Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 11, 1984, Image 7
Livestock market and auction news Frederick Co. Hay Buckeystown, Md. Thursday, February 9 Report supplied by auction 88 loads; market weak to 20.00 lower on hay and 10.00 lower on straw Alfalfa 8 good to fancy 127.50 150.00 ; 9 fair to good 100.00-120.00; 4 dark or stemmy 90.00-98.00; limothy 10 good to fancy 102.50 187,50; 10 fair to good 87.00-98.00; Mixed Hay 13 fair to good 72.50 101.00; Bromegrass 3 90.00-94.00; Orchard Grass dark 45.00-71.00; Stubble Hay 65.00; Straw 18 60.00 78 00, round locust posts 1.20-2.75 each, Firewood 5 65.00-77.50 a uiid Greencastle Livestock Greencastle, Pa. Monday, February 6 Report supplied by auction CATTLE: Butcher Steers- Choice 66.00-70.85; Medium Good 53.00- Butcher Heifers - Choice 63.00-70.50; Medium Good 46.00- Butcher Cows- Utility- Good 37.00-43.00; Canners and BUTLER FOODS INC. We will receive your market hogs New Winter Hours * 8 AM - 12:45 PM Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays Located at the Vintage Sales Stables, Paradise, PA You wilt be paid immediately. No commission or yard fees deducted. Reduced waiting time. Premium prices are paid for extra fancy hogs. Call Ed Herrmann for daily market quotations 717-442-4742 LESS LABOR VERY SANITARY SCOTT SECHLER Cutters 34.00-41.50; Shells 34.00 and down. Butcher Bulls- Medium Good 44.00-59.00. Stock Steers- Medium Good up to 65.00. Stock Heifers- Medium Good up to 53.50. CALVES: Medium-Good Calves -160-220 lbs. 80.00-95.00; 125-160 lbs. 70.00-85.00; 100-120 lbs. 55.00-75.00; 80-100 lbs. 45.00-65.00. Holstein Bull Calves- up to 108.00. Holstein Heifer Calves- up to 71.00. Light and Green Calves- down to 40.00. SHEEP AND LAMBS: Medium- Good Lambs up to 56.00. But chering Ewes and Bucks up to 19.00. HOGS; Good-Choice Butcher Hogs- 190-225 lbs. 48.00-51.00 ; 225- 250 lbs. 50.50-51.50. Good-Choice Butcher Sows- 400 lbs., down up to 47.00; 400 lbs., up up to 49.25. Heavy Boars up to 34.25. Pigs- Per Head 5.00-33.00. Morrison Cove Livestock Martlnsburg, Pa. Monday, February 6 Report supplied by auction CATTLE 298: High Choice & Prime slaughter steers 67.50-68.75, Choice 63.5065.75, Good 60.5062.50, Standard 52.50-58.50, Utility 42.50 For quotations of next week's PA WATTS NUMBER 800-342-2249 SECHLER'S POULTRY, INC. ATTENTION CUMBERLAND CO. ijßjjllth FARMERS Lookinglii For Quality Hogs Every Wednesday HATFIELD PACKING CO. BUYING STATION AT CARLISLE LIVESTOCK MARKET Exit 12,181, Carlisle, PA Top Select Price on #1 & 2 Hogs 210 - 245 lbs. We will receive your hogs from 7 A.M until 11A.M. Your hogs will be weighed & paid for immediately There will not be a commission or yard age fee You may call our office Wednesday morning for base price Please give us a chance to market your hogs FOR INFORMATION CALL 717-993-6130 call collect 215-488-7617 Buyers of Leghorn Fowl Box G, Strausstown, PA 19559 RICHARD SECHLER 50.25. Choice slaughter heifers 63.50- Good 58.50-61.50, Standard 50.50-56.25, Utility 42.50 48.50. Breaking Utility & Com mercial slaughter cows 42.5045.75, Commercial 40.25-41.75, Cutter & Boning Utility 37.5040.50, Canner & Low Cutter 32.50-38.50, Shells down to 25.00. Choice slaughter bullocks 52.50-56.50, Good 50.25- 52.50. Standard 43.5048.50, Utility 38.50- Yield Grade #1 slaughter bulls 50.50-56.50, #2 43.50 48.50. FEEDER CATTLE; Choice feeder steers 52.5060.50, Good 48.50-54.50, Medium 38.5046.50. Good feeder heifers 52.50-58.50, Medium 38.5046.50. Good feeder bulls 50.50-54.50, Medium 42.50 46.50. CALVES 368: Prime vealers 92.50- Choice 84.50-91.50, Good 75.50-81.50, Standard & good 110-130 lbs. 60.50-72.50, 90-110 lbs. 52.50- 70-90 lbs. 50.50-58.50, Utility at 40.00. FARM CALVES: Holstein Bulls 90-130 lbs. 72.50-110.50, Hoi. Heifers 90-130 lbs. 62.50-87.50. HOGS 362; US No.l -2 200-240 lbs. barrows and gilts 51.50-52.75, No. 1- 3 200-240 lbs. 50.5051.75, No. 2-3 200 250 lbs. 48.5050.75. US No. 1-3 300 600 lbs. sows 44.5048.50, No. 2-3 300 600 lbs. 40.5043.50. Boars 30.00 32.50, lightweights 32.5040.50. FEEDER HOGS 69: US No. 1-3 2040 lbs. feeder pigs 16.5024.50 per head, No. 1-3 4060 lbs. 24.5034.50 per head. SHEEP 3: Good 90120 lbs, wooled slaughter lambs 48.5055.00. One Slaughter ewe at 22.00. GOATS 12:18.0048.00 oer head Four States Livestock Hagerstown, Md. Wednesday, February 1 Report supplied by auction SLAUGHTER: Fed Steers- Mostly Steady. Choice 62.00-64.75; Good 57.00-61.00; Medium 56.00 down. Heifers - Choice 60.00-62.75; Good 55.00-59.00; Medium 54.00 down. Cows - Large Run 1.00 to 2.00 lower. High Yield- 40.00-43.00; Average 36.00-39.00; Big Middle 32.00- Fatty Herf. 31.00-34.00; Shelly 33.00 down. Fat Bulls - Few 55.25-59.25. Good 46.00-48.00; Medium 42.00-45.00. Veal Calves- Mostly steady, Farm Calves 3.00 higher. Choice 80.00-85.00; Good 70.00- Medium 60.00-69.00; Farm Hfrs to 62.00; Farm Bulls to 105.00. Light & Weak 42.00 down. Lambs- Steady. Good Heavy Wts. 50.00- STOCKER; Steers 300-550 Ibs.- Steady with last week. Choice 60.00- Good 55.00-59.00; Medium 50.00-54.00; Culls 49.00 down. Steers 600-850 lbs.- Choice 57.00- Good 53.00-56.00; Medium 52.00 down. Heifers (All Weights)- Choice 48.00-50.50; Good 44.0047.00; Medium 43.00-down. Bulls- Choice 60.00-65.50; Good 53.00- Medium 52.00 down. Springing Heifers- to 545.00. Pigs Hd.- Good run, steady prices. 20-30 lbs. 11.00-26.00; 4060 lbs. 27.00- 33.50. Shoats by lb.- to 42.00. Slaughter Hogs-1.50 lower. 215-230 lbs. 49.00-50.10 ; 240-260 lbs. 49.00- 49.50; 195-210 lbs. 47.7549.00. Sows -450650 lbs. 43.0047.75 ; 300400 lbs. 47.0042.00. G&M Livestock Monday, February 6 Duncansville, Pa. Report supplied by auction SLAUGHTER CATTLE: Steers- Choice 64.00-69.00, Good 58.00- prices NELSON LEGG 64.00. Standard 52.00-58.00; Utility 46.00-52.00. Heifers- Choice 64.00- Good 56.00-64.00; Standard 50.00-56.00; Utility 42.00- 50.00. Cows- Choice 39.0041.00, couple 44.00 and 45.50, one at 49.25; Good 37.00-39.00; Standard 35.00- 37.00; Utility 33.00-35.00; Cutters 30.00- Canners down to 24.00. Bulls 1200-2075 lbs. 48.00-59.00; 900- 1100 lbs. 44.00-54.00. FEEDER CATTLE: Steers- Choice 300-600 lbs. 52.0062.00. Heifers- Choice 300600 lbs. 44.00- 56.00. CALVES: Vealers- Prime and High Choice 90.00-103.00; Good and Choice 70.00-90.00; Standard 50.00- 70.00; Utility down to 35.00. Farm Calves- Holstein bulls 90-120 lbs. 80.00-107.00; Heifers 90-130 lbs. 60.0062.50. HOGS: Barrows and Gilts 210- 250 ibs. 49.00-51.90; 170-300 lbs. 46.0050.00; Sows 300675 lbs. 40.00- 49.25; Boars 28.00-35.00. FEEDER PIGS: 25-35 lbs. 16.00- 24.00 per head; 35-50 lbs. 24.00- 33.00. SHEEP: Slaughter lambs 70-90 lbs. 53.00-05.00; Ewes none. GOATS; 10.00-25.50. New Holland Sales Stables Wednesday, February 8 Report supplied by auction Reported receipts of 69 cows, 24 heifers, and 7 bulls. Market steady. Load of PA Fresh cows 650.00- 975.00. Load of Canada Fresh cows 660.00-1125.00; springers 600.00- 935.00. Load of PA Fresh cows 675.00- 925.00. Load of Frankling Co. Fresh cows 1000.00-1025.00; springers 830.00-900.00. Locally consigned cows 450.00- 880.00. Springing heifers 480.00-720.00. Bulls 325.00-525.00. LESS DOA'S LESS COND. New Holland Dairy FEEDER PIGS & CATTLE Best of Quality BOYCE LIVESTOCK CO., INC. Shelbyville, Tenn 615-294-5121 808 BOYCE 615-294-5301 BEEFALO FOR SALE -Semen in stock -Vs, *4,7/8 animals BEEFALO N&J 4270 Quakerbridge Rd. Princeton, NJ 08540