Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 11, 1984, Image 75
TRUCKS it TRAILERS 'Bl Ford Econoline van 6 cylinder, PS, PB, excellent condition, $4950, 717-733-2873. Aluminum dump trailer, 26', $6,500; Gooseneck cattle trailer, 30', $2,250; Fruehauf cattle trailer. 38’, $1,500 201-859-2616. Stainless Bodie by OMAHA STANDARD Heavy gauge steel sides with deep corrugations for maximum strength The stakeless is available with either 52 or 60' high sides and standard lengths of 18 20 22 and 24' Greater inside width and length Ideal for hauling gram sugar beets bagged or palletized products Hear options include two or three section full opening rear doors and automatic beet or silage gates Complete your Gram Power package with an Omaha Stan dard work-proven hoist Choose from the most complete line of scissor or stabilized Olympic telescopic hoists There san Omaha Standard hoist lor any size Omaha Standard stake less body Compare any of Omaha Standard s full line of steel aluminum or wood gram bodies and rugged hoists you II know why Omaha Standard is the most respected name at work on the farm today FARMERSVILLE EQUIPMENT RD 4, East Farmersville Road Ephrata. PA 17522 Located in the Village of Farmersville, Lancaster County 717-354-4271 maha Standard TRUCKS h TRAILERS 6' wide Automatic Dock Levelers, trailer shelters tor 12' high doors, $250 each 717-927-6564. 'B2 CMC 3500 1 ton cab and chassis for 12' body, 350 auto PB/PS dual tanks, radial tires, 10,000 GVW 17,000 miles $7900. 717-733-2873. INC. TRUCKS it TRAILERS WANTED TO BUY Dry lime spreader equipment. We are interested in spreader boxes with sower bar spreaders. Also pup trailers, 2 & 3 axles, steel and/or aluminum. If you have such equipment and wish to sell Call John C.Dagneau c/o Atlantic Cement Co., Inc. 518-756-6141 or 518-456-0431 NEED CASH? We buy unwanted trucks and parts, scrap aluminum of any kind. Wrecked dumps, vans, flats, tank trailers, etc. Call 717-273-7474 (day), 215-944-9871 (evenings) (50) Four Wheel Drives and Trucks The Eagle's Nest. Rt 850 W. Marysville, PA 717-957- 2566 For Sale -1971 Diamond T tractor, 318, 10 spd , twin screw, wet line and PTO, new paint, $5,000 215-255-5145 1982 Oatsun King Cab pick-up, 4 cylinder, 5 speed; AM-FM Excellent condition, $5,200. 717 733-2873, For Sale 1973 Mack R6OO 237 5 speed maxidme twin screw, nice $11,500. Norman R Shores, RDVS, Towanda, Pa. 18848 717-265-9014. IH trans star, 318 engine. 13 speed, full screw tan dum, sleeper, wet line, bought new (farmer) $5,800. 201-859-2616. 1969 D 1000 Dodge truck, 250 Cummins, re cent overhaul, 10 speed Road Ranger, tandem ax le, air condition and PS, 717-949-3074 1973 City 40’ aluminum flat bed trailer, slider, 22" rubber, very good condi tion, (5,800 717-943-2477 or 717-943-2891. 1973 Int. tandem 549 cubic inch engine. 19Vi’ aluminum bed, 60-90% rubber. RT-6-613 trans., 60,000 mile since major Sell together or separate Asking $12,500 (or both, 814237-0189 1963 Ford C-600, 10’ Omaha grain dump bed, 6 cylinder, 5 speed, 21.000 GVW, 13.000 original miles. New Holland Ford 717-354-4901 TRUCKS h TRAILERS REAL ESTATE Schuylkill County 2 acre lake, snack bar, liquor license, living quarters plus 27 acres, $125,000 Harvey Cresswell Realtor, 717-739-4845 or 717- 874-0147 New York State 80 tie stall farm with 3 silos, 2 houses, located 60 miles southwest Rochester, NY. Financing available to qualified parties. Good selection of other farms, all sizes. Contact Willard Pengelly, Managing Broker, Harris Wilcox Inc Broker, Bergen, NY, 716- 494-1880 490 acres Middletown, PA. area, fertile loam shale soil, excellent location for farm retail market, can be sub divided, Mylm Messick, RE, 717-944-1346. For Sale - farm house - Blue Ball. 4 BR. LR. laundry room, bath, D/K, electric heat and stove, storm windows, garden, $350/Most utilities, security deposit, reference, available now, Box 16. Lititz, PA. 17543. For Rent - 95 acre modern dairy farm, Cumberland County Write Box 366 K -1 do Lancaster Farming. Lititz, Pa. 17543 101 acre Farmette, Pond, Creek, 8 yr. old 3 bedroom Ranch, 2 car garage, appliances, $69,400 ENDLESS Mountain R E. Co (717)596-3228. 1 6 acres land with ranch house. 3 bedrooms, l‘/z baths, kitchen, dining room, living room, den with fireplace and carport. Large work shop and store building for the mechanical minded person Call 717-275- 2367, Danville area Northumberland County Farm For Sale ■ ap proximately 285 acres, 250 tillable, large barn, 2 wells, large stream, Northumberland Co, 5 miles east of Milton, $228,000 plus 200 acres more large house, large barn, adjacent to the above property. 717-275- 1318. FOR SALE by owner New York state finger lake region. Yatef Co. Dairy or cash crop farm. Level to slightly rolling. 260 tillable acres, good corn and alfalfa soil. Dairy barn, 52 comfort stalls. Pipeline milker, 2 silos, heifer barn w/silo. Butler machinery shed. Good 10 room home buildings in good state of repair. Will divide acreage. Financing available. 716-554-3487. BERNVILLE, PENNA- Ap proximately 140 acres of gently rolling farmland - 101 acres tillable, balance woods and low lands. Also includes 14 stall horse barn, show size riding ring, misc. outbuildings and modernized 3 - 5 bedroom brick farmhouse. $266,000.00 CENTURY 21 Sisk & Company, Realtors, call (215) 921-2747. 20-A 3-BR stone dwelling hot water heat, oil wood fired, recreation and den have fireplaces, drapes floor coverings, pavilfion with fireplace, shuf fleboard, fountain for pool springhouse, barn, poultry houses, ponds, 2-car garage, fenced pasture, southern exposure, Lan caster Co., 215-484-2325. SALE OF FARM BY UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. Farm consisting of ap proximately 247 acres. 197 cropland, 20 pasture. 23 woodland, with balance in farmstead and roads. Buildings consist of a modern split level bncK house; 2 story dwelling; loose housing barn, milking parlor and milk house with dariy equip ment removed, bank barn, machine shed, steel silo and concrete stave silo Formerly owned by Wayne M. and Catherine M. Cornell, located in Township of Somerset, County of Somerset. PA. 1 mile north of Fnedens, on LR. 55071 BID DEPOSIT Bid must be accompanied by cash (sent at bidder's risk) certified check, cashier's check, postal money order, bank money order of personal check payable to the Treasurer of the United States, for at least 5% of the total bid. RATES AND TERMS. Cash or terms of not less than a 5% down payment with the remaining balance amortized over a period not to exceed 25 years at 10- J /«% interest. TERMS OF SALE Contact County Super visor. Farmers Home Administration. R.D ffj, Box 359 A, Somerset, PA 15501, for appointment to inspect the farm. Sealed bids are invited and will be accepted until 10:00 AM, March 7, 1984, at the Farmers Home Ad ministration, R D #5, Box 359 A, Somerset, PA. and will be opened publicly at 10:00 AM the same date and place. The Govern ment reserves the right to reiect any or all bids. This farm will be sold without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin or marital status. For further information and to obtain bid forms contact Farmers Home Administration, R.D >5. Box 359 A, Somerset, PA. 15501, Telephone (814) 445-8914 For Rent - 67 acres near Manheim. Approx 40 tillable. 717 299-0421 Perry Co. Farm with year round strong flowing spr ing. A real potential for water bottling operation. Also a second spring. Both located on front part of property with easy access Total of 102 acres woodland and open land Back part partrally developed for 199 site RV Park with underground utility lines to each site Farmhouse, barn, and hog pen Close to Little Buffalo State Park Call Charlie Wolgemuth at Jack Gaughen. Realtor. 717-534-1302 After hours, 534-1642 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 11,1984—835 REAL ESTATE NORTHERN NEW YORK. LEWIS COUNTY, 448 acres, 275 tillable, much of it prime alfalfa land, 72 stall barn with pens and calf stalls plus 33 free stalls with bunk feeder and 3 silos, approx. 130 head of cattle with approx. 65 milkers, full line of machinery, large house with 4-5 bedrooms and attached garage plus house trailer with room added. Phone 315-376- 6142 or 315-642-3243 after 6 pm. WANTED TO RENT-Farm approx. 200 acres SE Pa OR land in Lehigh Co for hay and straw production, (215)965-9629. Owner would like to sell cattle and machinery, and lease 300 acre, 40 cow farm with option to buy, to qualified buyer, 607-359- 3921. LAND FOR SALE “Up to 100 acres located 16 miles from William sport and/or 3Vi miles from Jersey Shore, Pa Wooded land in Lycoming County, one of States best Areas (or hunting. Fronts on Hwy. 44, available with access road into property. $750 per acre. Inquire to P.O. Box 901, Wmspt., Pa 17703 Call 717-322- 7120." 185 acre dairy farm before it was changed to hog set up. Huntingdon Co., 30,000 bushel gram storage, truck scale, 100 acres tillable, part nice level creek bottom land, 9 room house, 2 extra houses available, 814- 447-3615. For Sale - 194 acre general farm, all tillable, excellent land, newly remodeled house, ideally located. Franklin Co., call Parksburg, 215-857- 3460. Farm for sale - 147 acres, 40 stalls, two barns, silo, 12 miles from Elk ML, Susq. County, 717-222- 3928. 165 acres dairy farm, 140 head free stall barn, 12 cow herringbone milking parlor, 2 remodeled houses, Franklin Co., price $340,000, Coldwell Banker Feldman Realtors, Dolores Brake sales associations, 717-263- 9271 Home 717-369- 2500 183 acre dairy farm. Large stone house, stone summer house, dairy barn with 57 stalls, barn cleaner, block milk house, equipment shed, 12x60 silo Near Shartlesville Berks Co Ask about owner financing. Cattle and milking equipment can be negotiated with te nant Call Horning Farm Agency, Inc 215-286-5183 For Sale by owner Beautitul stone farm house, 5 acres, pasture w/rail fence, more acreage available if wanted. Southern Lancaster Co 717-529-2571 Farm For Sale -143 acres, 135 tillable, large farm house and shed, 9 miles southwest of Danville, Montor Co., $145,000, 717-275-1318. 145 acre farm w/4 bedroom house and horse barn in Williamsport area Call 717-745-7742, evenings For Sale - Farrowing to finish operation, 300 ft modern barns, butcher shop, nice two story brick house with pond and 30 acres Will finance 9Vz%. 717-632-6968, Adams County. Wanted to Rent - Dairy farm m Franklin Co in Spring 1984 Reply to Lancaster Farming, Box 366, L-18, Lititz. PA 17543 Farm For Rent Farrowing to finish operation, 300 foot modern barns, butcher shop, nice two story brick home with pond and 10 acres pasture Reasonable rent starting, $395.00 per month 717- 632-6968, Adams County REAL ESTATE For Sale - 194 acres lime stone farm, 164 tillable, Franklin Co. Pnone 717- 532-4231. FLU FREE. Layer farm, Adams Co. 22,400 auto layer house, beef or dairy barn, 20 x 70 Fickes Silo. Large brick home, nice setting on 91 Acres. Good income potential here for $225,000. investment. F -3162-1 KEY REAL ESTATE, (717) 632-6400 or 632-3468 Rodgers FOR RENT farmette near Fleetwood Pennsylvania modernized spacious 3 bedroom home, 5 acres farmland, outbuildings, garage, produce stand as lucrative business, $6OO monthly, (215) 373-7533 RON HECKMAN'S REAL ESTATE. 91 acres with trailer, drilled well, septic system and electricity. Great hunting and fishing, 3 miles from Tioga Ham mond Dam. Owner finance Owner may consider trading for a 3 bedroom home in Nor theast Philadelphia or lower Bucks Co. 717-835- 5140. Two adjoining farms - (1) 265 acres, 70 stall barn, 2 silos with unloaders, 1500 gal. tank, pipeline. 2 cleaners. 2 tool sheds, 2 car garage, 4 bedroom home. 107 acres, 2 silos with unloaders, drilled well and shed. Hard road. Could be sold separately. Bradford County. 717-364-5529 FARM FOR SALE Located in Springfield Township, Bradford Co. on black top road 125 acres - 60 tillable - farm for 25 head, 2 wooden silos, 2 drilled wells and a 9 room house. Good hunting, close to schools, churches, hospital and park. Phone 717-297- 3362 or 717-297-2936. 98 acres of level land, large bank barn, 2 houses, $120,000,717-392-1177 Western Pennsylvania Dairy Farm lor rent, also equipment for sale 412-459-6799 Farm for sale- 103 acre dairy farm, all clear, 24 stanchion milking barn, pipeline milker, 42 stan chion loafing barn, 40x50 calf barn, 2 silos, automatic feeders, 30x64 machine shed, 3 bedroom rancher, off Rt. 15 South of Gettysburg. $175,000, 717-334-0292 For Spring Sale - 225 acre farm, Finger Lakes region. 130 acres tillable, stream, woods. 54 stanchion and tie stall barn, 2 silos, pipeline, 800 gal. tank, 8 room remodeled house, good milk market, $200,000 Cows and machinery extra 315-364 8846 For Sale by owner • 44 acre farm, Lititz area, 4 bedroom home, barn, silos, layer house, other buildings. Financing available to qualified buyer Write Box 366 L-13, Lancaster Farming, Lititz, Pa 17543 Farm for sale - located on Rts. 522, Decatur Twp., Mifflin Co. approx 91 acres. 75 tillable, two 2 story frame houses, bank barn, ideal for Christmas tree plantation, orchard or farming. Priced to sell 717-374-9125 evenings. 139 acre dairy and poultry farm Room for 60 cows 40x400 2 story house now raising turkeys Old farmhouse and new 4 bedroom home. Beautiful view over looking Sus quehanna River, Sail Calvin Leckill, Dauphin Co.. 717-896-8766 97 acre dairy farm, 3-year old free stall heifer barn, 2 silos, 4-year old machinery building, 9-room home. 56 cow barn $95,000 717 673-5945 205 9 acres of land. 150 plus acres open, the rest is woodland Road fron tage Chester Co , East and West Nantmeal Township and Wallace Township 215-942-3154