.VIRGINIA MARKETS Virginia Auction Summary February 2-8 Report supplied by VDA Total of Va. Weekly Feeder Cattle Auction Receipts: 3,945. TREND: steady to $3 lower. Southwestern, Va. Auction Summary February 2-8 STEERS: 300-500 lbs. Medium 1 61.00- Large 1 62.00-73.00; Small 1 55.00-65.00. 500-700 lbs. Medium 1 56.00-68.50; Large 1 57.00- Small 153.00-62.50.700 1000 lbs. Medium 1 54.1063.25; Large 157.5064.75; Small 155.00. HEIFERS: 300500 lbs. Medium 1 48.00-55.50; Large 1 50.0060.50; Small 1 46.00-54.00. 500-700 lbs. Medium 1 45.0058.50; Large 1 46.0057.00; Small 145.0052.00; 700 900 lbs. Medium 1 44.00-54.50; Large 145.5052.00; Small 141.00. Northern Va. Auction Summary February 2-8 STEERS: 300-500 lbs. Medium 1 57.00- Urge 1 60.50-71.50; Small 1 52.50-62.00. 500-700 lbs. Medium 1 56.00-64.00; Urge 1 63.00- Small 1 56.50-66.00. 700- 1000 lbs. Medium 1 55.0(163.00; Urge 1 62.75-63.50; Small 1 51.00- 60.25. HEIFERS; 300-500 lbs. Medium 1 45.00-55.25; Urge 1 48.75-57.00; Small 1 45.5052.00. 500-700 lbs. Medium 1 48.00-54.00; Urge 1 KING’S AUCTION, KIRKWOOD Hay, Straw and Grain Auction Every EVERY TUESDAY 12:00 Located Rt. 472 5 mites south of Quarryville or 6 miles north of Oxford at Shaub's Auction House. No out of state checks ALL TRUCKERS AND FARMERS WELCOME er jj mews [ ftOfc BUYING I STATION j I OPEN TO RECEIVE I | YOUR MARKET HOGS | { AT THE GREEN DRAGON MARKET I * RD 4. EPHRATA, PA 17522 z 1 MILE NORTH OF EPHRATA I ON NORTH STATE STREET. | HOURS MONDAY, TUESDAY, and WEDNESDAY 6:00 A.M. to 11:30 A.M. YOU ARE PAID FOR YOUR HOGS IMMEDIATELY J |Ken & Lois Emery, Proprietors j 215-458-5677 Residence 717-733-9648 Office ? Livestock market and auction news 47.0053.50; Small 144.5048.50.700 900 lbs. Medium 1 46.75-52.00; Large 1 48.0051.50; Small 1 45.00 47.50. Southeast Va. Auction Summary February 2-8 STEERS: 300500 lbs. Medium 1 60.0064.00. 500700 lbs. Medium 56.0061.00. HEIFERS; 300500 lbs. Medium 1 49.0053.00; Large 1 49.0050.00. 500700 lbs. Medium 148.50. Shenandoah Valley Livestock Harrisonburg, Va. Saturday, February 4 Report supplied by auction FEEDER CATTLE; Steers: M&L-l 300500 lbs. 58.0066.00; 500 700 lbs. 60.0063.00; 7001000 lbs. 56.0059.50; Holstein 3001000 44.00 48.00. S-1&M&L-2 500700 lbs. 52.00 60.00. FEEDER BULLS: M&L-l 300- 500 lbs. 57.0(162.00; 500-700 lbs. 49.50-54.50 ; 700-1000 lbs. 43.75-49.00. S-1&M&L-2 300-500 lbs. 58.50-59.50. Heifers: M&L-l 300-500 lbs. 48.00- 52.50 ; 500-700 lbs. 49.50-51.50 ; 700- 800 lbs. 49.00-51.50. S-1&M&L-2 300- 500 lbs. 46.00-49.25 ; 500-700 lbs. 45.00-50.00. STOCK COWS: Beef 280.00- 415.00. U VINTAGE SALES STABLES, INC. ! ! AUCTIONS ■ " 10 miles east of Lancaster, 8 miles west g B of Coatesville on Rt. 30, Paradise, PA. - B L. Robert Frame, Manager _ I For information ■ ■ 717-442-4181 ■ | 215-458-8518 I Kills rats and mice! End O'Rat works fast to kill unwanted rats and mice Completely safe for use around the home farm or factory buildings, End O’ Rat is specifically formulated to appeal to the natural feeding habits of rats and mice And End O' Rat contains Warfarin— for proven effectiveness Put End O' Rat to work (or you today l Distributed by SLAUGHTER COWS Trend: Utility & Commercial 2-4 32.50 41.75. Canner & Cutters 1-3 28.00 32.75. SLAUGHTER BULLS 1 & 2 40.50 47.75. LAMBS Trend: Steady-50 cents lower. High Choice & Prune 59.00; Choice s'. 10; Feeder Lambs Choice 55.0057.00; Slaughter Ewes 10.0020.00. HOGS: US 1-3 200240 lbs. 48.75; Sows 1-3 45.0047.00; Boars 33.00. SLAUGHTER CALVES: Good & Choice 48.0053.00. Compared to Tues: Trading moderate; demand moderate to good for light to moderate of ferings. Choice 3 steers steady, Choice 4 and Good 1.00-1.50 higher; heifer Choice 3 steady, except 1.00 higher on light 400-550 lbs., YG 4 heifers and Goods steady to 1.00, instances 1.50 higher. 19 loads Steer Beef, 29 loads Heifei Beef and 2 loads Cow Beef FOB Omaha. STEER BEEF Choice 3: (4 ) 600-900 lbs. 103.00, (1)600-700 lbs. 103.50. Choice 2 (2 ) 600-700 lbs. 103.00- 104.50. Starting THURSDAY, NOV. 3,1983 Every Thursday at 1 P.M. HAY, STRAW & GRAIN Sold on Commission LOUIS LYONS & SON Consign your cattle and hogs, feeder pigs & calves to Louis Lyons & Son. They offer choice service, excellent sorting & marketing of your livestock. Charles Oilier, Manager Phone 394-7915 Burnell Siegrist - Buyer & Seller Phone 626-8653 personnel END O’ RAT Animal Medic Supply David Laub Manchester, PA Allentown, PA 1-800-632-1831 215-797-6530 Central U.S. Carlot Beef Report Wednesday, February 8 Report supplied by USDA WB, Ohl ng Choice 4.(2) 600900 lbs. 97.50. Good 2-3: (1) 600900 lbs. 101.00. Choice 2-3. (6) 600900 lbs. 98.00 (Holstein). Good 2-3. (3) 600900 lbs. 94.00 (Holstein). HEIFER BEEF Choice 3- (8) 550700 lbs. 101.00; 1 4 ( 500-550 lbs. 98.00; (3) 400500 lbs 96.00. Choice 2: (2) 6007001b5. 100.50. Choice 4 (8) 500700 lbs. 97.00, few 97.50. Good 2-3. (2 ) 550700 lbs. 98.00 99.00; 1 2) 4005501b5. 90.0091.00. BOXED BEEF CUTOUT $106.18/cwt; dn 37 cents f/Tues; $1.20 Iwr l/wk ago, $4.24 hgr t/yr ago. Central U.S. Carlot Pork Report Wednesday, February 8 Report supplied by USDA Trade moderate to fairly active; demand light to moderate on moderate offerings. Loins 14-17 lbs. 1.00-3.00 lower than Monday, 14-17 lbs. retail trim & 17/up lbs. steady to 1.00 lower; picnics 2.00 lower; Boston Butts steady; Hams .50-1.00 lower; Bellies 12-14 lbs. 2.50-3,00 lower than Monday, other weights 1.00 lower. Sales reported on 63 loads of pork cuts & 2 loads of trimmings. LOINS: 4 loads 14-17 lbs. 95.00- 98.00,2 loads 17-22 lbs. 94.00-95.00. WCNICS. 2 loads 4-8 lbs. and 1 load 8/up lbs. 48.00. LEESPORT MARKET & AUCTION, INC. North end of Leesport, PA “WHERE FRIENDS MEET” BERKS COUNTY’S ONLY WEEKLY CATTLE & SWINE AUCTION - aßpflV WEDNESDAY AT 1 P.M. FARMER’S MARKET Every Wednesday, 10 A.M. TO 9 P.M. Garden Fresh Fruits & Vegetables - Bakery Fresh Cakes, Pies and Buns - Butcher Fresh Meats & Cheese - Sporting Goods - Clothing - Furniture - Jewelry - Used Items & Collectibles.- PHONE; 215-926-1307 LEROY WEIST & JOHN WEIST, MORS. ATTENTION CATTLE CONSIGNORS Because of buyer demand beginning Wednesday, February 15th, and every Wed nesday thereafter, we will sell bulls and heifers from 10:00 A.M. until NOON. We will then SELL LOTS OF 5 STEERS OR MORE until all lots are sold. Thereafter, all bulls and heifers remaining as well as steers and cows will be sold. Consign your cattle to us on any Wednesday convenient to you. The demand is good and we will see you then. Walter M. Dunlap and Sons Lancaster Stockyards Tel. (717)397-5136 An Old Line Commission firm Keeping Abreast With The Times BOSTON BUTTS. 1 load 4-8 lbs. 70.00. 2 loads 4-8 lbs. trimmed 83.00. SFAREKIBS; 1 load 3.5/dn lbs. 117.00. HAMS. 6 loads 14-17 lbs. 69.50- 70.00, 20 loads 17-20 lbs. 66.00-67.00, load 68. BELLIES: 5 loads 12-14 lbs. 55.00-56.00,2 loads 14-16 lbs. 56.00. HOG CUTOUT VALUE US 1 $61.43 -1.12; US 2 $59.41, - 1.09; US 3 $57.30 -97 cents, US 4 $54,95-89 cents. Valley Livestock Valley Stockyards Athens, Pa. Monday, February 6 Report supplied by auction Holstein Hfr. Calves to 81.00; Veal Calves 70.00-94.00; Vealer Bull Calves 75.00-109.00; Slaughter Calves 50.00-60.00; Grassers & Feeders 34.00-50.00; Lambs 45.00- 55.50; Sheep 8.00-24.00; Hogs, 200 to 250 43.00-49.50; Sows 37.00-41.00; Boars 32.00-35.00; Pigs 12.0028.00; Heifers 41.00-48.00; Steers no good steers; Steers, feeder 45.0060.00; Bulls 42.0051.50; Cows, utility 38.0041.25; Cows, fat 37.5041.00; Cows, medium 34.00-36.00; Cows, poor or small 25.0033.00; Cattle Market real active; Calf Market higher; Horses small to 210.00; Ponies none; Goats 8.00-60.00; Hay 75.00 per ton; Straw none. Turn East off. Route 61