Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 18, 1984, Image 77

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    Three reasons why Bicep
gives better control
than most tank mixes.
Sure, most tank mixes do a pretty
good job on weeds and grasses in corn.
But what if you could get even better
control with just a single product? With
Bicepr you can.
Bicep is different. It’s the
double-duty herbicide that gets both
weeds and grasses all by itself. In fact,
Bicep actually outperforms most tank
mixes. One reason why is that Bicep is
low in volatility.
Volatile herbicides escape into
Bicep is more soluble than most
tank-mix combinations
Solubility is the ability of a her
bicide to dissolve in waterand become
available for weed and grass uptake.
The extra solubility of Bicep really
helps. Because of it, Bicep is easily car- m
ried by water into the weed and grass
germinating zone of the soil. And once
it’s there, Bicep is better dispersed. So
it does a better job.
Greater solubility also makes
Bicep readily available in the soil to be
Adsorption is the adhesive quality
of a herbicide—how tightly or loosely it
clings to soil particles A herbicide that
is too adsorptive becomes tied up by
the soil—it becomes inactive. A her-
bicide that is not adsorptive enough
leaches out excessively.
But with Bicep, adsorption is ex
cellent, which helps explain why Bicep
has staying power. Bicep stays active in
Ciba Geigy Ag Div Box 18300 Greensboro NC 27419 (D 1903 Ciba Geigy Corporation
Low volatility
absorbed by the roots and shoots of
* "' €ix) weed seedlings that compete with
. corn. And it’s part of the reason Bicep is
k ** so effective in reduced tillage fields. A
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pig, light rainfall is all it takes to wash Bicep
©■ off surface trash and into the soil where
it will go right to work.
t Yet, for all its solubility, Bicep
J doesn’t leach out significantly. It will
# give you the control you need right
* through harvest, even in a rainy
Bicep stays available and active in the soil solution growing season.
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Excellent adsorption
Bicep goes into the soil, not into the air
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Bicep stays active in the germinating zone
of weeds and grasses
the air soon after application. They be
come ineffective. But not Bicep. Put it
down and it stays put for season-long
control—even in cool, wet weather.
Low volatility is just the beginning
of what makes Bicep better. Keep it in
mind if you're up against tough weeds
like cocklebur, pigweed, ragweed or
black nightshade. Or late germinating
grasses like foxtail, panicum or
m ,
the germinating zone right through
harvest. Yet there are no carryover
problems with Bicep, so you can rotate
to soybeans
Low volatility. Greater solubility.
Excellent adsorption. These are just
some of the properties that help make
Bicep better than most tank mixes.
Your dealer can tell you about other
Bicep advantages. Talk to him soon