Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 11, 1984, Image 64
B24—Lancaster Fuming, Saturday, February 11,1984 QAiomcn Societies Lancaster Society 1 Lancaster Society 1 met recently at the home of Mrs. John Newcomer and heard State Con vention reports. A moment of silence and prayer were observed in memory of deceased member, Mrs. James Roth. It waa announced that State Guaranteed Replacement Value You need to be protected against fire or other catastrophes Your insurance should guarantee replacement value of your possessions For a free review of your current insurance, call one of our agents today. i BAILEY INSURANCE SfeIMANAGEMENT, INC. ' 221 Locust St. Oxford PA AKRON INS. ASSOC. v " 100 S 7th St, Akron, PA 717-627-5141 /#V OMGmrd \ aSrl MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY 717-656-7471 \ M I. / 2929 Lititz Pike •P 0 Box 3010 THRUSH INSURANCE AGENCY Lancasater Pennsylvania 17604 112 State St, Millville PA Phone (717) 569 5361 717-458-6307 C 3^ct/im Farm Women’s Day will be Oct. 14. Mrs. David Fyock instructed the group in the art of shadow applique embroidery. The next meeting will be March 3 at 12:15 p.m. at the Farm and Home Center. The group will entertain Society 28. Lancaster Society 6 Lancaster Society 6 met Feb. 4 at the home of Eva Parrett and heard reports on the State Convention. MpmhPre mnHp rnlpnflnpcs which Lancaster Society 24 The home of Dorothy Witmer, New Holland, was the scene of the recent meeting of Lancaster Society 24. Ruth Shultz read the by-laws and Berks Society 7 Berks County Dairy Princess Connie Ohlinger spoke to 11 members of Berks Society 7 at the home of Grace M. Bare, Sinking Spring R 5. Plans were made for the Farm Women Adult Farmer Banquet to S?fQA/S. CaQrWofi Tuesday, Feb. 14 Lebanon Society 5 will meet for a •'9® Rt A r V R 1 BUILDING SI • Prices Subject To Change Without Notice • Delivery Available At Extra Charge Treated Timbers 4x6 6x6 Dimension Lumber 2x4 2x6 #lO O ASS 68 ] PRE-HUNG SERVICE DOORS Turn Upside down, Turn Inside Out, All Out Of The Same 80x... ONE DOOR DOES THE WHOLE JOB! will be given with Meals on Wheels in Elizabethtown on Valentine’s Day. Some were also made for shut-in members. constitution of Farm Women, and secret sisters were revealed. The next meeting will be Feb. 28 at the home of Cindy Yingling, Hobson Road. be held March 1 at 7 p.m. at Conrad Weiser School, Robesonia. A bakeless bake sale will take place at the next meeting on Feb. 29 at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Mae Gelsinger, Wernersville Rl. Valentine’s Day party night will be the program, Saturday, Feb. 18 Ixincaster Society 3 meets at Barb Wenger’s for a program by Trooper Romaine Edwards on Ixidy Beware.” Ixincaster Society 18 will entertain Society 12 for lunch at the Farm and Home Cenlei METAL PRODUCTS & BUILDING SUPPLIES Full Line of Accessories Also Available 12’ 10' Ml.OO *B.BO 18' 16’ ’4.36 ’3.88 *6.53 »5.72 #4O 0 W 3 RED ROSE DELIVERS ul 1 Diamond Embossed 18’ 16’ 14’ *10.70 *13.30 *12.10 *25.30 '17.60 *22.00 BIGG FRAME AND BIGG FRAME II SLIDING DOORS Build Bigger & Strongei Doors! Plus... Track and Also Available. RED ROSE BUILDING SUPPLY CO. P.O. Box 56, Ephrata, Pa. 17522 Call Collect - 717-738-2401 4-H Dairy Club HARRISBURG - The re organization meeting of the Lower Dauphin County 4-H Dairy Club met recently at the Lower Dauphin Vocational-Ag Room. A Farm Show report was given by Jason Horner, Teresa Hepner, Cheryl Miller, and Tina Campbell from their Farm Show showing ex periences. Discussion on Bradford County exchange concluded that the corresponding secretary should write to them inviting the Bradford Club to visit this year. New officers were elected. They are; President; Teresa Hepner, Vice President: Galen Lehman, Recording Secretary: Tina Campbell, Corresponding Secretary: Erin McNamara, Treasurer: Cheryl Miller, News Reporter: Michelle Mock, Photographer; Scott Longer, Scrapbook: Maria Hepner, Refreshments: Brenda Oellig, Entertainment; KevinShope. The next meeting will be February 20th, at the Lower Dauphin Vo-Ag Room at 7:30 p.m., featuring the Hoards Dairyman judging contest and a film on selecting a dairy calf. Joy-Ann Kopp will show her completed 1983 scrap book and then turn it over to the new scrap book chairperson, Maria Hepner. Each 4-Her will be encouraged to update their project books, and promote dairy products, and bring a new in terested member. Fun DISTRIBUTOR For former Kaiser weatherstrong roofing and siding now rolled by'McElroy Metal Mill. DIAMOND EMBOSSED And Available in Brown, Sunset Gold, Meadow Green, Ranch Red, White and Buckskin Tan. & Siding 10’ *17.05 Aluminum 13’6” *19.00 24’ 22' 20’ ‘21.79 *32.97 *45.60 ‘38.41 ACCOM WINDOWS Heavy Alum. Frame, Self Flashed J-Channel - Ready to Install 46"x27” M 2’ 1 46”x40" *57“ 16’ 14’ 12’ ‘27.20 *23.08 ‘24.46 21*9" 18’9" 157” *32.13 *27.72 *23.03 28' 26’ ‘75.34 *BO.OO