Al4—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 18,1984 Livestock market Central U.S. Carlot Beef Report Wednesday, February 15 Report supplied by USDA Compared to Tuesday’s 4:00 report; Choice 3 Carcass Steer Beef steady to $.50 higher. Choice 3 Heifers steady. Good & Choice 2-3 Holsteins steady. Trading moderate. Demand and offerings moderate. The gross boxed beef carcass cut-out value declined $.92 to an estimated $104.58 per cwt., 100 loads boxed cuts reported. Sales reported on 59 loads of Steer and Heifer carcasses. STEERBEEF FOB Omaha Basis 32 Loads Choice 3 : 600-900 lbs. 102.00, steady-. 50 higher; 600-700 lbs. 101.50, no comparison. Choice 2 : 600-700 lbs. 102.50, no comparison. Good 2-3: 600-900 lbs., few 98.00, no comparison. Good 2 & Low 3. 600-700 lbs. 97.25-98.00, no comparison. Choice 2-3; 600-900 lbs. 98.00, (Hols), steady. 600-900 lbs. 94,00, Good 2-3; (Hols), steady, FOB Amarillo Basis Choice 3 : 600-900 lbs. 102.00, no comparison. When the Heat The 038 AVE Farm Boss'" is a versatile mid-size saw with unique heat resistant features. So you can keep on cut ting when the temperature climbs. And the Stihl anti-vibration system means easier opera tion and less fatigue. Beat the heat with the power-packed 038 AVE Farm Boss Come see it today! & STOLTZFUS & WOODWORK & RD Gap PA Box 183 ry 1 Mile North Rt 897 From Gap b MARTIN HARDWARE p & EQUIPMENT CO. K Rt 501 I'/1 Miles South ot Schaetterstown PA Phone 717 949-6817 STIHL THE WORLD’S LARGEST SELLING CHAIN SAW Heifer Beef FOB Omaha Basis 27 Loads Choice 3 : 550-700 lbs. 99.00 steady; 500-550 lbs. 97,00, few 96.00, no comparison; 400-550 lbs. 95.00, few 94.00, no comparison. Choice 2; 600-700 lbs 99.50-100.50, no comparison. Choice 4: 500-700 lbs. 95.50, steady. Good 2-3. 500-700 lbs. 96.00, no comparison. Good 2 & Low 3 . 600-700 lbs 96.00, no comparison. Cow Beef FOB Omaha Basis .2 Loads Canner and Cutter Cows steady to weak on light test. Demand and offerings light to moderate. Canner & Cutter 1-2: 350&up lbs 79.00-80.00 MW, steady to weak. Primal Beef Cuts FOB Omaha Basis 16 Loads Choice 3; Hinds (H) 120-170 lbs. 113.00; Fores 130-210 lbs. 90.00. Good and Choice 2-3: Short Plates 53.00-58.00. Boneless Processing Beef/Beef Trimmings FOB Omaha Basis 58 Loads 90% Chem Lean Fresh 107 00- 109.00. IHL® 038 Keeps its Cool A& B SALES GOOD'S STORE At the Country Mart RO2 East Earl Route 23 Just East of Blue Ball 717 354 4026 WES STAUFFER SALES & SERVICE & SERVICE 2 Miles South of Rt 23 Alonf 772 Thru Monterey RD 1 Ronks PA RD3Ephrata PA fa Phone(7l7) 738-4215 jjj Ephrata Exit New Rt 222 '/* Mile West on Rt 322 Ojj Turn left onto Pleasant Valley Rd jQ 50% them l-eai. Fresh 48 00 FOB Atnarillu Basis 90% Cheni Lean Fresh 109.50- 110.00. 85% Cheni Lean Fresh 103.50 50%, Chem Lean Fresh 50.00. East Coast Carlot Wednesday, February 15 Report supplied by USDA Compared to Tuesday’s close; Prime Special Fed Veal steady. Good and Choice Bomng Veal steady to 2.00 higher; inshipped firm in limited test and com parison. Lamb untested; demand good for limited supplies of light weight carcasses; moderate at best for those over 55 lbs. which are in adequate supply. Boneless Beef trade slow, undertone firm. Beef Trimmings slow, 50% Chem Lean 2.00 higher. VEALCARCASS Prime (Special Fed) Hide On 125 Head 220-280 lbs. 168.00-170.00, steady Good & Choice Boning Type Hide On Northeastern Suppliers: All steady to 2.00 higher. 65-76 lbs. 92.00-94.00 ; 55-64 lbs. 90.00-92.00; 45-54 lbs. 88.00-90,00 ; 3544 lbs. 86.0068.00; 34 lbs. down 84.0066.00. Inshipped- All firm. 7160 lbs LTD 98.00 ; 61-70 lbs. LTD 96.00; 51- 60 lbs. LTD 94.00 ; 41-50 lbs. LTD 92 00; 3040 lbs. LTD 90.00. The rootworm insecticide built tough enough to last all season long. Now there’s BROOT™ from Union Carbide. It’s the corn soil insecticide specially formulated to deliver the full-season rootworm control you need for higher corn yields. Down deep, no other rootworm insecticide looks like BROOT™... Unlike conventional soil insecticides, new BROOT is formulated into unique roll compacted granules. Together with finely ground gypsum, the active ingredient in BROOT, tnmethacarb, is blended evenly throughout each and every granule. Or works like BROOT™... Because of this unique formulation, each granule of BROOT gradually releases its active ingredient throughout the rootworm season. So your corn roots stand a better chance of developing normally Or handles like BROOT™... This advanced formulation also makes BROOT soil insecticide easier to handle. It flows smoothly and evenly out of the hopper box. And BROOT is not abrasive to your application Boneless Beef (US and Canadian Origin) ILoad Compared with last week firm 90% Chem Lean, Fresh 112.00. Beef Trimmings 6 Loads Compared with last week: 65% Chem Lean, Fresh 72.00, no comparison available. 50% Chem Lean, Fresh 57.00- 58.00,2.00 higher. Morrison Cove Livestock Martinsburg, Pa. Monday, February 13 Report supplied by auction CATTLE 259: High Choice & Prime slaughter steers 65.50-68.50, Choice 62.50-64.75, Good 57.50-60.50, Standard 52.50-56.50, Utility 42.50- 50.50. Choice slaughter heifers 64.50- Good 60.50-62.75, Standard 52.50-57.50, Utility 40.50- 48.50. Breaking Utility & Com mercial slaughter cows 45.50-60.25, Commercial 42.5045.75, Cutter & Boning Utility 40.5043.75, Canner & Low Cutter 35.5040.25, Shells down to 30.00. Choice slaughter bullocks 54.50-57.50, Good 50.50- 54.50. Standard 43.5060.25, Utility 37.50- Yield Grade #1 slaughter bulls 48.5063.50, Yield Grade §2 42.5046.50. FEEDER STEERS; Choice feeder steers 56.50-62.50 lbs. Good 52.5065.50 Medium 42.5048.50. Good feeder heifers 52.5068.50, Medium 42.5046.50. Good feeder bulls 52.5065.00, Medium 44.50- 48.50. CALVES 373: Prime Vealers 96.50-107.50', Choice 90.50-98.50, Good 82.50-91.50, Standard & Good 110-130 lbs. 72.50-78.50, 90-110 lbs. •m \"(1 I f r r \ Here’s proof. Results from performance trials throughout the Corn Belt prove that BROOT soil insecticide provides the kind of protection you need for top corn yields. In testing to date, BROOT has been a consistent performer in terms of root ratings and yield response. That’s why BROOT is included in university recom mendations for effective rootworm con trol. So ask your dealer about new BROOT 15GX. He knows that it’s more than just another rootworm insecticide. And once you try BROOT, you’ll know it too. 58.50- 70-90 lbs. 48.50-58.50, Utility at 40.00. FARM CALVES: Holstein Bulls 90-130 lbs. 82.50-116.50, Holstein Heifers 90-130 lbs. 60.50-84.50. HOGS 260: US No. 1-2 200-240 lbs. barrows & gilts 50.25-51.50, No. 1-3 200-240 Ib.s 48.00-49.50, No. 2-3 200 300 lbs. 44.50-48.50. Sows; US No. 1- 3 300-600 lbs. Sows 43.50-48.50 No. 2- 3 300-600 lbs. 38.5042.50. Boars 30.50- Light Weights 34.50 38.50. FEEDER PIGS 36; US No. 1-3 20-40 lbs. 18.50-28.50 per head, No. 1-3 4060 lbs. 29.50-36.50 per head. SHEEP 0: No Sales on Offer. Goats; 5.25.00-35.00 per head. Penns Valley Livestock Centre Hall, Pa. Tuesday, February 14 Report supplied by auction Beef Cows; Utility and Com mercial 39.25-43.60; Cutters 36.60 38.85; Canners 33.1035.25; Shells 25.00. Heifers; Standard 51.5056.50; Commercial 43.00-49.75. Steers: Standardso.sos2.oo. Bulls; Good 51.75-55.75; Stan dard 46.25-51.00. Feeder Cattle; 300500 lbs. large frame 47.0055.00; 300500 lbs. small frame 45.0048.00; 500700 lbs. large frame 47.00-54.00; 500700 lbs. small frame 48.0055.00. Veal Calves: Prime 97.00106.00; Choice 81.0095.00; Good 62.00 78.00; Standard 53.0061.00; Utility 47.0052.00. Farm Calves: Bulls 95.00108.00; Heifers 65.0080.00. Hogs: 45.25-47.50. **^l^ * -v zn o Broot' tn,Mf ImACAPII iN' {( T n iQ> UNION CARBIDE AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS COMPANY INC PO Box 12014 TW Alexander Drive Research Triangle Park NC 27709 BROOT is a trademark of Union Carbide Agricultural Products Company Inc As with any agricultural chemical always following instructions on the label “**’ c*uT«*r ' \s, - i V' \ UNION CARBIDE
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