CHAMBERSBURG - President Albert Hack is sending out a call to the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Guernsey Breeders’ Association. This event will be held in Columbia County Friday & FOR HIGH MOISTURE CORN New 6-ft. diameter polyethylene feed bin • 22-IN. DIAMETER FILL HOLE & LID • CORROSION RESISTANT ' • 60° CENTER DRAW HOPPER • STURDY, GALVANIZED^ STEEL LEGS > • CHORE-TIME’S STANDARD 1-YEAR WARRANTY against any product defect is another valuable feature you get. Chore-Time’s famous “coreless” now available in twp models for feeding corn up to 27% moisture FLEX AUGER means you can move more feed per unit of energy used A 1 hp power unit moves 50 pounds per minute with Model HMCand 190 pounds per minute with Model 125 FLEX AUGER is also so reliable and long lasting that Chore Time now warrants the auger itself (or 10 years And the system is completely corrosion proof from the feed bin to the nylon coated boot to the special PVCT auger tube FLEX AUGER high moisture corn systems a new way to cut costs and boost efficiency STORE HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 7:30 to 4:30 1 Sat. 7:30 to 11:30 (Parts Only) Guernsey Breeders to convene in Danville Saturday, March 9-10 at the .Sheraton Danville Inn, Danville, PA (Located off 1-80 at Penn sylvania Route 54). Activities begin at 5:30 PM on Friday, March 9th with Registration. FLEX-AUGER COMPLETE SYSTEMS, EQUIPMENT, SALES, INSTALLATION, SERVICE FOR CATTLE, HOG, POULTRY AND GRAIN Authorized Chore-Time Distributor AGRI' 2754 CREEK HILL RD.. LEOLA, PA 17540 BIN STORAGE AND FLEX AUGER DELIVERY SYSTEMS A VERSATILE FEED BIN FOR A VARIETY OF USES Chore-Time’s new polyethylene feed bin is ideal for a variety of uses requiring a low capacity (1.5 ton) feed bin, including; high moisture corn feed rations, supplement storage, pig nurseries, milking parlors, and horse feeding. The bin's low 8-ft. fill height means you can also place it inside your feed room. Bin will also accept a variety of bin boots available for use with Chore-Time’s famous FLEX-AUGER’ Feed Delivery Systems EQUIPMENT, .no. PHONE: 717-656-4151 Highlights of this year’s event include: Friday, March 9th: An nual Awards Banquet featuring Senior & Junior production awards and guest speaker Karl Kettering, management consultant from Model 125 190 Ibs./minute Lancaster, PA, specializing in human resources, and evening entertainment - “Stanky and the Coalminers (Polka Band). Saturday, March 10th: Middle Atlantic Guernsey Sires (MAGS) • STURDY BIN " ROOF OPTIONAL SIDE LADDER 16-IN. DIAMETER BOTTOM COLLAR ' Model HMC 50 Ibs./minute Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 18,1984—A19 Pi lAL $«oo 9 OFF COUPON When presenting this ad in all our Red Wing Shoes in stock during February 1984 Made for comfort vour Wings* ?|n3f» led Wing BOOKS SHOE SERVICE 107 E. STATE ST OUARRYVILLE, PA 17566 717-786-2795 CLOSED WEDNESDAYS XT'S A HONDA REAR TINE TILLER ON HARD PACKED NON-FROZEN GROUND EVERY SATURDAY 12-4 P.M. • SPECIFICATIONS - 7 H P 4 cycle - Honda Engine - 2 Speeds forward - 1 Reverse - 20” Tine width extendable to 25” - Belt & chain drive. • FEATURES - Automatic decompression - Clutch for tines - Fully adjustable handle Prjce $ 1048.00 FREE 10” Furrower Kit with first 5 sold ($75.00 Value) 6 MODELS AVAILABLE IN FRONT OR REAR TINE. From $3lB STOLTZFUS WOODWORK OUTDOOR POWER EQUIPMENT Rt. 897 North, l Miles From Rt. 30 Gap, PA (717) 442-8972 Open: 7:00-6• 00 Monday-Saturday Meeting, S3rd Annual Business Meeting of the Pennsylvania Guernsey Breeders’ Association, Semi-Annual Meeting of the PA Junior Guernsey Breeders’ and a Noon Luncheon with guest speaker Calvin Mauser, PGBA Vice- President. Reservations for the banquet and luncheon must be made by Friday, Feb. 24 by contacting the association’s office in Cham bersburg, 717-263-3367. Motel reservations can be made by contacting the Sheraton Dan ville Inn, RD 2 Box 100, Danville, PA 17821, (717 ) 275-5510. Call Sheraton Dannville Inn direct for room rates. Inquire about tneir weekend package and tell them you are with the Pennsylvania Guernsey Breeders’ Assoc. Annual Meeting. SADDLE UP! To Better Equipment... Find It In Loncaster Farming's CLASSIFIEDS! EXPERT REPAIRS _ FENCERS. ' • GENERATORS f' ]'' • STARTERS * v •ALTERNATORS PEQUEA BATTERIES wHp
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