57.00; Medium 51.00 down. Cows: Steady/active. High Yield 42.00- 44.50; Good 39.0042.00; Average 35.00-39.00; Big Middle 34.00-37.00; Fatty Herf 36.0042.00; Shelly 35.00 down. Fat Bulls: Individual 60.00; Medium-Good 53.85-54.50. FEEDER CATTLE: Steers (300- 550 lb.): 2.00 lower but not enough offered to fully test market. Good & Medium 53.00-57.00. Steers (600- 850 lb.): Few Dairy Type to 44.50. Heifers (all weights): 1.00 lower. MATERIALS ATRAZINE 4 DUEL 4 BICEP 4 LASSO 4 SUTAN + * BLADEX * LASSO-ATRAZINE MELVIN R. WEAVER 2213 Leabrook Road, Lancaster, PA 17601 Ph: 717-569-6576 or 898-8354 Ask the Old Farmer: Can you tell me how 'lunkhead' originated' JD , Burl ington, Vt Probably was "lump" instead of lunk And then there is "blockhead," which was the Good 48.00-53.00; Medium 44.50- 50.50; Utility 43.00 down. Bulls (all weights): Steady. Good 53.50- 56.00; Medium 48.50 down. VEAL CALVES: Very active; 12.00 to 14.00 higher for Choice calves. Choice 90.00-102.00; Good 70.00-65.00; Medium 58.00-70.00; Light/weak 50.00 down. Farm Bulls 90.00-113.00. HOGS: Barrows & Gilts 1.00 lower; heavier hogs 2.00 to 3.00 lower. 210-250 lbs. 47.1048.85; over 260 lb. 44.5048.25. Sows: 1.00 to 1.50 lower. Over 450 lb. 38.5043.25; under 450 41.0045.50; 2&3’s 35.50. Boars: t 034.00. FEEDER PIGS: (by the hd) 25- 30 lbs. 24.00-26.00 head; 35-50 lbs. 45.00-51.00 head; 55-70 lbs. 53.00- 55.00 head. SHEEP; Lambs: Too few to test market. Ewes: 17.00-23.00. Goats; (Lg) 30.00-57.50 (hd); Sm. 12.00- 20.00 (hd). TOXEPHENE PARAQUAT PRINCEP FURADAN COUNTER DYFONATE * ETC. Livestock market and auction news New Wilmington Livestock New Wilmington, Pa. Monday, Feb. 13 Report Supplied by PDA CATTLE 279. Compared with last Monday’s market, slaughter cows $2-$3 lower. Few Choice Yield Grade 64.50-65.00, Good 55.1XW9.25, Standard 50.00-55.25, few Utility 39.50-46.50. One Choice slaughter heifer at 58.00, few Good & Choice Yield Grade H 47.00-54.00, few Good 53.25-56.50, Standard 49.25- 52.00, few Utility 42.00-46.50. Breaking Utility & Commercial slaughter cows 41.00-45.00 few 46.00-48.50, Cutter and Boning Utility 37.00-42.50, Canner & Low Cutter 32.00-38.00. Yield Grade #1 1100-2280 lbs. slaughter bulls 46.00 50.75 one at 52.50, Yield Grade §2 1000-1200 lbs. 41.75-46.25. FEEDER CATTLE: Few Medium Frame #1 400-550 lbs. feeder heifers 42.1XW0.00, few Medium Frame 1-2 460600 lbs. feeder bulls 47.00-51.50. CALVES 287. Vealers grading Good & Choice about steady. Choice Vealers 88.00-98.00 couple 102.00-104.00. Good 80.00-90.00, Green Dragon Livestock Sales ft# 1 1 Mile North of Ephrata, PA <fcows e 0 BUYERS FROM 3 STATES ? Regular consignments from Bob Kennedy & Ed Stover plus 15 other local consignors. Lots of good Northern Feeders and Stockers. SALE EVERY FRIDAY Bulls, Steers, Slaughter Cows, Lambs and Veal Calves 11.00 A.M.- Beef Sale Stockers & Feeders 200 to 250 each week. 12:30 P.M.-Dairy Cows 7:00 P.M.-Small Animal Sale For Special Sales and Herd Dispersals on the farm or at our barn or other market information call; Office 717-733- 2444 WALTER H. RISSER. Proprietor FRIDAY, MARCH 16 ON THE FARM MONTHLY BRED GILT SALE Sale to Start Promptly at 1:00 Every 4 Weeks Located 18 miles south of Lancaster, Pa., 6 miles south of Quarryville, take Rt. 272 to Little Britain, turn north, follow Little Britain Road to Jackson Road, 2nd farm, OR take Rt. 222, out of Quarryville to Cedar Hill Road to Little Britain Road to Jackson Road. Watch for sale arrows. 50 to 60 Head Now selling our new hybred gilts representing mostly York & Hampshire & Landrace cross. Bred for easier & Less trouble over farrowing and better weight gains. Validated Brucellosis Free Herd #169 Qualified Pseudorabies Free Herd #55 Hand mated with Breeding Dates Local Trucker Available No Hogs Sold Ou Commission CHRIST A. BEILER R.D. 2, Quarryville, Pa JOHN B. STOLTZFUS R.D. 1, Kirkwood, Pa Abe Oiffenbach. Auctioneer NEXT SALE DATE APRIL 13 Standard and Good 90-130 lbs. 54.0065.00, 90-110 lbs. 48.00-55.00, 7065 lbs. 35.0048.00, Utility 5060 lbs. 25.00-35.00. FARM CALVES. Bulls Very Active $2O higher. Holstein Bulls 95-135 lbs. 85.00115.00, Holstein Heifers 90125 lbs. 54.0060.00. HOGS 661. Barrows and gilts $3 lower. US NO. 1-2 210240 lbs. barrows & gilts 47.00-48.35 one lot 48.50, No. 1-3 200250 lbs. 45.00 47.25, No. 1-3 150190 lbs. 40.00 45.00. Sows: Steady. US No. 1 360 635 lbs. sows 42.0046.00 few at 49.00. Boars 35.0038.00. FEEDER PIGS 61. US No. 1-3 40 50 lbs. feeder pigs 15.0028.00 per head, one lot No. 1-3 100 lbs. 26.00 per head. SHEEP 104. Choice & Prime 70 95 lbs. 63.00-66.00, Choice Shorn 70 80 lbs. 62.0063.50, one lot 135 lbs. at 50.00, mix Good & Choice 65-85 lbs. wool slaughter lambs 55.0061.00. Slaughter ewes 21.0029.00. New Holland Dairy New Holland Sales Stables Wednesday, February 15 Report supplied by auction Reported receipts of 32 cows, 53 heifers, and 2 bulls. Market steady. Load of PA Fresh cows 820.00- 1070.00. Load of PA Fresh cows 710.00 950.00. Load of PA Fresh cows 570.00 1075.00. Locally consigned cows 575.00 1035.00. Springing heifers 325.00-860.00. Open heifers 360.00-500.00. Bulls 225.00-300.00. CHARGE YOUR BATTERY FROM THE SUN. A new self regulating 12 volt solar battery charger now available at 50% DISCOUNT The new M6l our very latest module from Arco Solar. HOUSE FOR RENT For more information write to BENUEL R. STOLTZFOOS Bird-In-Hand RD #1 Box 179, Pa 17505 ATTENTION CUMBERLAND CO. lißiaiJT*! FARMERS Lookinglll For Quality Hogs Every Wednesday HATFIELD PACKING CO. BUYING STATION AT CARLISLE LIVESTOCK MARKET Exit 12,1-81, Carlisle. PA Top Select Price on #1 & 2 Hogs 210 - 245 lbs. We will receive your hogs from 7 A.M until 11A.M. . Your hogs will be weighed & paid for immediately . There will not be a commission or yard age fee . You may call our office Wednesday morning for base price . Please give us a chance to market your hogs FOR INFORMATION CALL 717-249-4511 ATTENTION FARMERS EVERY MONDAY HATFIELD PACKING CO. and MOYER PACKING CO. Will Receive Your Hogs and Cattle at the OAKVILLE LIVESTOCK MARKET RD4, Danville, PA • We will receive your hogs from 8 AM to 12 Noon every Monday. Your hogs will be weighed and paia for immediately. • We will also accept your sows & boars • Your cattle will be received from 12'30 to 5 P M We will either pay you lor your cattle immediately or you may sell them dressed weight • There will not be a commission or yardage fee deducted from your check. • You may call our office Monday morning and we will be able to tell you the base price for hogs for the day. MELVIN M. LEHMAN - Owner Danville Buying Station Phone:7l7-275-2880
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