Lancaster Hogs Lancaster Stockyards Monday, February 13 Report supplied by USDA HOGS: Compared to last Wednesday barrows and gilts .50- .75 lower; sows 1.00-2.00 lower, with weights under 500 lb. 3.00-5.00 lower. Supply included about 15% sows. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 205-260 lb. 49.00-49.60, few 49.75- 50.00. US 1 210-250 lb. 51.00-52.00, tew selected 52 00-54.00 US 1-2 190- 200 lb. 46.75-48.00. US 1-3 220-260 lb 48,50-49.50 SOWS: US 1-3 350-500 lb. 38.00- 41.50; 500-650 lb. 42.00-45.50. Tuesday, February 14 Today Last Tuesday Last Year TREND: Compared to Monday, small supply barrows and gilts 2.00 lower. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 200-250 lb. 47.0047.60. US 1-3 one lot 272 lb. 46.50. Wednesday, February IS HOGS: Compared to Tuesday barrows and gilts mostly steady; sows 2.003.00 lower on 300450 lb. weights, weights over 450 lb. not tested. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 205-245 lb. 47.0048.25. US 1 few 210 240 lb. 48.5049.50. US 1-2 few 190 195 lb. 45.0046.10. US 1-3 220270 lb. 46.0047.00. SOWS: US 1-3 350450 lb. 35.00 39.00. Carlisle Feeder Pigs Carlisle, Pa. Friday, February 10 Report supplied by auction TREND: Compared to January’s State Graded Sale the market was a strong $35.00 higher with extremes of $40.00 higher. All pigs weighed on arrival and sold by the hundred weight. US NO. 1 & 2: 33-39 lbs. 97.00 98.00 ; 4149 lbs. 98.00-105.00 ; 52-61 lbs. 85.00-94.00. US NO. 2 & 3: 44-67 lbs. 67.00 73.00; 4 head 20 lbs. 67.50. US NO. 2 : 3244 lbs. 97.00104.00; 53-59 lbs. 88.0091.00; 5 head 26 lbs. 89.00. UTILITIES: 2245 lbs. 38.00 52.50. AS IS: 2046 lbs. 40.0047.50. ATTENTION 0- HOG PRODUCERS Now you have a choice of marketing your fat hogs on any one of 4 days a week through Walter M. Dunlap and Sons. The starting times for each day are as follows: Monday at 1 P.M., Tuesday at 10 A.M., Wednesday at noon and Saturday at 10 A.M. Consign your fat hogs to Walter M. Dunlap and Sons where they will be handled by experienced and capable personnel. All hogs weighed upon arrival. For market information contact Ken Smoker or Ollie Nagle at 717-397-5136. FEEDER PIG SALE Every Tuesday - Starting at 1 P.M. Walter M. Dunlap and Sons Lancaster Stockyards Tel. (717) 397-5136 An Old Line Commission Firm Keeping Abreast r7' New Holland Feeder Pigs Wednesday, February 15 Report supplied by USDA Today Last Wednesday Last Year TREND; Compared to last Wednesday feeder pigs 5.00-10.00 lower. All pigs weighed on arrival and sold by the hundred weight. US 1-2: 128 head 23-35 lbs. 90.00- 109.00; 143 head 40-49 lbs. 77.00- 93.00 ; 218 head 50-59 lbs. 70.00- 85.00; 13 head 61 lbs. 76.00; 48 lbs. 68-69 lbs. 59.00-63.00 ; 7 head 90 lbs. 47.00. US 2-3: 13 head 2025 lbs. 98.00 100.00 ; 43 head 4049 lbs. 54.00 74.00; 36 head 52-61 lbs. 47.0066.00. 98 116 653 New Holland Hogs Monday, February 13 Report supplied by USDA Today 2020 Last Monday 1826 Last Year 1782 Compared to last Monday barrows and gilts 1.25-2.50 lower, with closing sales mostly 2.50 lower. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 200250 lb. 50.0050.75, late mainly 50.00, few early 50.75-51.35. US 1 210245 lb. 52.50-53.25, few selected 53.35-54.00. US 1-3 220260 lb. 49.50 50.00. US 2-3 one lot 275 lb. 47.50. Vintage Hogs Vintage Sales Stables Saturday, February 11 Report supplied by auction US 1& 2 213-250 lbs. 50.50-52.75; US 2 & 3 213-242 lbs. 49.85-50.50; heavyweights 254-260 lbs. 48.50 49.85; sows 315-555 lbs. 38.0043.00. Lancaster Hogs Lancaster Stockyards Saturday, February 11 Report supplied by auction 850 head. US 1 220250 lbs. 51.0052.00, 22 head 52.25-54.00; US 1 & 2 220250 lbs. 50.0051.00; US 1 & 3 220260 lbs. 49.25-50.00; Sows 300350 lbs. 35.00 39.00, 450 lbs. and up 42.0045.00; Boar hogs 300 lbs. and up 35.00 35.50. Lancaster Feeder Pigs Tuesday, February 14 Report supplied by USDA Today Last Tuesday Last Year TREND: Compared to last Tuesday feeder pigs firm to 5.00 higher, instances 10.00 higher on 50-75 lb. weights. All pigs weighed on arrival and sold by the hundred weight. US 1-2: 100 head 22-39 lbs. 94.00- 110.00; 127 head 40-49 lbs. 86.00- 98.00 , 211 head 50-59 lbs. 84.00- 93.00 ; 35 head 51 lbs. 102.00; 116 head 60-75 lbs. 70.00-80.00; 8 head 72 lbs. 90.00 US 2: 40 head 57-59 lbs. 72.00- 82.00. 730 597 485 US 2-3: 27 head 28-40 lbs. 92.00- 96.00; 15 head 41-47 lbs. 78.00-82.00; 16 head 51-54 lbs. 77.00-80.00. Indianapolis Hogs Thursday, February 16 Report supplied by USDA 800. Barrows and gilts active, mostly 50 higher. BARROWS & GILTS. US 1-2 220- 2501 b. 46.75-47.00. SOWS: Moderately active, no recent price comparison. (10%) US 1-3 350-575 lb. 40.00-46.50. BOARS: Not tested early St. Louis Hogs Thursday, February 16 Report supplied by USOA 3000. Barrows and gitls moderate, mostly 1.00 higher, up to 1.50-2.00 on weights over 260 lb BARROWS & GILTS: US 1-2 225- 250 lb. 47.26-47.75, 200-225 lb. 46.50- 47.25, 250-260 lb. 46.75-47.25. US 1-3 260-270 lb. 45.5046.00. SOWS: Steady-. 50 lower. (About 12%) US 1-3 300-500 lb. 41.50, over 500 lb. 44.5046.50. BOARS. Over 250 lb. 37.50; under 250 lb. 41.00. Peoria Hogs Thursday, February 16 Report supplied by USDA 3000. Barrows & gilts active, opening 1.00 higher. BARROWS & GILTS; US 1-2 200- 240 lb. 46.50-47.00, 100 head 47.50. US 1-3 200-250 lb. 45.50-46.50. SOWS. Under 500 lb. fully steady, instances .50 higher; over 500 lb. steady to .50 lower. (15%) US 1-3 350-500 lb. 40.50-41.00 ; 500- 650 lb. 45.00-45.50, few 46.00. Editorials 836 452 805 Mar. 3.18 3 /4 May 3.23 July ' 3.24'4 Aug. Nov. Trends - Corn - Si bean Meal - Weaker. Market Provided by Merrill-Lynch Commodities, York Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Oct. Nov. Dec. Editorially speaking Dairy Diver sion program feature King family feature Dairy Business Dauphin County DHIA Cumberland County DHIA Schuylkill County DHIA Departments Farm Calendar Mailbox Markets Classified Ads Livestock Latest Farm Business news Sale Reports Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 18,1 U.S. Inspected Livestock Slaughter Estimated Daily Livestock Slaughter Under Federal Inspei CATTLE CALVES HOGS • Week to date (Est) 540,000 44,000 1,252,000 Same Pd Lt Wk (Est) 527,000 44,000 1,239,000 Same Pd Lt Yr (Act) 494,000 41,000 1,170 000 Chicago Grain Futures (Closing Bids as of Thursday, February 16) Corn 2.86 leways; Soybeans - Weaker; Wheat - Weaki Futures Trading (Closing Bids as of Thursday, February 16) Trends - Cattle - Weaker; Hogs - Weaker; Potatoes - Sideways. Market Provided by Mernll-Lynch Commodities, York in I his Four Sections Al ° Home and Youth A3O A3O C 4 Dl6 Dl7 Dl9 AlO 838 B41&C 4 D 2 D 6 D 22 Soybei Wheat Soybeans Meal 3.3P/4 7.03^4 3.3P/4 7.20% 193.40 3.27 7.34% 7,29% 3.30% 7.09% ~ “ 195.00 6.97% 3.41% # Chicago Chicago NY Maine Cattle Hogs Potatoes 68.70 47.60 66.87 44.67 5.48 “66.32 51.05 52.82 63.95 52.65 61.82 50.25 51.30 62.80 issue Homestead Notes Home on the Range Kid s Korner Farm Women News Lebanon Countv 4 H honors 814 Family Living page Craft Coiner Far m Women calendar Columns Now is the time On being a farm wife Ida s Notebook Back Home Ladies have you heard 7 Brockett s Ag Advice Look into Futures .984—i 188.90 197.70 197.50 192.30 194.30 4.94 5.87 3.70 B 2 B 6 810 81l 818 822 830
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